Hearing aids, haircuts, wind noise

No, not windier than normal. I noticed it immediately after the haircut. I get it cut with a number 6 all over, but for various reasons hadn’t had a haircut for 3 months.

It’s only when the wind is coming from behind me. If I turn my head to the side a little, the noise stops.

What aids are you using? I have tried out the Starkey and Phonak aids and hear no wind noise at all. Your audiologist needs to adjust your aids.

I’ve got Phonak HAs and find with having an adjustment and wearing Ear Gear, I don’t get any wind noise.

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Ear gear. Right, good idea. I’ll try some.

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They’re Oticon Ria2 Pros. It was fine except in strong finds till the haircut. How much hair do you have around the aids?

I do sound recording as a hobby. Sound recordist fix wind noise with wind shields, not programming. What I’m hearing is pretty much what I’d expect from an unprotected microphone. Perhaps I should try turning them down a little next time it happens. Perhaps they’re just overloaded.

Ear Gear is little socks for your aids? Do they make it hard to open the battery cover?

No, there open at the bottom so can easily open the battery drawer.

They’re expensive! $38 Australian, plus $25 shipping. How much do they cost in the USA?

Here we can get them off eBay for $30 US (about the same) with free shipping. I have no idea what shipping to Australia would add to that.


To ship to Australia costs 21 to 25 dollars

Yeah, I think it’s quite pricey

There also is a product called Hearing Aid Sweat Bands that are very similar to Ear Gear, so check out the price for that also.

I tried turning them down in the wind last night, and that helped a lot. I will probably just do that to get by till my hair grows a bit.

I would’ve thought that hair brushing against the HA would cause some rustling noise. I have never had a wind problem with my Phonaks.

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I thought I would leave mine in last haircut but Jimmy washes my hair first so I took them out.

I always take mine off.

Cost of HAs versus haircut - take them out!!! I always let the barber know so he’ll understand when I can’t hear.

My HAs have wind noise reduction. As soon as they sense wind noise they block it out some how.

I always remove my HAs before any hair cut. The same goes with glasses!

I always take my HAs out, but I’m also getting color, wash, cut, & dry. I also don’t wear any earrings as I don’t want to risk the stylist accidentally hooking one. So I can’t hear & I’m under-accessorized!


I take mine out for shampoo, but put them back on for the cut.I went several years taking them out and not being able to hear the girl who cuts my hair. She’s quite the talker, so it was awkward hearing her or pretending I did. Finally gave up and left them in for cuts. She just flips them out of the way when she gets close (have behind the ear style) Don’t dread that problem anymore… Ed