Link for Philips HearSuite (fitting for HearLink 90xx HAs from Costco)?

Subject says it all – is a link to HearSuite available?

It is available, you no doubt know you’ll need the Noahlink wireless.

I am also looking for the Philips HearSuite software download link. It use to be in the Philips web site but download link have now been removed. Is anyone able to help by making the last know working version of the HearSuite software?

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available but you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for any DIY projects.

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Thanks for your reply. I just got my Philips 9040 HA and was always intending to program them for feature changes but I cannot find the HearSuite download link anymore. I intend to order a Noahlink wireless programming device if I can download the software. I don’t want to buy the Noahlink first in case I cannot get the software.

Yes I understand, the software is available, check your PM, so go ahead and buy the Noahlink wireless, it’ll be good to use on just about any other brand/models in case you decide you change in the future.

Thanks tenkan, I just figured out what PM was.

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Hello all would you also send me a link for the Philps HearSuite software. I do have the noahlink and self program Thanks!

Hi there, sure it’s available, great your giving DIY projects a try, the software is pretty easy to navigate as well.

I’m looking for Philips HearSuite also.

Hi there, sure it’s available, but you’ll need the Noahlink wireless as well, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Also looking for the download link for the latest Hearsuite software. Been searching everywhere to no avail. Thanks if anyone can point me to it.

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, have you got your Noahlink wireless sorted, you’ll need it for DIY projects.

I do have the Noahlink Wireless, thanks

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also looking for hearsuite for my TR9030 please

Welcome to the forum, sure but you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.

Hi, would I be able to have a link for HearSuite please? I’m wanting to become familiar with the options in the application myself to help guide the Costco audiologist at my next appointment (who seems reluctant to change programs from defaults, or even the exact effect of some settings).

I have found some good documentation already thanks to this forum, but need to be able to navigate it myself so I can remember what is where!


Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, great idea to help out with your audiologist.

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Hi there, would I please get PM’d the link for the suite as well? Put in an order for a Noahlink Wireless earlier this week. thanks!

Hi, would I be able to have a link for HearSuite please? I have a noahlink on the way. Thanks!