Long term HA user and having ups and downs with Paradise Naida P90 aid. Has anyone on board had moisture issues with these new power aids? And I’m talking moisture issues while using an aid dryer most nights. I just replaced a two year old aid dryer and am now back with new Global II dry and store with brik insert. Not the end of the world but starting to wonder if Paradise Naida P90 aids might have some improper aid/body design or defective parts that fail if limited moisture enters aid. On a scale from one to ten, with ten being extremely careful in protecting aids from moisture I’m probably a nine or ten. In late spring, summer and fall I dry aids every night in dryer/uv light. I don’t wear aids outside when working in high humidity, nor in rain, etc. With other aids I’ve have very little moisture issues over a three, four, five year periods. Now with other aids I’ve had an acrylic ear mold with wire connection or worn aids completely in outer ear or ear canal. But with new Paradise Naida P90’s I have (first time) silicone ear molds and also plastic tubing connected to aid ear hook.
So the question is will power aids with silicone ear molds and tubing create a higher level of moisture issues versus other ear molds or aids? I’m pretty sure the answer is no since BTE aids are all pretty much the same be it an acrylic ear mold or silicone. Plastic tubing might make a difference but you would think an aid dryer routinely would remove any moisture. In previous ear molds (as with Paradise) I do have a very small air vent, which seem a non-factor as far as moisture collection.
Also starting to wonder since Phonak has already replaced certain aid parts and then issued completely new aids, if maybe the moisture card is being used to possibly cover us some other issue with aids. I’ve had two ear hooks replaced and also microphone, with aids being only 4 or 5 months old. Guess I will see if the Global II dry and store dryer improves things - since it flat out the warmest dryer on the market and also the longest hourly operating - 8 hours versus 2.5 for other aid dryers. If that doesn’t take care of the moisture problem - nothing will.