Hi all,
I got my first set of hearing aids (Philips 9040) from Costco in December, so I am new to all of this. While overall I am very happy with the aids, I have one issue that my audiologist hasn’t been able to resolve yet so I’m posting here in the hope that someone can offer some things to try next time I have an appointment. There are some similar threads for different aids (e.g. 1, 2, 3) but some suggested solutions are manufacturer-specific and some are what the audiologist tried already so I’m posting my own thread as I’m really looking to understand what is going on here in case it helps me find a fix. I haven’t ventured into DIY at present, so I would need some suggestions to take to my audiologist.
When I’m in a totally quiet place, my aids don’t make any hiss or white noise that I am aware of. But as soon as I’m in a situation where there is some background noise (air handling system, extractor fan, oven or microwave, road noise, robovac running in another room, tap running, etc.) I get a noise like radio static (I’ve also seen it described as bacon frying) that is always presented to my ear at the same pitch no matter what the pitch of the source background noise. It’s like the aids are desperate to pick up something, but they don’t give it to my ear at the source frequency but at this different very specific hissing/frying frequency. I know it’s not a primary noise the aids produce all the time because they don’t make it when I’m in a silent place; I know it’s not my ears picking up sounds that they couldn’t hear before because it’s a hiss at the same pitch no matter what the pitch or type of the source sound. So it appears to be the aids picking up the background noise but not giving it to my ears in the correct way.
Some other points:
- It’s less obvious when I turn the volume down and when I use the “noise” program on my aids, and it’s more obvious in the “hearing in noise” program.
- I experience it as worse in my right ear than my left despite very similar gain settings across both ears.
- It is present both when I’m close to the noise source (e.g. right next to the microwave) and when I’m in the next room. I tend to notice it more when things are otherwise quiet but it seems to be there constantly while the noise in question is running.
I had a followup with my audiologist (who btw I am overall very happy with) and he said basically that it’s something I might have to live with as it’s something all aids will do in order to allow me to hear soft sounds and soft-spoken people. I am someone who has lived quite happily for years with high-frequency tinnitus so I don’t believe I’m over-sensitive, but I haven’t managed to live with this white noise yet, probably because I find it much more intrusive and loud, and probably also because it’s also not constant, because it depends on the presence of the background noise. When I explained how bothersome I find it, the audiologist did reduce the gain across most frequencies and more extensively for the “soft sounds”, but I can’t say that it’s helped at all (possibly marginally).
I am really unsure where to go from here because the fact that it happens with different source sounds (a tap running is higher frequency than air handling systems I would think) means it’s not a very specific frequency that can be turned down, and reducing things modestly everywhere hasn’t fixed the issue. I am worried that reducing gain further across the board would then mean I don’t get the most out of my aids in terms of correction and I might miss what people are saying (which has been a big benefit of my aids so far). In many of the other threads I could see responses along the lines of “I had this with manufacturer X but not at all with manufacturer Y”, and I’m still within the Costco return period so could try returning the Philips and trying the Jabras, for example, but I’d prefer to see if it can be fixed another way (I’d love to be able to trial a different aid for a day just for comparison, but that’s not something my Costco offers).
I’m going to attempt to upload my aided response charts in case that helps the experts (it doesn’t mean much to me). These are from before the adjustments were made.
Thanks very much for any advice you can give me! Reading this forum has been so helpful as a complete newbie.