Keep getting connection notifications

I disabled connection alerts in target, turned off notifications in myPhonak, and on my android, I’m still getting connection tones in my Sphere 90s

Any ideas?

Is rather annoying if I dont carry my phone with me everywhere…

I have that configuration, because I stream only to my CI, but call through HA. Maybe it is not an option for you, however you may consider it.

Make sure you turned off even vibration during notifications.

I am setup same way, calls only, no audio

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I read the article, there are 2 options presented turn all system sounds (no go), then turn off notifications for app, which I already did

@jeffpa I am not aware there are “connection tones” for the connection itself. They connect or disconnect silently, no?
Maybe that is a phone feature (or you mean phone notifications such as e.g. incoming chat messages)?


myphonak has notifications, in target there are connection alerts

Apparently theres some other process thats alerting when BT connection is lost. :frowning:
Its super annoying

Nothing works after that?

why would you want to turn all that off? Might as well disable system notifications globally.

I turned on notifications history for my device, so I can track down when I get the notification again. Thats the best way to track this down

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I disabled sound and vibration for notifications, but not the notifications themselves. They are still visible, but only visually. There are pros and cons to my choice.

I hadn’t sound of notification - I had temporary attenuation of sound from my HA mics - this is normal when there are ongoing “active active” Bluetooth connection. That was annoying.

Yes, I have NotiStar app, which is part of Samsung Good Lock application. Keep us informed about results.

I might go that route if I cant figure it out in notification history

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Interesting, now is just silently dropping and not trying to reconnect, and all I’ve done was enable notification history So I guess mission accomplished for now :slight_smile:

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You haven’t disconnected and reconnect Bluetooth or/and restarting HA/Phone yet?

All of that except restarting phone over the times I’ve been trying to figure it out.

I did just figure out out one difference, myphonak had been stopped this last test. Its now running, did a quick test, no alerts, and was connected by the time I got back to phone, Distance was several hundred feet.

I dunno, will keep playing

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It went away for awhile, and then came back… I even had BT off, which has be flabbergasted.

So I’m trying an experiment, I’ve stopped the myphonak app entirely, and see what happens

Not a sound since I shutdown the phonak app.

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