I got me new Phonak Infinio Sphere 90’s on Monday. Getting used to them. Prior to this, I trialed a set of Audeo I90’s and which are very similar.
When I am linked to the Phonak TV streamer, I have no problem with word recognition when I’m listening to just speech. For example, watching the news. But when I watch any program or movie that has a musical sound track, even commercials, the music will slowly swell in loudness, along with the speech which gets distorted. If the music is intermittent, then the speech distortion will gradually diminish (along with the volume) until speech is no longer distorted.
Both the Audeo 90 and the iSphere do this, but my not my old KS9’s (same as the Phonak Paradise) which never do this. Is this something to do with Autosense 6.0? I’ve got an appointment next Tuesday to see my audiologist for some adjustments.
That may be the issue. I think the sound starts compressing if you get too close to the max of the receiver. Ask your audiologist. Might want to try UP with the Sphere’s.
I swapped back to my old KS9’s with the UP receiver and what a difference! At the moment, they are infinitely better than new iSpheres while streaming. I’ve got an appointment for next Tuesday to get my audiologist to do some tuning. REM did not really work out for me in this case.
I have exactly the same problem and it seems to happen randomly with any other media but it always does it when I listen to music, after around 10 second a new song starts. Then it goes back to normal again after like 10 seconds.
It’s like if the bass sounds slowly fade away and only the trebble remain.
I have Lumity L90. After I switched from M to P receivers it does this thing less often, I think, but it still happens…
Weird, isn’t it? I don’t know what its doing, but my audiologist doesn’t think that its Autosense. She thinks it has something to do with compression. But we’ll have to wait until she’s back in the office. She’s currently off sick.
Yeah, very weird, and for sure it doesn’t have to do with the microphone, because I turned it off completely on Target.
I noticed that, maybe, it might be triggered by some frequencies (higher ones), which would confirm what Jordan said… But it‘s strange because in my streaming settings I’m far from the target levels.
Keep me updated about what your audiologist said, mine didn’t have a clue!
Will do. I’m at a loss as to why my KS9’s don’t do it, with the same profile. I’d like to compare settings, but she thinks the KS9’s may be locked. I’m going to ask her to try anyway. I get my NoahLink Wireless 2 in early Feb.