The designation of the new miniRITE model has appeared on the FCC website. Here is link Before it there were More and Real models with the same radio chip (so no new Bluetooth again). Now was the time to release a superpower model. So apparently Oticon has stopped supporting profound hearing loss?
It would appear so @Lostdeaf, but I hope not! There is apparently something from Oticon, in the wind next month though, whether a SP or UP aid, is part of this (alleged) announcement in late February, we will have to wait and see… I like Oticon, but I prefer Phonak, mainly because the Roger ALD’s are part of my overall listening experience… I also like new tech, and it is coming up on 5 years since the Xceed UP’s, hit the market, as we all know, that’s a long time in technological terms, it would be brilliant to see an all new, singing & dancing Oticon UP aid, it would also give the Phonak Naida UP, some valuable competition! Cheers Kev
Thank you for your moral support! Let us hope for the best. I know about the Roger system, I like it too. It’s just a pity that it’s too expensive. But if there is no other choice left, you will have to move on.
You are welcome Dmitrii I appreciate it may be difficult in your country, but I suppose/assume it’s not impossible, to get Roger ALD’s? I buy all mine second hand, via eBay… Been experimenting lately with the Roger System, muting my Naida Lumity Mics, via the MyPhonak App, this has made a big overall difference using the Roger On, pointing mode is now exceptionally good (thank you @Don for this info) tried it last night, with the TV blaring, pointed the On at my wife, she was about 5 feet or so away, the On picked up her voice clearly, with zero background noise from the blaring TV Hopefully late February will have an announcement of a new Oticon UP… Good Luck, cheers Kev
Doesn’t impact SP and UP models, but it looks like they have new Bluettooth in the works. shows a couple of Host Subsystems using BT 5.4 dated 1/12/2024. Impossible for me to predict when this might result in actual product.
For what its worth, I’ve always worn super power aids until my current pair of Real 1s with 105db receivers and closed silicon molds.
It took me awhile to tweak the settings (I self program after Audi does initial setting) but find I have more than enough gain and my discrimination feels better. And I appreciate not having to lug around large HAs with tubes and not worrying about batteries running out.
I’m not nearly smart enough to understand how RICs have made the jump so people with my severe / profound loss can wear them but I’m definitely grateful. For those of you looking for the next SP / UP I’d at least consider giving the more powerful RICs a try.
Yes, Roger ALDs has banned by Phonak in our country. So we must buy all accessories through third countries.
Can you send direct link to Oticon please?
I’m not sure the info will be retained in the link. Do Advanced Search and insert Demant A/S in the company section and BT 5.4 in the Spec section.
Phonak accessories are mostly over priced and don’t necessarily guarantee better hearing. Your better off saving your money for some future aid purchase, then wasting it on unproven bells and whistles. That are very, very costly.
Phonak accessories are not only expensive, but also very confusing in terms of licenses.
Yeah Dmitrii, on paper Roger devices are expensive, but they work exceptionally well… I am now at at stage, I can buy in very cheaply, sometimes at as low as 1/10th of the actual retail cost, if they need small repairs, I am aware the eBay seller will have to sell cheap, I sometimes target these, especially if its a faulty battery, it is a fairly easy process for me, to unsolder a malfunctioning battery, and re-solder a new one in, this is a very cheap fix, I can buy in these LiFePO4 batteries for around $7, once its repaired, its fully functional again, and works like new It is in many ways, a sort of hobby/interest in my retirement, I don’t spend lots of money, but the Roger devices I have, when new, they would have cost many thousands of Dollars/Pounds, I have in my collection, 1 x Roger On, 2 x Roger Pen, 2 x Roger Select iN, 1 x normal Select, 3 x Roger Inspiro, 1 x Roger Touchscreen, 1 x Roger Pass Around The Mic, 1 x Roger Clip On Mic (bought today, in as new condition for around $40) 4 x or 2 pairs of (type 02) Roger X Receivers, 2 x or 1 pair of (type 03) Roger X Receivers, 1 x Roger X Installer, collectively these would cast a small fortune, when bought new… Of the above, only one item was bought new, my first, a (type 03) Roger X Receiver for £365, I was naive back then, I never made that mistake again!!! I will shortly acquire a Roger Table Mic 2, and possibly a Roger On V2, but I will wait for a bargain Cheers Kev
My collection isn’t as impressive as Kev’s, but I’ve been in noisy restaurant/party situations where nothing I did with my aids alone enabled me to follow the conversation. It was always fine once I gave up and used the On. Mine came from ebay for less than $100, though that was an unusually good price and I had to make some repairs.
Yeah @CombatWombat, The Roger On is an excellent weapon of choice in noise, muting or killing the hearing aid Mics, turned the “On” from good, to downright excellent, especially in pointing mode, pointing mode was always at best, poor, but not now! My best bargains where, a Roger X (type 2) Receiver (6 months old) £56, (UK retail price, around £650) 3 x Roger Inspiro’s, all working perfect, £123 for the lot, (£41 each) these where still on sale last year in the UK, for around £1400 each… Roger Pass Around The Mic £10 + £5 postage I believe, still on sale for around £450 There are indeed bargains to be had, is you are patient… Cheers Kev
I hope that manufacturers come out with a new generation of super power aids with newer Bluetooth and solid state receivers(speakers).
You deserve a reward as an honorary buyer of Phonak very impressive collection!
Thank you Dmitrii… But no, I am just a hobbyist/collector, some folks collect model cars, my collection is perhaps slightly more unusual On the plus side, I am able to let folks on this forum, know how well they work (first hand) or don’t, but in truth, I have yet to see a poor Roger device, they all perform fairly well, in certain challenging situations, but like all ALD’s they have limitations… Cheers Kev
Should have called you ROGER MASTER! All the best of Health and take care!