Itchy dry ear canal


Great idea Jordon!
I would need a referral to an ENT.
I’ll check with my Family Doc.

Been about a year plus since my hospital procedure. She is excellent. I’ll check with her.


Look for the small bottle. It lasts a long time.


Best of luck! Let us know how it works out.

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I couldn’t find Miracell locally, but could find Hyland’s Dry Ear Relief. The ingredients are very similar but in different proportions. It does not seem to work that well for me and I still get itchy ears that flake. Has anyone else used Hyland’s and has it worked as well as Miracell for you?

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I use a mixture of vinegar and alcohol when my ears start to itch. Was told to use this from my audi. I make my mixture at home and store it in a bottle that has an eye dropper.
When my ears start to itch, I put a few drops in my ear. I usually do this at night before bed and let it dry naturally.
Works for me.


According to what I have read @Laura_B
Dexamethasone is a long-acting, systemic corticosteroid; its potency is about 25 times greater than the short-acting products . I don’t see any alcohol in the ingredient’s, but there may well be some? In all truth, many Doctors, here in the UK, are very reluctant to give you this Otomize, most probably because of the Steroidal content? It is, without a shadow of doubt, the most effective ear spray, I have ever used! Cheers Kev :wink:


I was told to never put alcohol in my ears. What gives? Which is it?


Not sure. Just posting what my audi told me to use.
Works for me :blush:


This makes great since.
Vinegar is so under used for a sanitizer and cleaning. It’s environmentally and septic safe. It has hang time that other cleaners do not have.
Thanks for sharing.

I would say @RSW, on balance, given the sheer amount of articles on the Web, we can probably assume, alcohol is safe in the ears, lots of folks appear to use rubbing alcohol, but I am no Doctor… Cheers Kev :wink:


“You pays your money and you takes your chances”



Good visit. I feel silly though.

I had a loose dome left in my ear. I didn’t know

Bit of infection

He did some work.

I have no feedback now. It was massive in my left ear. Less in my right ear. 2 domes there…when I went in

He recommended Polysporin ear drops

I went to my wonderful pharmacist. Told her symptoms. She recommended Polysporin Antibiotic ear drops. I have them now. I hadn’t said anything about Polysporin

I’m in Canada



I told him about the Phonak 5.0 receivers that are available. He called Phonak as I listened. The Phonak Lady said “not in Canada” as I listened

Advantage? 5.0 uses the old wax guards. I used them with absolutely no trouble for over 10 years with 2 sets of Phonak hearing aids. @Michael_Phonak its a different world here. The “ unhappy customer “ scale just went down a notch.

The Phonak Paradise P90R’s are terrible with the minuscule wax guards on the 4.0 Receivers.


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When I was prescribed the neomycin / polymyxin B / dexamethasone (antibacterial/steroid), which is actually an eye drop, my doctor was trying to find something else specific to the ear but it wasn’t available at my hospital system/pharmacy (strangely, my pet is also using this drop for his eye).

I tried most of the things listed in this thread and none of them helped much. Only those drops helped, and very quick (only used once).


Polysporin ear drops have helped me already.

I’ve never needed drops in my ear during over 20 years of HA use. I wonder how long the dome was in my ear. I think for quite a while.

Thanks for your post

And thanks everyone. You all helped



My hearing instrument specialist figured it out

  • itchy ear canal…had a detached power dome in my right ear.

  • loud background. Setting change

  • feedback ran the feedback test made adjustments

I’m hearing much better. Staying in automatic. Actually enjoying my Phonak Paradise P90r’s as of last Thursday

Thanks for your help and suggestions!
Near YYZ

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Great news Dave!

Coincidentally, we wear the same model hearing aids. I just had the rechargeable batteries replaced.

Take care and good luck.

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Thanks. In a month they’re going in to Phonak for check up.
You have Lumity don’t you? Mine are older. Paradise

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I have the Paradise aids. They were serviced by Phonak and they sent me the exact aids back with presumably new batteries. I had made a few custom programs in My Phonak and they reappeared once I paired them. It’s my understanding that the programs are stored in the hearing aids.

Take care,

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Thanks! I’ll be doing the same thing in about a month. I need to get my last hearing aids set up as replacements. I hear very poorly now without hearing aids

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