Hoping for Advice

I recently had an audiogram done because my left hearing was not hearing well, and the results pretty much matched my perceptions.

My question stems from the audiologist recommending HAs for both ears, without question. I feel like I might need help only with the left. And then, after seeing a number of audiograms here, I feel fortunate to have the amount of hearing left that I do, and wonder if I need anything beyond maybe some amplification in the left ear.

It sounds like there’s no specific cut-off point - that it’s a personal decision. My main issue occurs during work, where there’s a lot of fan and blower noise with people simultaneously asking me questions (glassblowing), and I’d like to protect my hearing and still be able to communicate. I also have some issues with small groups conversations in quiet settings.

I’m hoping that there are others that have been in this boat, and hope some kind of insights might be shared.

Thanks. Bob

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Good HAs can filter out fan noise.

You and your Audi will have to work that out.

Additionally, good HAs have the ability to ‘listen’ for sound by switching on and off different microphones. This kind of feature can help focus on a small group setting while ignoring sound from behind you.

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With your loss in the upper range, you definitely needs some technical help. And all the best advice says to treat both ears the same, even if one is worse than the other. Getting started with aids earlier, rather than later, is a good idea, mainly because (as many say) “we hear with our brains as well as our ears”! The ears pick up the signal, but the brain turns it into meaningful information. The sooner you begin to train the brain to these changes, the better. And treating both sides alike also helps the brain to keep treating them as a pair, which is important to future function. This is not just about selling hearing aids. I hope you are near a Costco and can take advantage of their excellent prices and service! This Forum is an excellent source for advice along the way.

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It really comes down to how much you can tolerate. For more than 50 years I lived with my left ear with about an 80% loss. My right ear was fine. When I went for my final physical before I entered the army the physician told me he could make me unqualified, but being the gung-ho young man I was, I told him I wanted to join and I did. At times I did have to turn my head so I could hear people on my left. Most never noticed. About ten years ago I noticed that I wasn’t hearing well. My right side was losing sound and began to lose word recognition. It was then I started with hearing aids which helped immensely. So did my years in the army. My hearing aids are free. My advice to you is to hold off until you really need hearing aids.


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Unless money is an issue, I would get hearing aids for both ears. If you look at the hearing loss banana chart, you are starting to miss some of the sounds.


The hearing in my left ear is fairly good. I started out wearing only one HA, in my right ear. Money was part of the issue. Eventually it was recommended that I get two aids by my kaiser audi, who had no vested interest. I was reluctant at first, but have found that it’s much better with two, for me. I wouldn’t consider just using one aid now.
the OP might trial using two aids, but it might take two weeks or so for the difference to become apparent. Or maybe one aid will work fine. the trial period is free, so there’[s nothing to lose.

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You should get hearing aids for both ears. There are settings that can block out background noises ie. the fan. I turn my background reduction on when I am hoovering because it is too loud and it really helps. You could also get a roger pen/mic to help with group conversations as well.

I sure appreciate all the responses! It helps to know how others have approached this - it’s amazing how many separate aspects are involved, and how deep they go. When I started wearing glasses, there was certainly an adjustment period. Hearing aids seem to be a whole different thing, though - not so simple, and not nearly as many friends and aquaintances to discuss them with.

The HAs I’ve been trialing have done a good job at cutting down fan noise when on certain settings, but also seem to cut out voices - both ears sound about like bad left one. My “audi” has recommended remote mics - I’ve tried one with the Signia, and he has a Roger on order as a demo to use with the Phonaks. In theory, it sounds like a great idea. I’m hoping the Roger does better than the Signia, the person had to talk into that one up close to work.

I’ve also been reading a couple of books that have made it clear it will involve some effort on my part, and some thought about aspects other than the hearing aids themselves. For one, I’m checking out quieter fans. And then there are the barriers we still have put up from Covid, though I’m not sure I want to remove those…

Thanks for the thoughtful replies, though!

I think we learn to mentally filter unwanted background noise without any real effort–it jsut happens over time. But we have to be able to hear the fans first before we learn to filter them out of awareness! When I fist got my Osia baja, I thought the processor had a background hum. It turned out to be the computers in my audi’s office, and then my own computer fan, and the refrigerator…etc.

A friend with one cochlear ear implant had severe balance issues. He said it was due to his implant.

When he told me I had just fallen wearing 1 hearing aid. (I was a ski instructor for 35 years and had just fallen breaking my tib/fib.) Could be an urban myth…