LE Audio and the Future of Hearing

be able to work in Auracast broadcast mode as a transmitter.

This makes it sound like it doesn’t work as an Auracast device at all, initially. Or maybe I’m misunderstanding something?


Resound is also launching its new TV-Steamer+, which is also Auracast-ready.

Meaning that it is not enabled yet.


Oh i see carry on, nvm then, i was reading the thing wrong


Great video, @Baltazard. They should have him be the official BT LE Audio spokesperson if he’s not already. He needs to take some lessons from Dr. Cliff or someone like that on presentation. During the first part of his video, his head was frozen motionless much of the time, and he was obviously reading from a script. In the latter part, he limbered up and relaxed with more head movement, emotional expression, and engaging gesticulation.

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Can’t see Phonak implementing Auracast anytime soon @Baltazard, not unless they can make money out of it, and Phonak likes your money… If they do, in the next iteration after Lumity, you can bet your bottom dollar, you’ll need some sort of licence to activate it… I know, I am a cynical old, so in so :upside_down_face: But, Phonak have to get their priorities right, your hard earned cash, is no use to them, if you still have it :rofl: Removing it from your coffers is their main priority, helping the HOH, is perhaps a secondary consideration? As always, we all have our own opinions, and rightly so… I don’t have much time for companies that tend to exploit HOH, folks whom have a recognised disability, and they are trying to bleed every last cent out of these disabled folk… And yes, Phonak does make absolutely wonderful hearing aids, and Roger ALD’s! But unfortunately, Phonak have little or no actual moral compass, and fleecing highly disadvantaged folks, seems to be what they do best… Apologies, rant over…


I can see them adding auracast to the existing Bluetooth portfolio. They are the only ones that do BT to nearly any BT device without thinning your wallet for an intermediary device. But, you’ll still be paying for the receiver licenses for roger. Don’t see that going away. Don’t see roger going auracast.



Sweet Fanny Adam’s to do with with R & D in my IMO @Baltazard, especially with the R & D for the Roger System, I am almost certain the US Military paid Phonak Communications handsomely for that research… You would have thought, given the Roger R & D was pre-funded, they might have cut the HOH a bit of slack, Phonak probably bumped the price up :crazy_face: Simply because they can, they have a captive audience, and you either pay the piper, or do without… And Phonak know, full well, some of us are desperate enough to pay the piper…


Not necessarily, you will be able to get USB Bluetooth LEA dongles for any of your device [would be unwieldy with a phone but I’d rather have that than pay for dedicated streamer], bluetooth dongles get cheap very fast.
I think that Creative is about to release one of the first.

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Bluetoooth is backward compatible. Meaning that with BT 5.4 LE Audio chip they would still be able to use Bluetooth Classic or any older protocol if they wanted to.

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@Reginald PC/Laptop maybe a solution, but still a smartphone needs to be LE and Auracast compatible, for a TV I don’t see a dongle feasible.

Not sure about that, seeing Oticon/Signia/Widex and others they all have their latest HA ASHA or Mfi (Made for iPhone) only, you couldn’t pair them with older Bluetooth devices

They have chosen to make them that way. Look at common bluetooth devices, modern laptops with newest BT can connect to some ancient BT stuff, because they negotiate.
Paradoxically, it’s Phonak that has chosen the open standard. ASHA nand MFi stink, I don’t know what happened here actually, perhaps in the search of something Low energy they created these monstrosities. Thankfully, it will all go away,

The biggest problem with disability law here in the UK, very little is mandatory, it’s usually mostly advisory, when the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) came in around 2008, it had no teeth, it advised all kinds of stuff like Loop Systems in public buildings, banks, council offices, courts… When these places found out it was only advisory, they ignored the DDA… So even places that did install Loop Systems, didn’t bother to switch them on, and didn’t maintain them! It’s rarer than hens teeth, to find an actual Loop System that works, yeah the sign says it’s installed, but no one actually knows how to switch it on… Mandatory Auracast from UK government, is never going to be a priority, they don’t give a flying f##k about folk with disabilities, especially if it costs money, in their eyes, we are vermin…


@kevels55 I am with you, but I think this will become mandatory one way or another (hopefully just a matter of time), just like they did for disabled access to buildings and toilets.
Not sure what will happen if the EU makes Auracast mandatory, is the UK will follow (if they are still out of the EU)?


There already are some LEA phone dongles on the market, check Anker Soundcore VR P10 LEA earbuds for example, they come with one, to work with any phone. Why do you think that with TV this wouldn’t work?

USB dongle don’t work well with TVs, especially Bluetooth/wifi dongles.
Smartphone is the medium that helps select the right Auracast Bluetooth channel to pair with the hearing aids, similar to selecting a wifi network, so not sure how you are going to add a dongle to a smartphone to make it Auracast compatible!

Someone please correct me if I’m getting it wrong, isn’t Auracast just a part of LE Audio? Meaning that you can have direct LE Audio connection, devices without broadcasting?

Well yes that’s how I see it,LE Audio, Auracast™ Broadcast Audio, and the Future of Bluetooth Audio | Bluetooth® Technology Website

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Exactly. That is correct.

And while I’m posting, everyone should remember that Bluetooth Low Energy (or LE) is not the same as Bluetooth Low Energy (or LE) Audio.


Good luck with that!