iPhone vs Android

I think personally that phone connectivity is important but I would never buy an aid on the basis that it was better connected to a phone. If it was not I would get another phone. This sounds like the tail wagging the dog.


Are you saying you would choose a phone based on wether it better connected to a hearing aid? Which is the tail and which is the dog?

And after working in the technology world for over 45 years, I love my Apple products because they are locked down and now I am in retirement I don’t have to screw around with the devices to get the software to work. In my last 15 years of work I got to hating technology because of how just a very minor change to either hardware or software would make the stupid devices unusable. And the customers were always jacking with one or the other or both, then blaming it on the manufacturer. So I now love not screwing around with things and just being happy with the devices as they are. It makes my life so much simpler and I now have time for the things I enjoy doing


@cvkemp, @z10user2
And this is the beauty of choice. This is the whole basis of my post. Everyone has different priorities. cvkemp prefers stability, z10 and I prefer customizability. I just want all of us to respect each other’s choices. Some people feel that because iPhone does a better job of connecting to hearing aids, that anyone who wears hearing aids should, by default, be using iPhone. They forget that there’s more to phone choice than hearing aids, a lot more. And while iPhone may do it better, or maybe not better but easier, that doesn’t mean Android can’t do it. The Android user just has to put forth a little more effort, and we Android people don’t mind that.

This thread is starting to morph into “which phone is better.” The answer is neither. I want this thread to be about respecting each other’s choices.


I agree with you so much. There is no right or wrong answer for everyone, we are all different and have different needs and likes/loves. And the same is true to everything in our life.


That is close to my experience. When I got my KS6 MFi aids, I had a Google Nexus 5 Android phone. I quickly was not too impressed with the options available, especially since the microphone on the Phone Clip+ is so bad for phone calls. I then tried an older iPhone 5 we had available. It was not too bad, but not perfect.
When I later got an iPhone 6, the MFi experience was much better and has improved somewhat with subsequent iOS releases.


Wen you out is like that, my experience with KS6, Phone Clip+ & Google Nexus 5 Android phone said it was a poor dog of a solution. Replacing the phone improved things immensely.

Apparently I am in the minority that uses my phone primarily for phone calls & text messaging.

That is part of the purpose of this forum, to help different users find the best solution for their situation.

The purpose is very similar to a CPAP forum I participate in. There is no “one size fits all”. You sometimes need to make adjustments (or try different things) and pay attention to how the body responds.

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Actually, if you look at my original post, that puts you in the majority. Although I have to admit, I have no scientific data to back up that 80% number. I guessed. But for people like you who primarily talk and text, switching then becomes easy and makes tons of sense. For people like me who value customizability, and for whom talking and texting is only a small fraction of phone usage, switching becomes less of an ideal solution. Especially when other solutions are available.


I switched from Android to iPhone a few months ago because of hearing aids, and I can tell you that it takes getting used to, even just for calling and texting. Notifications are different, setting of preferences is different, and often less flexible (e.g. you will get phone keypad tones, unless you silence the phone with the physical slide switch), navigation within and between the built-in apps is different.

For most people, I think, the same adaptability that would get them through those basic changes would also get them through the app transition. Most of the Google apps are available for iOS. Would probably have to spend some money on apps too. The App Store model seems to be a free app that’s very limited in function, and an in-app purchase to upgrade to a full-function ad-free app.

So, I might still suggest switching to iPhone, to anyone who posts on here and seems like they’d benefit from it for hearing aid use. Excluding you, of course, since you’ve made your priorities very clear.

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Actually, I might be prone to doing that as well if I thought it might help someone. But when a person makes it clear that they are not switching, that should be that. What I take exception to is the condescending comments that often follow. Like, if you’re not willing to switch, you obviously don’t care about your hearing.

Are you sure? :wink:

The 1phone 10R is in the $700 to $800 range, and is as advanced as the 10s. I’d recommend updating your price information. Features are nearly equivalent, except for (minor) differences in camera, LCD vs OLED display, and aluminum vs stainless steel. You tube the differences. You’ll be surprised on the value.

Took me awhile to sort out what you’re saying. You’re talking about Roman numeral 10, as in X and hence the iPhone XR (the less expensive single camera LCD version and the XS. BlueCrab wasn’t complaining about price. He pays big money for Galaxy Notes. Blue Crab responded to somebody who said he wasn’t paying $1200 for a phone.

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Sorry abut that. Read 10 = X. I was just responding to the $1200 price tag .

One can pay over $1400 for an iPhone Xs Max with 512 gb of storage or $1250 for a Galaxy Note 9 with 256 gb. Heck, how about this Huawei phone for almost $3grand!

I find the “customizability” argument misleading, since you base it on the variety of apps available for android. I would submit that the iPhone platform offers 2 million + apps. You seem to be implying that apps available for Android are not available for the iPhone. I’d like to see some real evidence of that.
It’s my experience that developers prefer developing for the iPhone because it’s standards and tools make it easier. Android OS comes in many flavors, depending on the manufacturer, making app development more complex and costly.
Also, iPhone users are noted for keeping their operating systems up to date much more than android users, which impacts the feature sets available in the latest apps.
So if Customizable = Apps available, I see no advantage (other than the $300 already invested).
There is no need to rationalize your personal preference. If you prefer android, so be it. Competition is the incentive for these companies to improve their products.

Porshe? Meh. I’m waiting for the Lamborgini model and it’s got to cost at least 5K or what good is it?

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With the iPhone you are restricted to apps Apple decides to permit in its App Store.

With Android you can load other app stores (such as Amazon) or “sideload” apps from anywhere. Apple does not permit this with iOS devices.

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Yes, but where talking about functionality. Are there apps you need that are not available in the App store?. There are good reasons for not allowing any old app on your phone. Google, Face book (Amazon?) are well known for capturing personal info and using it without your knowledge. Apple is committed to your privacy and security. Most people are insensitive to these issues. I’m not.


Meanwhile, this is about iPhone also: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/12/10/business/location-data-privacy-apps.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage