My Jabra Enhance Pro 20 review

I haven’t read all the posts in this thread, so I apologize if somebody already suggested this, but I had terrible call quality (for person on the other end) when I was using the LE audio connection. When I turned it off and just used Bluetooth, everything sounded fine to them and I haven’t had any any complaints since.

I’m about to get MIE installed on my Enhance Pro 20s. I have quite narrow (and short?) ear canals, they have told me. I hope the addition of the mic to the line-up of stuff attached to the dome that goes into the ear will not be more than I have comfortable room for. Does anyone have any idea about this? I’ll learn more in 2 weeks when I get the installation.

I would hope your Costco HCP can advise you on this. It probably makes a difference if your canal takes a sharp turn, too. The receiver is supposed to go far enough into the ear canal that the M&RIE mic is just at the opening of your ear canal. My left ear canal is short and narrow and takes a sharp turn. I have custom ReSound molds, and the M&RIE mics protrude out of my ear canals a little bit, about at the end of my tragus, whereas the ideal place is about the opening of the intertragic notch in terms of depth in the ear canal. I still think the sound is excellent, have a good sense of sound localization, and get pretty good wind suppression compared to the sound from the mics on the bodies of my Omnias, which are selectively on, the M&RIE mics off, in Front Focus mode.

Perhaps for someone wearing domes, the receivers can be inserted further in the ear. Don’t know if a power dome works for you, but with your loss, custom molds might do the best job of preventing feedback from the M&RIE mics and retaining bass in your ear canals. I hope your HCP gives good advice and allows you to go back to standard receivers at no charge if you don’t like the M&RIE mics. My audi told me switching out would be no problem, but I paid for custom molds to try the M&RIE receivers.


Me too. I think it’s worth the risk that I might not like them. Money means nothing in the world of hearing care, right?

Ummm, I’ve been told there are many Michael Grossman’s. I think I’m one of the others in this case. Growing up there was a girl whose dad’s name was Michael Grossman. He passed away when I graduated college, half my friends go lt scared and thought it was me.

I hear custom molds are fairly inexpensive at Costco

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We always enjoyed Otto’s visits back when he came to America for business deals

Thank you for all of this information, Jim !! :pray:

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I’ve payed $35 a piece at Costco for custom molds.


Hearing on the Accessibility widget. Many times when I open the widget, it not “all there”, that is, many of the functions don’t appear. I need to restart my iPhone 8 to fix it. Quite annoying. Sometimes this is true even when it’s been a cold start.

Maybe you need to check with ReSound or Jabra as to whether your iPhone 8 and whatever version of iOS it’s running are still compatible with the HAs you have now.

That’s likely it. Another reason to update my iPhone! Thx.

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Great report. Which dones are you using?

I am getting ready to get a new pair of hearing aids. Had a pair from Miracle Ear years ago but never liked them and finally gave up. Hearing has been getting worse and I just want to be able to hear a conversation now and the. One of the things I hated about the ME hearing aids was digging them out of my ear every time I answered the phone.

I started looking again because I ran into someone that had bluetooth on his hearing aids and was able to get calls on them. My research has lead me to Jabra but from what I am seeing they only work with iPhone? I have an Android phone and really don’t want to have to change over to iPhone.

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Here’s some compatibility listings. Jabra Enhance Pro Compatibility | Jabra Support

Not true. The Jabras work great with Android phones. The only thing you don’t get is “hands free” calling, so you have to talk into your phone’s microphone when on a call. I don’t mind this at all because I like people being able to see that I’m on my phone and not just talking into the air like some sort of nutjob. :grinning:


And, you still hear the call through the HAs with Bluetooth on. There is also an option in the fitting software to let you answer the call by tapping one of your ears. I find this very convenient as I keep my phone in my vest pocket so I do not have to quickly fumble for it…I have a few moments before reaching for the phone. And they can usually hear me well enough with the phone in the vest pocket. I hear them great though the hearing aids.

I have a Galaxy S23 and I like the stability of the ASHA Bluetooth protocol on my phone. I think that is what your Android needs to be compatible with the Jabra Enhance Pro 20s. But check the link in the previous post.

My partner, who also has the EP 20s and a Galaxy S24, is on the phone for hour long calls a lot. She wants to be able to leave her phone down while she does things…like typing or dishes. She has the Phone Clip+ which gives her total hands free. She wears the tiny thing around her neck and can put her phone down to talk. Me, I am happy without the Phone Clip+.

I am really glad I got the Jabra EP 20s with my Android.

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Just got the Jabra Enhanced pro 20 battery 13.
I have a few gripes.

  1. Will not pair with smart Bluetooth TV’s other than phone. Need to buy TV streamer for plus $200
  2. Does not provide hands free calling with Samsung S10E Phone, Need to upgrade to Samsung S23 or newer, cost $800
  3. Do not have tap control to start stop streaming or answer phone, Needs phone upgrade.
  4. Does not have center volume beep to tell when you are back to normal setting.
  5. Does not have step monitor/ health monitor.

My Kirkland KS10 ( by Phonak ) did all of these things. Have yet to do the restaurant test.
Around the house I don’t see ( hear) a big difference.
Went to the Jarbra for a battery type. I stream all day and KS 10’s were dead by 8 PM. Also the rechargeables were hassle when camping. For now I have to use the KS10 to watch TV quietly, or have hands free calling when traveling or want my hands free while on the phone. Its a bit of a pain in the pa-toot.

These all seem to be things that you should have checked out beforehand with Costco or wherever you made your purchase. Especially owning an Android device. Most of the major HA OEMs, including ReSound, made their recent model HAs (since 2014) principally as iOS (MFI) devices. That had a big effect on HA wearer phone ownership. Back in 2018 when I got ReSound Quattros, something like 75% of HA wearers were iPhone users because of the benefits of MFI. Only then, with the Marvels, IIRC, did Phonak join the BT party with its special form of “improved” classic BT. If you want classic BT connections, your only choice is Phonak or an intermediary bridge device, such as you point out for the TV streamer.

Sounds like you have a bad case of Negativity Bias, focusing on the negatives to such a degree you can’t see any positives.

Breaking the Negativity Chain | Psychology Today

If you want classic BT connectivity without buying any accessories, Phonak is your only option and will cost you a lot more than the things you complain about having to buy to upgrade your experience.

I switched from Android to iPhone to be able to use an Apple Watch for health and fitness monitoring. I can run the ReSound Smart 3D app on my Apple Watch and have almost all the control features available in the app on my iPhone (you do have to be within BT range of your iPhone for the app to work on the watch).

Phonak Infinio Sphere is brand-new, will probably be outrageously expensive (reduced price through, but in my limited understanding, the Sphere offers both classic BT connectivity and BT LE Audio capability and if the PR holds up, could be head and shoulders above other HAs currently on the market. Don’t hold your breath for a Costco version, though…

The Audeo Spheres are available from Here is the answer from an online chat:

Hello, we do not sell Phonak online. You would need to see a provider first, then we would assist with purchasing the hearing aids with your insurance. They are $2250/per aid without insurance.


You can buy Audeo Sphere from and it is much less than $4,500