LE Audio and the Future of Hearing

I thought I’d jump in here and remind folks about Magnesiums role in proper heart rhythm along with several hundred other reactions in your body chemistry.

Most of the world is deficient of this very necessary mineral because it’s hard to get sufficient quantities in diet and poor availability in food sources. To make matters worse, proper body levels are not easily measured because the majority lives in the bone marrow, not the blood supply. Also, certain common prescription drugs actually deplete Magnesium from your system. Check yours out to see.

Find a good source of absorbable Magnesium and take it daily. Do your research. All the information you need is available online.

I started taking Magnesium Taurate years ago now and it’s completely stopped my AFib. Your results will vary, of course, but proper Magnesium levels will help you in many other ways.

Do it today. It can help.