KS8 Frequency Lowering and Self-Programming

Ok, I got it. I am now in a window that asks for installation options. Should I wait to proceed until I get a programmer? I see Noahlink Wireless for about $300.

I’m going ahead to install it. I selected Noahlink Wireless. I assume it will recognize it when I install it later.

I would highly recommend taking a look at the software and see what you think of the interface. You can simulate the process of fitting a hearing aid and changing settings. That’s free. The NoahLink Wireless is going to cost you some money.

Good advice, although I would have 14 days to return it.

Yes I have. Sorry :face_with_raised_eyebrow: But we are back on the correct thread now. Thanks R for moving all this S/Stuff back to this thread.

That simply means that your browser is telling you that your download in incomplete. When your download finishes the .part will disappear and the .exe file without .part will become complete.

Don’t pay more than $250. PM me for a source.

…eta> Oh, but not if you hope to return it. Sorry.

I have considered doing PM to responders but it is never clear whether it is a PM or being posted for the whole group. The administrator needs to do something to clear this up.

I would agree with that. The style and looks are very similar. Maybe a background color or something to indicate that you’re somewhere else. As it is you just have to know that you’re in a PM area.

I saw an item that some of the Noahlink Wireless are illegal copies and are not covered by HIMSA warranty. Any comments?

I am in Signia Connexx Eight. Is there a way to do a simulation without entering client data? And does that data need to be valid or is a fictional person ok?

Pretty sure you need client data, but no problem with fictional person.

I got the software up and doing a simulation. I did a post about the authenticity of the Noahlink Wireless. I saw on the HIMSA website that they were finding Noahlink Wireless on eBay that were copies - thus no warranty. I also noticed on eBay that used Noahlink Wireless systems from other countries (not Korea) were in the neighborhood of $400+. I sent a message to the main Korea supplier of these requesting provenance. I’ll see if he responds. To you know of anyone that has bought one from eBay and had success with them? I would worry that when you try to connect or update them they wouldn’t be recognized.

I have no idea. Dealing with this stuff is kind of in a grey area. I wouldn’t expect to be able to get manufacturer’s support. The saving grace for most of this stuff is that it should be returnable for a refund. Self Programming is not for somebody who doesn’t deal well with uncertainty. I just had my own little “fun” after I did the trial install of the latest Rexton Connexx. Kept getting fatal errors. Ended up uninstalling my Signia version of Connexx and Rexton version and reinstalling. Everything works great now and fortunately it didn’t lose my data.

Years old scare tactics that goes like this;

  1. Buy your programming device from the original source and we will give you a warranty.
  2. However, we will never sell it to you because you are not a professional audiologist.
  3. Meanwhile heed our warranty warning!!

They work, otherwise each buyer would be returning them for a refund.

Thanks! I am going back to my audiologist next week because my left ear is MUCH better (one Zyrtec D!). After I verify that my hearing has changed and get a copy of my audiogram, I will buy a Noahlink Wireless. I’ll let you know that it works and that I was able to program my KS8s with it. Thanks for your help.

Not gonna happen. Look up at the top of the page to find an envelope icon. The envelope icon is present for PM and not present for a forum post.


When I started Connexx Eight it asked me to pick a hearing aid. Of course no KS was in the list but also no Rexton. Was that your experience? I hope that once I read in my KS8 hearing aids, it will recognize them.

Yes, it should detect the KS8 when you have them. You should be able to go to select hearing aids and pick a Rexton model similar to the KS8. (Emerald S or M), level 80.

Emerald S or M level 80 are not listed, even when I expand the list. The database is shown as “Sifit”. Do I need a different database?

I have downloaded the Connexx Eight software. The database I show is “Sifit”. Do I need a different database for KS8s? If I need to change, do I need to delete it and start over?

You downloaded the Signia version of Connexx. You need the Rexton version of Connexx. It should work to just install the Rexton one, but will be cleaner if you delete the Signia version.