Hi New here

I’m looking into setting up my own hearing aids and have just recently discovered this web community:-)
I have been reading what I can find on here and have now decided I may need a little assistance.
I am looking at Phonak P70 paradise R hearing aids. My hearing started to go when I was 21 and now it’s not in best shape.
From 125 on the chart I’m moderate but once past 1500 I then become profound.
I really want to be independent with my settings now due to the constant changes I experience.
Any help or information would gladly be appreciated
Thank you

If you have a 90 dB plus loss past 1500 Hz, I think Ultra Power BTE might be more appropriate (like Naida models) Are you seeing an audiologist? What do they say? I think it could be reasonable to get evaluated for cochlear implant, but there’s really too little information.

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Yes I have seen a specialist at Specsavers uk . I have up to now had their own brand . I really don’t like the idea of implant right now. Though it hasn’t been advised either. I have a wire that goes into my ear, which I believe is called a RIC ? With behind the ear main body of the aid. Although I do miss lots of conversations in general I’m happy with this style as not too bulky. I have tried NHS uk aid with mould fitted into the ear but I actually hear less with this ?
Thank you for your response

Have you found the DIY area of this forum?
Lots of great information and help there.

Having a pretty good understanding of your hearing loss and a narrowed down selection of hearing aid brands is a good place to start.
Then get the software for that aid and study the software.
Then…start looking to buy hearing aids.

You have not put your audiogram in this Forum. It is hard for the group to provide a detail suggestion for you.It is always advisable to try the HA’s for at least 3-6 months before you buy it. If you are buying online, you need to read all you can in this forum. Then you decide. There are a lot of good advice & suggestion in this Forum.

Without the Audiogram, we are shooting blindly.


Hi @dankailo @Raudrive

No I have not seen the diy part yet. Trying to navigate myself around still.
I have been looking for while and like the Phonak aids anything has to be an improvement on what I currently have though.

I didn’t know I could add my hearing results but have now done so :slight_smile:

Also I can hear better with ric rather than bte. My hearing also goes up and down ? Pressure related?

Thanks for posting your audiogram. I can see where RICs could be just as good as UP BTE for you as I’m not convinced you have anything aidable beyond 2kHz, maybe even 1500 Hz. I still think you would learn something from a cochlear implant evaluation even if the surgery is something you don’t want to consider.


If you hear less with the NHS hearing aids then you need to go back to the audiologist. I have been wearing my hearing aids all the time for about a month now after not using them for 20 years. The audiologist commented me constantly visiting them all the time to adjust my hearing aids when I was younger and that is what put me off. I am in and out of the audiologist now trying to find the right “setting” for my hearing aids. I have another appointment coming up at the end of this month, what what appears to be a hearing aid upgrade. You have to tell them you are not satisfied and they will sort it out for you. There is no reason to pay out of your own pocket when NHS are just as good. They are not that big, either. They are a lot smaller than what they used to be. Good luck :+1:

@MDB i really don’t want to go this route just yet (implant) but thanks for your input.
My hearing experience with NHS was awful to say the least. I have been going since 1993 roughly . With the degree of hearing loss I have the only option with the type of aid on offer to me at the time was huge and a lot less in the way of hearing than what I was testing with Specsavers!! Honestly I could probably hear 66% better with private. Now unless this has changed considerably in the last 4 years I could give it another go. But I shall not hold my breath.
But I do thank you for your input:)


I have NHS Oticon Xceed 1 UP and self program them. Best decision I’ve made.

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I have considered Oticon too but decided on Phonak due to reading the comparisons. Might take another look

Back in the day when deciding what brand hearing aids to go with I ended up with Oticon and Phonak as my top choices.

My final decision was based on reliability. Phonak was more reliable.

I do not know if that is still the case.

I also know any brand hearing aid can be tuned many ways. So don’t let brand pressure influence your decision. Find a good audiologist you can be honest with.

Good luck



I was more mentioning that I self program NHS Hearing Aids.

I wouldn’t hear as well if I left it to the NHS.

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How did you find self programming ? Was it difficult


Very simple both the Phonak Target and Oticon Genie.

Haven’t used any others.

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Thank you. I think I will try, I was having second thoughts but you have reassured me.

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If ya every stuck with what to do.
Post on the DIY part of the forum.

If you get NHS HAs again, your loss will be in the hearing aids that aren’t locked but we have the codes for Phonak and Oticon if they were needed to be able to program them.


Thank you
Really appreciate the information

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