I hear a lawn mower engine and singing all the time

Hello I had knee replacment surgery on 06/22/21 the next day I was aware of some low choir more chant than singing that never stopped. Then I asked if she heard a lawn mower engine running and mowing the grass. I asked my wife and the nurse if they could hear either one they both looked at me as if I am crazy nad said no but did the your going to be fine big smiles and head nods routine. I was released from the hospital on 6/26/21 The drive home takes about an hour and 45 minutes. I heard both the chanting and the mower all the wasy home.

Since arriving home the chanting has stopped but the mover never does i can hear it as it moves around the yard and different sides of the house but it never goes away. I also hear a weed cutter runing. I am convinced I am hear the sounds of my yard guy but it is driving me crazy. I even hear it as I go to bed with the white noise maching running. I can ony assume it must be due to some pain med I was giving and may are may not still be taking. Doctors and nurses just look at me with nices smiles and nodding heads and say they have never heard of anything like it and are sure I’ll be fine.

I’m not but do know what to do it this time as I am more or less home bound for about three more weeks taning home infusion’s to control my bleeding disorder. Anyone heard of this before and might have suggestions to get some relief I would be graetfull. One more thing I still have my normal ringing in the ears also.

Check for wax in the ears
My tinnitus has different sounds every so often. did you have the hearing aids in when they did the surgery or where they in the room with you when they did the surgery. If so something in the room may have damaged them. Good luck trying to find out

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No the aids were not in the surgery room.

I get weird noises (birds singing for example) sometimes. Thankfully it seems to go away. Hopefully you can ignore it until you are off the meds and see if it stops. If not, you may have to get used to it. Growing old kind of stinks.


This is not funny but got my attention.
Hearing is so personal.
Stress, medications, ambient noise, age, health issues, etc…
So many things can change our hearing.
It’s tuff to buy hearing aids with these challenges.

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I have heard the chanting at times; and a chain saw cutting trees down (that grinding, not just running while being held up). Sometimes I hear entire orchestral pieces, but they are not ones known to me. I had both knees replaced 4 months apart in 2016, left hip replaced in 2017. Right hip will be replaced end of July 2021. I never thought to make any connection to the joint replacement surgeries.

And like you, my hearing aids were removed and held in patient belongings area, not in the surgerical OR. I currently wear KS 9’s. Bought the pair in 2019.

At this point, I just live with it. The chain saw is the one that drives me bonkers. I kind of enjoy the chants and musical productions. Wish I knew enough music to write them down; I’d make a fortune!


My Tinnitus usually kicks in with the sound of a diesel truck engine starting up and idling for hours when I get up in the morning. At first when it started a few years ago I asked a number of people if they heard it, and they all gave me the “the poor guy is senile” look. Unfortunately there isn’t much you can do about it once it starts. You just have to learn to live with it.

Oh what a rough experience @Grandpaw … Firstly you are not crazy it’s quite possible for prescription medicine to make tennitus worse. Maybe also mention it to your audiologist as well because it’s possible that your tinnitus may be a sign of your hearing loss changing. I find benadryl and in the past codeine has sent mine into overdrive for some reason I’ve had tennitus so long it’s just there but I will say mine changes daily sometimes it sounds like musical noises or choir without words, other times it’s a dull static noise, sometimes it sounds like a really high pitched car alarm on speed mode. Or just a steady continuous beep like a truck reversing. My biggest peeve Is when one ear is doing one none annoying tinnitus noise and the other is doing a obnoxious high alarm type noise gives me a slight headache the tinnitus is worse without my aids in when Im wearing them it’s barely noticeable. I hope it eases for you.


Thanks for the comments I am hearing this 24/7 with or without my aids it’s crazy this lawn mower has got to run out of gas soon.


I hear lots of different sounds, most of them all the time, but the mourning dove is the one that bugs me the most.

Grandpaw… Chanting and Lawn mower sound day after knee replacement surgery ….on pain meds…I am hearing this 24/7 with or without my aids

Freedom… I have heard the chanting at times; and a chain saw cutting trees down (that grinding, not just running while being held up). Sometimes I hear entire orchestral pieces. Has had Knee and Hip replacement

There is some interaction with the meds or medical condition that brings this on. (High Blood pressure, etc.) Two people in 2 different states suffer from the same debilitating issue.
There has to be an answer. ( Had both my hips replaced 2016) Talk to your Doctor & audiologist. I wish both of you the best.

Sing them while recording you doing so…

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Will it go away on it’s own after i stop the pain meds or is it permanent?

I would say use as few (pain) meds as you can. Effects can be permanent or temporary.

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Yeah I’m using much less than prescribed.

It may still go away, but it will probably take a lot longer than you would like. Likely will not go away until quite a while after you are feeling better re: other issues. It is more likely to go away if you can successfully find strategies to distract yourself/ignore it in the meantime. If you spend a lot of time focussing on it and thinking about it, that can drag it on longer.

Common for it to eventually die down but then come and go and come and go for a long time, too. So when it eventually does get better, don’t freak out when it comes back again–just enjoy the time that it is gone and then when it comes back remember that it having gone away at all in the first place is a sign of improvement.


MES Musical Ear Syndrome is a condition that causes musical auditory hallucinations, usually related to hearing impairment. It’s not uncommon, but it’s [rarely diagnosed)
It appears to stem from hearing loss, but the exact mechanism behind MES is a mystery.
In the case of MES, the brain chooses to fill in the blanks with music . MES is similar to tinnitus , which produces ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds and is also related to hearing loss. MES is sometimes referred to as musical tinnitus .Certain medications can cause hallucinations, including auditory hallucinations. This is more likely to involve hearing voices or noises.


Thanks for the info I will check it out and discuss it with a ENT as soon as I can get an appointmen.

I have heard music for probably 25 years and have a hearing loss since birth only using aids for 6 years. Of course I have discussed this with many to see if I was alone. I now like to tell people that I hear the earth singing as for the lawn mower I do also just say you hear the hum of the Universe. So not to worry its not dementia and your not going crazy.