INTENT Smart charger

I wrote to Oticon today asking about the smart charger availability. Here is their reply. It would be good to know if any of us has taken delivery yet.

Thank you for contacting Oticon and for your interest in Oticon products. Currently, only the Desktop charger for the Intent is available. We do not have a specific ETA (time frame) of when the SmartCharger will be released. We recommend speaking with your Hearing Healthcare Professional periodically for the latest Oticon product offerings and upcoming releases.

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I heard from somebody who just got fitted with the Intent (I think through the US VA) that he received a smart charger instead of the desktop charger.


I got my INTENT1 aids this afternoon. They definitely sound better than even the Real1 aids. I will say more later. I did get the INTENT smart charger.


Did the aids come with the smart charger instead of the desktop charger? Or did you buy it separately and now you have both chargers? Either way, its great to know the smart charger is shipping.

Yes sir it sure did. I only have the smart charger, and it is a lot smaller then the 9ne for the More and Real aids.


Congratulations! You have been excitedly and patiently waiting for these for a while now. I am very happy for you :relaxed:. I hope they work out well and great you can confirm the Smart Charger can come with the Oticon Intent HAs now

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They did with my Aids from the VA.


So do you have the smart charger for real/more and intent available for a quick side by side photo?

Got my intent’s on Tuesday. Have been trialing the Signia C&G IX7 (2 months), Resound Nexia 9 (4 months) this is a whole new level, extremely impressed so far

The one on the right is the INTENT charger


Nice! So far the only thing I’m missing on these hearing aids is a smart charger. With this new charger I might have a winner in this round (if phonak doesn’t come up with something revolutionary this fall)

The INTENT aids really do charge faster. The charger is small enough to fit in my jeans or cargo pant,'s pockets.
I have semi skeleton custom ear molds. The impressions for the molds were done by 3d scanning instead of the normal impressions material, and they are so comfortable that i don’t even realize they are in my ears. The behind the clear part of the aids are shorter buy a slight bite wider and I don’t even notice them either. I do wear glasses but they are wire rim with very small ear pieces.


Oooh, your VA is doing laser impressions now? I wonder if my VA has that. Hoping for new aids in the fall when the new phonaks come out.


I am not sure my impressions were taken by my audiologist who is a university professor, in his classroom at the university, I am a case study for his lectures.


No, the VA is still doing foam, and they didn’t indicate if, or when that’ll change.
So Chuck @cvkemp is very fortunate to have an outside source.


I just noticed that the smart charger has been released to the public. I believe it was in Europe. It has showed up on the Oticon USA website now.


I have been trying to find a stockist in Europe for a few weeks but no luck as of yet…

I’m looking forward to obtaining the smart charger because it has a lid. I have to secure the desktop charger in a closed box right now so our cats don’t chew up my $7000 hearing aids overnight.

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My smart charger can recharge my aids at least 4 times. Stream audio books for between 2 and 4 hours a day. My app says even with that amount of streaming that my aids can go 22 to 24 hours on a charge. I typically wear my aids 15 to 18 hours each day. The lowest charge left i have seen is 35% which says I have 6 to 8 hours of battery life left. My INTENT1 aids is much more efficient with battery life than my Real1 aids. I keep hoping for Samsung to fix the le audio bug so i can leave my aids in le audio and get even better battery life over the AHAS

I got my Intents on Monday, and you are right. Today’s Saturday, and I still have 2 green lights on the original charge!
My VA audio clinic is not issuing the desktop charger anymore.
MORE on the Intents after I acclimate some MORE, but I’m definitely MORE excited about the overall function over my previous MOREs!