Is there any news in the search for drugs to treat deafness?

After the well-known failure of FX-322, due to great disappointment I no longer inquired about treatments for deafness: are there currently reliable treatments? Or should I definitively abandon this hope?

no answer = no news :cry:

Geez, I was thinking maybe a tranquilizer (or glass of wine) to reduce the stress from us being DEAF would be a good start. Not meaning to make light of the topic cuz in my DREAMS I’ve wondered the SAME thing. We can put a person on the MOON, but here on Planet Earth, millions of us hearing-impaired folks would rather the money be spent on OUR needs.

I also recall ages ago, when radio shills would talk about the wonders of ginko for tinnitus and hearing; I’ve also been told that flushing niacin and B12 help with sensorineural hearing.

But the stark reality? My hearing has continued its unrelenting if gradual DECREASE over the decades. My current strategy is to just get the most stylish, colorful aids I can - currently Precious Pink Lumity Life 312s! - and FLAUNT 'EM! :smile:


You can always hope. Just don’t wait for it. If there’s an intervention available to you now (like a cochlear implant), don’t put it off.

You might be interested in Pioneering Drug Development for Hearing Loss with Dr. Jonathan Kil [TWiH video] if you haven’t seen it before.

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