How to compare Costco Philips Hearlink with Oticon More and Jabra Pro with Resound Omnia

Yes, the 9030 does have sudden sound protection before that has 4 settings. So does the Oticon More. But the recently released Oticon Real has “added” and improved sudden sound protection that boosts this from 4 values to 6 values between the More and the Real. Along side of this change, the Philips 9040 also now has 6 values.

According to @chrisb in the thread link below, a new wind noise management feature is also added to the 9040. But I agree that the 9030 (just like the More) also does have a wind management feature as well. But I believe that this is the new and improved wind management feature added to the 9040 that should work better than that in the 9030, similarly to how the new sudden sound management feature in the 9040 should work better than the 9030. If they were the exact same features as the 9030, Philips wouldn’t mentioned them as new and improved features to the 9040.

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