Itchy dry ear canal

I was told I had dry flakey ear canals, both sides, and the ear that wears the hearing aid (IIC/CIC) has been very itchy; the non aided ear doesn’t itch at all. Wasn’t really told much what to do though. I was sent to ENT to have my ears cleaned but she said there was barely anything there (extremely mild). I keep having to change the filter after not having to change the filter for 5 months.

Any suggestions?

Never had this problem before but I recently used q-tip to try to dry my ear after showering because my aid was getting stinky and I wasn’t sure if maybe my ear were still moist when I stuck them in. And since I was doing one side I might as well do the other… Maybe this is the root cause? If so, what do I do instead?

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I use EarGene which i get from Amazon.


You most likely have an allergy @PianoJoy, I use “Miracell Pro Ear”, you get it from Amazon, tiny bottle at 14.7ml, but it lasts absolutely ages, it helps to keep the itch down, Please use it very sparingly, a little goes a long way, just rub a tiny drop, on the mold part of your aid, before you start using your CIC, you don’t have to use it all the time, just when it flares up… Cheers Kev :wink:


I was given this (miracell) when I was issued my aids and haven’t needed it past the first couple weeks. Good stuff.



Hello WH, I hope you are well… For many years I used a steroid ear spray called “Otomize”, for perhaps at least 20 years, probably longer? That cured everything, from a raging ear infections, down to the proverbial itch, but being a steroid, you had to be careful, and use Otomize extremely carefully, a 5ml bottle would last myself about 4 to 6 months, sometimes even longer… Otomize was extremely effective, and almost instantaneous, but it had obvious drawbacks! Cheers Kev :wink:


Thank you I just ordered it. EarGene works, but i am going to try this.


Since there is odor, I would think that sanitizing HA would be beneficial. It will not correct ear issues but ensures that HA is not adding problem. Dry boost can dry and sanitize or just sanitize. It is extremely gentle on rechargeable batteries but slow if drying.
Dry Boost


Good luck with the Miracell Chuck, as WH says, it’s good stuff… Cheers Kev :wink:


I use a hearing aid drier religiously every night @Justme, it has a UV light to sanitize my aids, I have done this for many years… But, for the life of me, I don’t really know why, perhaps it just down to habit? I still get the ear infections, and I still occasionally get the itch, although Miracell helps… Cheers Kev :wink:


Using a hearing aid dryer every day and every once in a while using a q-tip with rubbing alcohol on it to clean the ears thoroughly stopped my itchy ear problems.

Going bilateral CI also stopped the itchy ears. Smiling.


Yeah Rick, being allergic to various substances doesn’t help my cause, tis a bit like “Whack a Mole”… I get rid of something, and something other pops up :rofl: I am glad though, you are content with your CI’s, unfortunately my offer of an assessment, was way too late! Cheers Kev :wink:


Nice, multiple options to try; this forum is great! My audiologist and ENT looked at me like I had horns when I complained of itchiness.

My itchiness is deep though, like the tip of the aid. And since this started happening, I’ve had to change that filter multiple times and none before.

Ordered the miacell first. It says it can be used elsewhere on the body so at least it’ll have use if it doesn’t work out.


Ultimately blocking the ear canal traps moisture & can lead to ear eczema. Sometimes putting more moisture in can make it worse. If that’s the case keep your ears as dry as possible, don’t put anything in them and air the ears occasionally ie when outside reading paper. Water dries the skin out so avoid getting them wet when showering. The little irritation could correlate with a rub point on your aid which could be addressed. These can take a while to show up & become very itchy once started, increasing every time you wear the aid.


I use ProEar by Miracell as well. However I put a drop or half on my domes every day. No more itcyness and a better seal. I have power domes and the once a day regiment really helps me.

I use custom molds and occasionally get ear itch. I’m not sure if it’s an indication of an infection so I use alcohol on a cotton tip swab to carefully clean the ear canal. Once the ear is clean, I use a small amount of Wally’s Ear Oil on the tip of my pinky finger to coat the outside part of the canal. I don’t have to go far into the canal. I’ve also used sweet oil (olive oil) and some of the other products that others have mentioned. I’ve had good results with all of the oils.


Ah yes, I do wonder if I’m wearing them too long without airing my ear. I do have a vent but am wearing it around 16hrs/day.


Thanks. Think I’ll try that initially, alcohol followed by the Miracell


This may be an obvious suggestion, but I wait 15+ minutes after showering before putting in the aids. This allows my ears and hair to dry out.

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I’ve said it before, but I use a half solution of hydrogen peroxide/alcohol (homemade) drops in the ear, wait 5 min., flush out with water–once a week. And a couple drops of olive oil every so often. Keeps my ears in fine shape.


My ears do not dry out even after 30mins. I took a hair dryer to my ear but then decided that might not be a bright idea. Was thinking the alcohol method mentioned here might help it dry out faster