I am looking to download the Oticon Genie 2 fitting 2024.1 software?

Does anyone have a link to download Oticon Genie 2 fitting 2024.1 software? I have an Oticon Real, I need to readjust.


Hi there, sure, but you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

www oticon com/ professionals/tools-and-support/fitting

Google is your friend, but it looks like a password is needed.

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So no help whatsoever… again, I’m pretty sure you’ve been asked not to post links openly on the forum, but oh well what the heck just another…

Not by anyone who matters.

If the software isn’t available for download to the common man. But someone provides a link or resource in a private message, is that software piracy?

I don’t know, it could be? But does it matter? But you missed the point, by doing it openly you then bring hearingtracker as the host
; )

Pirating software is theft. Regardless of how you provide the pirated software.

You are very naive to think the host is protected because you use PMs.

Well I don’t really know what your talking about, but the point is (again) is YOU are posting the link not me, I think your native thinking your doing everyone a favour, of course your not your trolling.