MacOS Sonoma and Hearing Aids (MFi)

No that not true because you need to connect in iOS settings, not in the app. It should register/pair without the app installed

ok, way off topic here.

If you want to stream music or any sounds to Sonnet you need 2 things:

  1. App - AudioKey2
  2. Accessories - Audiostream or AudioLink
    Only Cochlear doesnt need accessories or apps for that

You don’t need the app to pair with audioStream.

Yes you need it lol :smiley:

there you go

It is actually optional to pair with the app. you can actually pair it without the app itself. Go to the iOS setting app → accessibility → hearing devices … It is a nice feature that you can pair without going to the setting app involved. I am trying to put a stop on the misinformation you are providing that you need the app to pair with maciOS.

Edit: previously said: when there is no app exist for it… @CyborgGhost pointed out there is an app for it but it is not designed for macOS

Doesnt exit? Then why i have it? - i downloaded it from AppStore
Do you even have Sonnet or other processor from MEDEL? If you have it and your method worked then good for you. I just tried and for me it doesnt work… :frowning:

I stand by my statement that you don’t need the app.The tricky part is that you need to put the MFI device in pairing mode

Oh wow i take it back. Worked for iPhone :clap:
Doesnt work for MacBook :frowning:

:slight_smile: i told you so haha :slight_smile:

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Because MFI protocol is broken on macOS beta, you need to wait just like the rest of us :slight_smile:

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Can we check somewhere when there will be next beta update?

I believe it will be fixed in public beta . the second beta is mostly for developers that develop software, not for public consumption,
What was changed from beta 1 and 2 are basically security update and critical bug fixes for the develop software


Why are the batteries so big? :scream::see_no_evil:

haha thats illusion. Thats not THAT big :smiley: your ear completely covers it

I understand your point, I think. The iPhone app needs to be running and connected to the HAs for the watch app to work. Since MFi HAs (at least my Oticon Reals) have problems even holding two simultaneous BT connections (e.g iPad and iPhone), I suspect having an independent watch to HA connection would just cause even more problems.

Today, beta 3 is here! Still same problem…


I can also confirm that it’s still not working in beta 3.

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No go in beta 3 as others have said. I reported the issue again to Apple via the Feedback application and this morning got “investigation complete - unable to diagnose with current information”

If we want this fixing we MUST all report it to Apple. Please do this.

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Most likely this will not work, for the reason that the bluetooth adapter built into the laptop is not configured or does not support the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) profile.