Hearing aid recommendation for my audiogram

Recommendation for My loss.
Brand and model,
OD- hear right
OE- hear left

What’s your audiologist or hearing aid fitter say? What are your word recognition scores like? What’s your history with hearing aids? (What have you been wearing, for how long and how successful are they?) My gut reaction is that a cochlear implant eval wouldn’t be a bad idea. Hearing aids with Phonak’s Sound Recover 2 frequency lowering MIGHT be helpful for you.

This momment I use resound one 9 with power lever HP. And I need more comprehension speak. Suggestion me resound omnia.

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Need to have an idea if any amount of gain is going to help. That’s where word recognition scores come in. My suspicion is that no hearing aid is going to be a dramatic improvement over what you have. If you do try something else, try to do it on a refundable trial basis. Again, I think a cochlear implant eval would be a good idea.

Cochelar implant? And Power lever Up, and BTE?

I suspect there is a language barrier. The basic idea of hearing aids is to make certain frequencies audible by adding more gain. If there’s enough damage to the cochlea, no amount of gain will be useful.
That’s where word recognition tests come into play. If sounds are as loud as you want and you still can’t understand more than half of speech, then no hearing aids in the world are going to be a great help. That’s where an evaluation for a cochlear implant would give you a lot of good information. If your word recognition scores are low, a more powerful UP BTE is not going to help. If a cochlear implant is out of the question, some hearing aids use frequency lowering to make the higher frequencies audible. I think Phonak’s is the best, but it takes careful adjustment and still a fair amount of people don’t like it.

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Today I’m going to take a new audiogram. And let’s see what the doctor. I was thinking of changing from resound to phonak, I’ve always used resound, it would be good to test new brands, I don’t know.

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My memory hear is bad. Necessary insert mold for more frequency. On resound omnia. Testing one month. Hope works. If works buy.

I’m in agreeance with @MDB you should do well with a CI and an evaluation for CI. You should speak to your Dr about a CI eval.

My loss is very similar to yours and I’ve done extremely well with a CI & HA combination= bimodal.

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Hi, your audiogram has a moderate to severe hearing loss in the mid and high frequences but it’s still very good in the bass frequency so you have enough room to work. A BTE SP with an output of 110/120db gain with small battery size or rechargeable and custom closed earmolds would be your ideal best option as you have plenty of power to work on your mid and high frequences. It’s not necessary an ultra power as it would be better with profound hearing loss. RIC hearing aids don’t have the required gain even with ultra power RICs as you would need to stay with the maximum throughput and you still struggle in understanding speech.

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Ok and brand recommendation? Resound? Or other? Earmold? Which one?

For your hearing loss I can recommend Phonak, Oticon, Hansaton and also Rexton aids. Even Resound the Key version could be more suitable but not RICs as they are geared through very mild to moderate hearing loss. Closed silicone earmold are the best option for a better and powerful sound almost with zero whistles if well done.

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And resound one Bt with earmold?

As I know Resound One is only RIC not BTE. At least in my country. Also the Resound One it’s getting a bit old as is superseded by Resound Omnia and the latest Nexia. You should see for these later models if they have a BTE version. You should also see the Resound Key BTE super power hearing aids which is suitable from moderate to very severe hearing loss. It’s also less expensive and also more suitable for your hearing loss than One and Omnia.

Resound BTE? Exists? Wich one models? I have 43 years old.

Yes there are various models of Resound BTE as I told you in the previous post you should see for the Resound Key, there are also the Enzo but they are more expensive and also bigger because they are with 675 battery for severe to profound hearing loss. I’m 40 years old and I wear the Phonak Naída Paradise P90-UP with 675 batteries and closed silicone earmolds for my hearing loss which is profound.

ReSound Key → Datasheet for BTE KE*77-DW
ReSound KEY SP

Key 4 , Modell: KE477-DW highest tech stage would fit for your loss and uses battery 13

ReSound Key is available as ITC / ITE / RIC / BTE

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ReSound One and ReSound Omnia als available as BTE Power models
Link to ReSound Pro website with an overview for all current ReSound Model lines and models

Picture from HCP Portfolio brochure

Okay, and you with this Phonak have greater speech comprehension, when they talk to themselves on their backs?