Need help with Costco aids

Nice, what model specifically?

Hearlink 9030 MNR T R with medium receivers

Hey Martin, unfortunately those are the previous generation. I’m looking for the 9040 (RIC models) specifically. Thanks.

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What is the HearAdvisor lab?

My wife would kill me if I gave up my Jabras for even a few hours. :grinning:


I didn’t realize that they had changed models since her previous purchase. She claims the new 9040s are much better. I thought it was placebo effect. I guess I need to pay more attention to what she says.

I have the resound Jabra Enhance Pro PM they are about a year old,

What is the testing all about?

Remember that there is a search functionality in the forum (the magnifying glass icon on the top right corner)

To learn more about HearAdvisor, read our whitepaper or watch our video. For you data heads, check out some radar plots

Thanks very much for the links. Much appreciated!

Abram, unless I’m misinterpreting the graphs - and I well may be - some of the OTC products got very impressive results, rivaling or exceeding traditional hearing aid brands. Sony in particular seems to have done very well in these tests. Am I getting that right?

This HearAdvisor deserves its own thread.

Yes, that’s right, but keep in mind Sony is made by a big 5 manufacturer and the target hearing loss (mild to mod) for HearAdvisor’s tests is something that OTCs can cope with. If we pushed beyond mild to mod we’d start to see the OTCs become less and less effective.

Since WS can get these results for Sony, why not with Widex?

Abram, you tested 37 devices and selected 13 for awards. I can’t find a list anywhere of the other 24 devices you tested or what their scores were. Did I miss that?

Hearing affects us and our families. You’re comment resonated with me.

Thanks for posting.

Things are a bit delicate right now with the lab, and we opted not to name and shame while the industry gets used to our work. However, if you look around on HT a bit you can find some of the products that didn’t make it. Some of the aids tested were also through private lab work, and we give 90 days from final test before we make any data public (they also have a chance to submit for re-test within that period, if they make any fixes to their hearing aids)… so more will come online in the coming months.

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Completely understand. Thank you, Abram. :slightly_smiling_face: