Is the Resound Multi Mic unreliable?

I got some Resound Linx 3D aids from the VA, and they are awful. I purchased a remote which has proved useful. I thought I would try a Multi-Mic to see if I could get any improvement in performance. I have bought two off eBay and both would pair, but had no audio whatsoever. I was able to return them and get a refund, but I have to wonder if this is a common problem with them. All of the ones on eBay that are reasonably priced are from the same seller. I suspect that they bought a quantity at auction of unknown condition. They say they power up and take a charge, which is true, but without aids, they have no way of knowing if they really work. The Multi-Mic is supposed to add telecoil capability to the aids, and if it does that, I might start going to movies again, as I understand that our local theater is looped.

I got my ReSound Multi Mic through Costco for $267 (with sales tax, $289). Works very well. So I think that you should edit the title of thread to “Is eBay Unreliable?”

My only minor quibbles with the Multi-Mic is that unlike the Phone Clip+ streamer, you cannot use it within one of your four standard HA programs and apply your already existing settings for that program to the transmitted Multi Mic sound. The Multi Mic becomes a 5th program, effectively, in the Smart 3D phone app and then within the Multi Mic program you can tune the various standard Smart 3D adjustments: equalizer (bass, midtones, treble), noise, wind reduction, Multi Mic volume vs. volume of environmental sounds heard thru HA mics on your ears, etc.

The other minor quibble is without adjustment the sound transmitted from the Multi Mic microphone to my HA’s sounds “tinny” (not enough bass or too much high frequency). In the Multi Mic program, the two Quick buttons are Bass Boost and Treble Boost. Hitting Bass Boost increases the relative amount of bass and makes the sound pretty natural. Voices picked up in omnidirectional mode come through very clear but if someone clanks something right in the vicinity of the Multi Mic, that comes through loud and clear, too.

It take two people to tango, too. My main motivation for getting it was so that I could have my wife use the Multi Mic in unidirectional mode while we were driving, with her as the front passenger, and have her voice come through loud and clear above road noise. It works even better in unidirectional mode (hung vertically from someone’s neck or clipped to their shirt or blouse). But the wife doesn’t like wearing the device and most of the time I hear her very clearly through my Quattro’s directly, especially if I hit the Speech Clarity Quick button for the All-Around program before we start driving.

I bought mine from the E Bay and have had no problem. Did you call resound to make sure you paired them correctly? You also might get the multi-mic for free from the VA. They gave my husband any accessories he asked for. They might even pair and test it for you in the office.

I’m skeptical that two didn’t work from ebay, although it is possible. I’ve had great luck with eBay. I’m just wondering if there’s a pairing issue or otherwise. Are you sure you’re activating the multi mic streaming mode on the HA after you turn the mic on? Consider hitting the volume up button on the side of the multi mic once you enter the multi-mic mode. I’ve had 3 multi mics when I was with resound - for various purposes and reasons - and they were all great. Sometimes I had to increase the volume with the button on the side, which is a different control than on the smartphone app. Hope it works out for you as the multi mic is a great device and, IMO, a must have for resound wearers.

Thanks to all who replied. I downloaded the Multi-Mic manual in order to find the pairing button, which wasn’t all that obvious. If I remember correctly, you press the pairing button on the Multi-Mic, then open and close the battery doors on the aids. I did get the the pairing tones through the aids. I wasn’t aware that there was a different program for the Multi-Mic. Are you saying that I have to create a program for it? I don’t remember seeing that as a choice in Smart Fit. With the remote, I had to get it recognized in Smart Fit before it would pair with the aids. When I tried to do that with the Multi-Mic, Smart Fit said it wasn’t paired within the program. It could be that I was making some kind of rookie mistake and those two Multi-Mics were actually good. I also tried the telecoil and external settings and got no audio that way either.
Jim, from what you said, it sounds like the Multi-Mic might be useful for me. I sure would like to give it a try.

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Hope it works for you, John. A limit that @focusandearnit and @efigalaxie are familiar with is that you can only use ONE Multi Mic. They and others got Phonak FM receivers for their Multi Mic in order to accept input from multiple Roger pens (the receivers and Roger pens gotten on eBay, too).

When you have successfully paired, the Multi-Mic program will “automagically” appear in the Smart 3D phone app. It will be all the way over to the right in the horizontal list at the top. You might have to scroll/push the other program icons to the left to see it.

I don’t think it shows up as a PROGRAM in Smart Fit (and I am at my limit of a total of 4 programs - maybe that’s why I don’t see it). So I’m not sure how the Multi Mic chooses a gain table to use, etc. Probably missing something here.

Nevertheless, if you have successfully paired the Multi Mic to your HA’s, besides showing up in the Smart 3D app, it will also show up in Smart Fit under the main Instruments tab and the Accessories subtab. Here’s what my view looks like: (Multi Mic is “Channel 1” on right center)


it should show up once you have pa ired the aids. it will be another program. ie all round, restaurant, multi mic

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Automagically! :joy:


You should copyright the term before it starts showing up in hearing aid advertisements!


Unfortunately, I just learned the term somewhere in my nerdy past… (lost in the fog of “war”-and still am! :upside_down_face:)

P.S. the link that I dug up to show that “automagically” has been around for awhile has a somewhat pejorative condescending usage associated with the term - when I’ve seen and heard it used, the speakers/writers that I’ve heard and seen use it usually just mean roughly the equivalent of “stupdendously amazing.” That’s all I meant when I used the term above.

I finally figured out my problem. And, it was a headspace error on my part. After carefully re-reading the manual for the Multi-Mic, I realized that merely pairing wasn’t enough. I had to also enable streaming with the remote. The audio quality through the thing is awful, but I was mostly interested in the t coil and external input jack anyway. I found the app rather useless. It would only let me change volume, and after a few times using it, it quit working. Even after I uninstalled it and re-installed. I like the remote better anyway.

Jim, with your Multi Mic experience, would you by it again or get the Micro Mic? I am now in need of primarily one person communication in the back seat of ride share as I go to medical appointments. (Have a couple temporary medical issues that has me seeing many specialists, and my insurance provide free ride via Lyft or Uber, Since I have no car, it is wonderful. I just find it hard to hear the driver as they face forward. I have tried setting my ReSound Costco hearing aids in many programs and changing features, but still tough.)

In the future the table mic feature might be nice, when my senior apartment floor neighbors and I can have out bi-weekly evening dinners and discussions. This is not my primary need and I do not go to noisy places with groups except our residence town hall meetings when they resume. Those are in a large room with 60-100 people and an old PA system.

I can get the Micro Mic or Multi Mic for about the same via Amazon or eBay (I’v bought eBay items for 15 years, just be careful!). And Costco has temporarily closed Hearing Aid Centers during this tumultuous Darwinian reset.

Hi, Tim

Sorry I was off working in my yard and reading and debating coronavirus stuff on Facebook with old friends there.

I don’t have any idea how the Multi Mic compares to the Remote Mic. There’s a lot of extra stuff you get with the Multi Mic like the phone jack line in (useful, say, to connect more directly to a computer with less BT lag), the FM receiver plug, and the telecoil, plus the microphone pickup and broadcast to your HA’s via BT.

I’m pretty happy with my Multi Mic especially if it’s hung vertically on the chest of the person I want to hear talk (my wife almost entirely). The main drawback is if the person unexpectedly rattles or rustles something you can suddenly and unexpectedly have a very loud noise in your ears - so if I’m driving that can be very unsettling. As a passenger on a road trip to St. Louis last fall where the legal speed limit was 75 mph on parts of the trip, I found the wind/road noise was still annoying even when my wife was wearing the Multi Mic as the driver and I was the front seat passenger. I had some over-the-ear noise canceling headphones that I brought along and that worked even better with the Multi Mic broadcasting the wife’s voice, filtering out even more of the road noise. So even if you just had some passive ear muff protectors, I think that would give you an even better result in a noisy car ride than just the Multi Mic by itself. I don’t use the Multi Mic that often but when I do, I’m glad that I got it.

Unlike the Phone Clip+, the Multi Mic has 4 LED status lights. They can be used to show which of the 4 modes (microphone, line in, FM receiver, telecoil) the device is operating in. And also, if one presses and holds for 3 sec the Mode buttton that’s used to switch modes with a tap, the LED’s show gross battery charging status in 25% increments, i.e. < 25% charged, 25% to 50% charged, 50% to 75% charged, or >75% charged. To preserve Li-ion battery life, I will normally charge it just past 50% charged (to when the 50% to 75% battery light just comes on), and store it in that state when I’m not using it. If I plan moderate use, I will charge it up just over 75%.

One difference in usage availability as compared to the Phone Clip+ is that the Phone Clip+ can presumably idle up to 90 hours while on and doing nothing awaiting a phone call, etc. The Multi Mic while on and doing “nothing” is using up a lot more its battery charge per hour. According to the Multi Mic spec datasheet, a full-charged battery gives the following performance hours:

Talk time:
• Microphone mode: 11 hours
• Line-in mode: 11 hours
• Telecoil mode: 7 hours
• FM mode: 10 hours

But I’m so used to the PC+ just going on and on in idle mode that I’ve forgotten and let the Multi Mic run dead just sitting around on quite a few times (the battery LED’s help a lot, though).

Too bad if there is no way that you can get it through Costco. Since it’s a special order item that involves no fitting, I’m surprised that they just couldn’t order it for you and let you pick it up. And it would be great if there were a decent return period if you didn’t like it. The web page for our local Costco Hearing Center says that they are offering “reduced” services during the Covid-19 outbreak but they don’t define what that means.

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Thanks Jim.

My only interest in a one person conversation, 95+% of the time, that may change in the future after this new reality settles out. I had the PhoneClip+ when I was using my Google Pixel XL2 and first got my hearing aids. I changed to an iPhone and returned the PhoneClip+ to Costco.

I’m only interested in the Multi Mic or Mini Mic, no PhoneClip+ or Remote Mic. My use case is similar to yours, except I will have ride share drivers who may or may not be willing to clip it on or hang it on a lanyard. Plus we have the “social distancing” issues. (I now see many here in CA want to change “social” distancing to “physical” distancing, for obvioius reasons.)

I called Costco yesterday, they state Haring Center closed until at least April or longer, take a message, and someone calls you back. Nice prices, Multi - $266.99 Micro - $178.99, however no orders until late April, maybe later.

Amazon has the Multi for $299 and shouid have a return policy, though it is a private seller. I can get both on eBay, for just under $300 to over $500, but most accept no returns.

So my thought was the Multi in table mode in my hand on my lap or hanging on to the seat belt at my chest or over door grab handle that I hang on to stabilize my neck injury.

Doe the Multi support narrowing focus by direction? Holding it at back seat passenger side and aim at front seat driver side?

The Amazon seller will not accept returns, except to replace item if defective, not a refund if items does not meet ones need.

Tried to buy one on eBay, and my bank has an agreement with VISA that does not allow my purchase from Britain via PayPal or paying direct with the card. Another view from between the rock and a hard place, not the first time in my life.

Hi, Tim

Yes, I can see that there would be an issue if you have a different driver every day and you’re handing that person the Multi Mic to wear. Wouldn’t be very sanitary. Maybe just a coronavirus vector.

I did try the Multi Mic as a pointing device with my wife standing right next to a noisy stovetop kitchen fan and it worked pretty well. But I held it at a relatively extreme 45 degree angle standing right next to her compared to what you’d be able to achieve in the back sack of a car pointing at the driver and the driver would be facing away from you.

I don’t think that I have enough experience to advise you on this. @efigalaxie and/or @focusandearnit would be much more experienced with both the Multi Mic and the Roger Pen (which you can also buy on eBay, but you’d need an FM receiver, too).

Another suggestion, though, for the Multi-Mic would be some sort of box or holder that would allow you to put it on the dashboard of the car or the front passenger’s seat pointed at the driver. Then, as some point, you could carefully wipe down the container/holder and perhaps most of the Multi Mic yourself later. Perhaps when you’re done your ride, you just put the Multi Mic inside of a bag and “decontaminate” its holder/container and the Multi Mic later in a suitable situation for doing that?

Good Luck! We went to Costco yesterday to try to take advantage of the “Senior” hours (8 am to 9 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays). Our Costco had extended senior hours to 9:30 am. The line was extremely long, as deep as the building or longer and the coordinator standing outside the main entrance said that the entire line would never get into the building during the allotted hours and the separate line of “young” customers for the regular 10 am opening was already forming at 8:15 am - and the parking lot was already packed.

Off topic, I have considered making the run to Costco. Thanks for your update. The stuffed green olives and spicy bread and butter pickles can wait.

Can the multi mic be hung from a lanyard around the drivers neck? The Roger pen has a similar set up that works pretty good.

Yes. That’s what Tim and I were writing about above. He didn’t think that hanging it around the driver’s neck would be a suitable option and he asked how well the Multi Mic would work as a pointing device from the back set when aimed at the driver. It’s my recollection that the Roger Pen has a narrower pickup beam when used as a pointing device but @efigalaxie and @focusandearnit would be the experts, among others, in that department. I’d invite anyone with a lot of actual experience with one or the other device to chime in to help Tim.

Asking drivers to wear the mic is not an option The ox or container is a great suggestion, however, reality says impossible. Maybe a zip lock bag at best. I’m going to have to hold it and aim it. It would be best if no one else touches it, if I decide to get one. And the “no contact” rule is followed very closely as is the “social distancing” of six feet where possible. That is why I sit passenger back diagonal to driver front for maximum distance.

The only place to get one with a return policy is Costco and that could be one to three months to accomplish. I need something now, unfortunately. One thought is since they are $300 to $500 on eBay, if it does not work I can probably resell it there for $290 with little loss. I might have talked myself into getting the one from Amazon. (?)

I wonder if something wired might work.

Or maybe telicoil technology. Do your aids have T coil?

No telecoil in hearing aids. iPhone has no headphone jack for wired. This Resound Multi Mic is the only thing that works as a table mike and seems to be able to direct focus into a narrower band. I’ve searched myself cross eyed, read every description I can find, viewed many videos, and I still cannot tell, so getting one to try is the only option to see if it works as I need / want.

I just have a couple intense weeks of many medical appointment and thank goodness for my insurance covering rides they book via Lyft or Uber. Again, I have no car, no family, and only a few older friends have time or ability to give me rides.

I just thought of Dr. Cliff to see if he has a Resound Multi Mic video and he does! My searches never brought it up. I just ordered one from Amazon after watching this.