Hello, I am new here and am looking for ideas for HA settings for performing musicians. I am not highly knowledgeable on the topic of hearing aid settings - I just understand the basics of frequency, gain, noise cancellation, and feedback suppression. Apologies in advance if this is wordy…I am going to try and include details that may or may not help.
My audiologist has been wonderful, helping me set up a custom music program that does not distort sounds for my instruments (flute, piccolo, clarinet) nor for any other instruments. But I am having trouble communicating to her what I need for speech in music settings. I continually have a problem hearing speech during ensemble rehearsals. I cannot understand (poor intelligibility and low volume) speech in these settings when on my customized music program. I am at great disadvantage in that I cannot understand what the person next to me is saying (for example someone talking to me during warm-ups, or in a rehearsal hall/stage area even if music isn’t being played) and also have trouble understanding what the conductor is saying.
I have experimented with toggling between general hearing (setting one) and custom music (setting two) in a quiet environment and the difference in speech intelligibility and volume is markedly worse on the music setting. I told my audiologist it was like the “mids” were missing and she turned up the gain in certain areas. This resulted in only a slight improvement for hearing speech on my music setting (but not by much) and now I have a significant amount of feedback unless I “shove” my hearing aid (for the ear with greater hearing loss) deeper than it really stays or is comfortable.
If it’s important, this problem has been slightly worse (but NOT new) since the most recent firmware update for my More 1’s. The update totally wiped my previous music setting that took hours and hours to set up, and it has taken additional hours to try and re-create it.