I have only been wearing my hearing aids for about six or seven weeks. But, I have returned to Costco three times to have them cleaned. I assume they replaced the wax filters each time I went. When my hearing aid specialist gave me a supply of replacement filters, at my second followup visit, she told me to replace them every quarter. Obviously, for me that’s not sufficient. How often is enough? Do you just wait until the hearing aids stop working or do you have a schedule? It seems that my left ear has clogged up twice and only once for the right ear.
I change my domes and filters monthly, got a supply from Costco and ordered some more from amazon
Thanks, I may do the same. Of course, Costco is only about five miles from my office, and it only takes them about 20 minutes to clean them, as long as they are not crowded. I could just go there monthly and not worry about it.
I replace my wax filter every week. I get them from Amazon since I no longer wear Costco aids.
I do them monthly as well. Costco told me monthly which is what I have done for years. Also, I have recently taken to wiping my domes at night with an alcohol swab since I moved from open to closed domes. I don’t have a problem with sweat or ear wax but it does help keep them clean and seated correctly.
It’s been months since I had Costco clean my hearing aids. Wax is not a big issue with my ears. Once a quarter would probably work just fine for me.
I assume that since they gave me a one yer supply of filters and domes, that having me come into the store every few weeks for cleaning, probably drives them a little nuts.
I have that done every 3 months. I’m sure it helps that I clean out my ears every month using an otoscope and scoop.
Do you go to an audiologist or an ENT?
Costco will give you as many as you need, I assume within reason.
If you generate a good deal of wax you might benefit from using a hearing aid vacuum such as Jodi Vac to vacuum clean the mic holes and wax guards.
Since Costco is only five miles from my office and my home, it doesn’t pay to buy a vacuum. They will clean them for free in about 20 or thirty minutes if you go at the right time of the day.
I replace it every three weeks. Both guard and dome. Monthly was recommended then I realize I have more and faster wax buildup. Costco will provide you supplies free of charge. Use a smart phone camera or magnifier to see the wax build up and decide. I wouldn’t go more than a month.
Look at them and change them when they need it
That requires removing the dome to see the filter, is that correct. Does removing and replacing the dome wear out the dome faster also?
No, I do it myself. It’s not hard with a little practice.
Me too. Weekly
Sometimes more often
Every 6 weeks here. It depends on the individual though - we are all different in the wax department…
I have two pairs currently, Starkey Evolv AIs and Phonak Lumitys. I change the wax filters on both at least weekly.
I change my wax filters a lot less often since I started using a bulb to squirt warm water into each ear every day before going to sleep. This is at my audiologist’s suggestion. Not for you if your ear canals can’t tolerate moisture.