How many sets of hearing aids do you have?

As on today, I have 3 sets.

2014 - Starkey Halo 110 RIC (Left only)
2017 - Audibel A4 RIC (Left only)
2022 - Starkey Evolv 2400 RIC R (bilateral)

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@kevels55, I tried exactly what you are contemplating. I have perfectly well configured Phonak Virto Q90s and was looking to get exactly the same performance from my new (still on trial) KS10s via Target 7.2 and Noahlink Wireless. The first problem I had was that the Virto Q90s are not compatible with Noahlink Wireless so I needed to export the configuration via HiPro setup and import to Target 7.2. Alas the performance never matched.

I suspect that the fact that the Virto Q90s were ITE half shells and KS10 cShells was part of the problem as the physical acoustics were quite different. In the end I gave up trying that approach and reverted to a new configuration via REM fitting at Costco. The REM fitting is a good starting point for tweaking but my issue is still getting a good fitting cShell (on the fourth set at the moment).

These are my only functioning aids. The Virto Q90s are about 8 years old and still perform well, so I have certainly got my money’s worth there.

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I think you can donate those things to people who can’t hear but can’t afford

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Mine are provided by the VA. I have the current Signia Pure 312 7x, Phonak Bolero and several broken/outdated aids. The VA always took old hearing aids back until about 7 or 8 years ago. Now you just keep them and do whatever you want with them. I’m looking forward to a new set in the near future. My Bolero set is totally inadequate. The Signia aids are OK, the left serves well, the right one is crap…

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PLEASE recycle these so someone who cannot afford aids can get help!


In the UK, we are somewhat fortunate, hearing aids are freely available at point of service, from the NHS, anyone whom has a hearing loss, can ask for a referral to see an NHS Audioligist, the service is free, and so are the aids they dispense, recyclable aids would be perhaps pointless on this side of the pond? Not to mention for those with old NHS aids, I believe these are still the property of the NHS…… Technically hearing aids, are not free as such in the UK, if you are working, we pay NI (National Insurance), basically I pay around the equivalent of 400 USD per month, (But, the more you earn, the more you pay) this covers all health issues, not just hearing, plus you get the government OAP (Old Age Pension) at 66 years old, approximately 900 USD per month, tis not a perfect system, but if you are ill, or needing aids, you will be looked after…. In most instances, the aids from the NHS will be new, but the technology in them will be dated, maybe 2/3/or4 years HA’s, hence why some of UK residents buy their own, occasionally the NHS AuD will purchase aids with far newer “Technology”depending on circumstances, or level of loss? Cheers Kev :wink:


Some of the charities send them to other parts of the globe, so recycling old aids would still be useful.

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Well SHUCKS! Y’shoulda asked me before I chucked a few oldies! I started out with Starkeys in the '90s, then had Phonak something in late '90s, followed by Oticon something in early 2000s, then AGX (anyone else ever hear of them?) for several years, then Oticon Alta Pro into the teens, then briefly Oticon OPN (returned after 9 frustrating months), then Audeo B-Direct up to 2019. Finally with the Marvels going on 3 years now.

During all these years, I transitioned from the hard plastic custom mold to the soft silicone power dome (as of the Oticon aids). I found that my ears tolerate the softer molds better, and if I keep pushing them into place all day long, they provide a decent seal without too much discomfort. So I chucked the hard plastic aids - that was PAINFUL! You never know when you’ll need something, but none of them fit my ear canals anymore as I’d done got OLD.

I could brag about accessories … but only have two Phonak TV Connectors for now. Oh, and a pair of “sox” I put over my aids when I have my hair colored. Well, that hasn’t happened in TWO LONG YEARS thanks to covid.


I have had a Siemens Infiniti S1, an Oticon Gaia, then the Oticon Safari 600 P and now the Nera which are getting old anyways LOL

so new pair coming soon whenever :slight_smile:

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So, I guess you wouldn’t be interested in selling any of these, then? I would be interested in the P90 at the right price. :wink:

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Hi @digital_dreamer, in truth I have thought about this, if you PM me an offer, I would have to consider it? Cheers Kev :wink:


Interesting,I have 4 Sets but only use the Right Ear due to hearing loss with Tinnitus.There all the latest Signia Charge & Go RIC and One Rexton Emerald 60 (which are the smallest RIC I own and are Fantastic)I see you also paid for several sets of Ear Molds,why not just use the previous one?

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I currently have two pair of Phonak rechargeable aids (Paradise and Marvel)… and it is a good thing that I do. I put in my Paradise aids about 8 a.m. every morning, and frequently the battery in the primary aid will die out between 8 and 9 p.m. in the evening. I stream a lot during the day playing music while I take walks, and then when watching TV. Anyway, I then just switch to the Marvels for the late evening TV watching. I do believe in always having a backup pair of aids (in case one is in need of repair), but I have donated all my older aids … some through my audi and some at our local senior center.


I’m still on my first set. This is something I’ve considered and honestly brings me a smidge of anxiety that I don’t have a spare. I know the audiologist will almost surely have a loaner set I could use if these ever got damaged or lost, but if it’s on the weekend or out of town, I’d be without…and I can get by without but I don’t want to!

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The only reason that I got the Paradise aids is that my insurance picked up the total cost! It is my understanding that they will provide new aids every two years (up to $5000). We shall see what is available next year when I am eligible for another pair of aids … maybe made for iPhone aids from Phonak!

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I have two sets. Resound Linx2 and Resound One. They all came from the VA

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I have two sets. Both rechargable, so I can use the second set if I forgot to charge. But the main reason is actually the earpiece. I use an open fit in everyday life. But my second set has a closed earmold. I use this one in loud and noisy environments, which damps the noise and improves the effectiveness of the more sophisticated features like the zooming.

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If you had to Purchase them they would be very expensive,I dont get FREE Hearing Aids from the VA but still have 7 Pairs,Signia,Rexton,Miracle Ear(Signia) and the best one Beltone all rechargeables…

I really DO wonder if there is really any useful re-cycling of hearing aids toward those who can’t afford to buy them. I certainly HOPE so. I’ve never lived where an organization was collecting for same. It would be good to hear from someone who had benefited from such a program.

I give my old hearing aids to my local American Legion post service officer and that person give them to an organization that gives them to the needy normally organizations like missionaries and other health groups

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