Hearing aid manufacturers need to offer both disposal batteries and rechargeable

@SpudGunner “With which I’m certain you’re well acquainted, blowhard.”

That’s your second stunt-deletion recently. It’s one of those silly tactics used by folks who despite being entirely unable to back up previous assertions, keep making new ones. Those keystrokes are cheap and empty. Substance would be better, so why not put some money where your mouth is? I’m up for it. Show everyone exactly how “certain” you are.

Credit here to James Randi. After decades of working hard to debunk empty claims, instead he cut to the chase by offering cash for proof of those claims. And never had to pay out.

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Wrong again. I’m trying to take @kevels55 advice and not get drawn into one of your meaningless dialogues. And also to try to be civil.

Make of that what you will.



Nonsense. You’ve both been responding continuously, neither with any substance, and you with nothing but ad hominem lately. Them’s the plain facts. Posting crap and then deleting it, twice, fools no one.

:rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy: You are learning Jim…And granted, there is the entertainment factor :grin: Although, you shouldn’t dismiss folks, out of hand, some people believe they are important, and their opinions matter, the truth is; Opinions are like A/holes, we have all got one… But, such is life, I try to understand why people do certain things, the reasoning behind their actions… Life mellowed me, made me hopefully a more rounded individual, who can laugh at my own shortcomings, of which there are plenty, we all make mistakes in life, it is how we react to those mistakes that defines us… Having the ability to laugh at yourself is an excellent trait to have, as is, not taking your own opinions too seriously, they are what they are, they are your opinions, and no one else’s, and just like your hearing loss, we are all different… So, I try to cut folks a little slack, in the fond hope they will mellow a little, if that doesn’t work, I will just ignore them, saves you on anxiety levels, life’s too short for aggravation… Cheers Kev :upside_down_face:

No, you’ll talk about them, and pretend that’s the same as ignoring.

Why not put the keystrokes into actually proving your contentions? You claimed ten years of debate experience on these issues entitles an assertion that the HA industry is evil, corrupt, and the “lowest form of life.” So it should be easy to show the evidence you based those conclusions on. Or do you believe that people trading unsupported claims with other counts as evidence and debate? How about it, are you up to simply answering direct questions, or it will it be more avoidance?

Is there a mouse about here, that keeps squeaking? It will maybe go away… If we stay quiet, doubt it though! :rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy:


I’m going to see my audi later today. He does a terrific job of hiding the fact that he’s the lowest form of life! He’s affable, professional and has made time for me in the middle of a packed schedule several times. Never charges. Doubtless his facade of professionalism is something taught in audi school. Don’t let on that you’re a scheming conniver out to fleece grandmothers of every nickel! Diabolical, really. I’ll send your greetings, Kevel.


Avoidance it is. If the targets of your defamation sued, it’s obvious that you couldn’t articulate a defense. Of course, as others in your position have proven, even the worst offenders can still skate because there can be no damages when considering the source, no sensible person should have taken the claims seriously. But the targets should sue anyway, otherwise this echo-chamber fact-free blight that’s so popular these days will continue to get worse.

He’s surely up to something, don’t turn your back! :slight_smile:

You are welcome to do that @Jeffrey…Thank you :wink:

Fortunately, I was able to choose rechargeable or non-rechargeable for my Phillips HearLink 9030’s. I chose non-rechargeable.


I think that if the manufacturers are monitoring our Forum (and how could they not be?) they would have long ago realized that the rechargeable vs disposable issue must be addressed.

But notice how the parent company has declined to offer as much choice in their flagship brands as in their second-string, like Phillips!

However - other hypotheses can reasonably be advanced:

I am almost certain they have their “Lackeys” on this forum, to keep their finger on the pulse, dish out misinformation when deemed appropriate, stir it when a thread gets too near the bone, in order to get it shut down!

One never knows. Sun Tzu made good use of spies!


That is just the latest of at least a dozen references to “paid lackeys” that I’ve seen here. Has anyone ever offered one iota of proof for that conspiracy? Is that you, Mike Lindell? MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell claimed the FBI seized his phone outside a Hardee's: 'My hearing aids run off this!'

Interesting hypothesis Jim, definitely plausible though… Cheers Kev :grin:


If you look on the Oticon (US for me) web page, for the More, they show a miniRITE T style that “includes a telecoil and comes with disposable batteries for hassle free, immediate replacement of power”. The same page also shows both rechargeable and disposable battery versions of the newer More miniBTE aid.

Oticon may not have offered a disposable version initially. In a similar vein, when I got the OPN about 6 years ago - there was only one model that later was rebadged as the OPN 1 when the 2 and 3 versions were added.

@biggar: Please read that I wrote “declined to offer as much choice”. I have never implied that no choice was offered.

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Well it’s too late for him now, he’s already been pulled into the dark web of deceit…and likes it, I mean everything for free and appointments on a whim, wow… if only everyone was like that ; )

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Oh come on!!! Those who have a different opinion than you are lackeys, paid and planted by the HA companies to influence folks? Really? Frankly you have an inflated sense of the importance of this forum. Basically its a couple of guys, and occasionally a woman, spouting off. sometimes helpful information is disseminated. But, again, there are what, six or seven hard core contributors, most of whom are elderly, like me, and possibly lonely and craving connection. In the end there’s so much neurotic fantasy being pedaled that it’s a bit hard to take. Why not just accept that some folks have different opinions? I’m happy that some here like replaceable batteries. Have at it! there isn’t a mad world out there hiring shills to influence the tiny audience here so that rechargeable batteries can eventually take over the world as part of a scheme to reduce everyone to mindless robots in nazi state.

come on! stop with the stupid hate and fantasy!


@jeffrey : The only hate here is what you’re peddling in this diatribe. Reasonable people don’t believe in the paid shill nonsense. But a few contributors of late are so rabid in their criticism of opposing points of view that they give that impression.

The forum is for civilly exchanging points of view, not for flaming one another or hurling insults. If these excesses are tolerable, then why not also entertain the notion of paid lackeys? What other reason can there be for the level of vitriol we’ve been witness to in this thread, recently.

I’ve given this advice before: chop up your soap box, set fire to it, and enjoy a nice marshmallow…