Hearing Aid Fitting DIY School and Fitting Software

I’d like to also request the latest Genie software if someone can pay it forward :slight_smile:

Thanks as always for the great info you provided today and in the past. Great to see your still helping those in need

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It appears opnS has the ability to replace the battery. The YouTube video I just saw looks almost as easy as replacing a 312 battery. That is very attractive. Now I need to find out if phonak M or P might offer simple user battery replacement as well.

Phonak way of working with rechargeable batteries is very different to Oticon.

Oticon are the only company where audiologists can change the battery.

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Phonak batteries are hard-wired/semi-permanent. Look closely at the last picture (linked below). That is a wire which is somehow soldered to the face of the battery!!

Here’s a link to some pictures; Buying used Rechargeable hearing aids? - Be careful - #19 by Vigilo

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I am also looking for a link to Genie 2 2022.1.

Thank you!

Im looking for Phonak Target 7.X

Thank you!

p.s. got info message Thank you!

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I’m also looking for a link to Genie 2 2022.1.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

How hard is it to replace the speaker leads on the OPN S1? Is is something a simple mortal can do?

Does anyone have experience with using 100DB speakers instead of 85DB

The Speaker is actually named a Receiver in Hearing Aid nomenclature;

Here’s a Link to a UTube video; How to change an Oticon receiver

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Thank you for helping a newbie sound less dumb. I am guessing the higher DB is for people with hearing loss in the upper range? Does the 100DB Receiver allow for adjusting the higher range band then the 85DB Receiver?

I don’t give individual fitting advice. Though here’s a couple of Tips;

  1. Run Oticon Genie2
  2. Make a dummy client, Joe Blow
  3. Click some points (any points) on one side of the audiogram
  4. Copy the same audiogram points to the other side
  5. At the next (Welcome) step click SIMULATE (don’t connect your hearing aids)
  6. At the SELECTION Step Choose some hearing aids (FAMILY, STYLE)
  7. At the same SELECTION Step Choose Fitting Level 85 an one side and 100 on the other side
  8. Gaze upon how the two different Receivers Fit your audiogram and whether your audiogram loss is inside or outside the range of your receiver power

ETA> To see a more stark difference choose a 60 receiver on one side and a 105 receiver on the other side.

Thank you. This helps.

Hi, can someone help me find Selectic hearing aid fitting software? Obvious, Selectic ultime pro is Oticon Ria Pro but cannot be fited with Oticon Genie.

Though I could be wrong; I believe that you would need to use Genie along with a password, as opposed to using fitting software from Selectic.

Where to get the password is of course an additional obstacle. Here’s an excerpt from the DIY School PDF file named (02 How to Program Your Hearing Aids);

I solved the problem :slightly_smiling_face:, Thank You!

But I haven’t solved the problem with Novasense Elite yet, I still need Aura:fit AudioNova software… :roll_eyes:

I am unsure if you are referencing this readily available United HealthCare Relate Aurafit?? Here’s an excerpt from (Fitting Software Links and Sources) where the link is clickable. See the OP/Original Post for a link.