Currently trialing the More 1 rechargeable. Have loved the rechargeable feature and am happy with the sound quality and especially the program the Audi put on them for loud crowd situations. Overall I love them.
But, the Audi told me they would be slightly larger than my OPN S1 aids. She didn’t lie. They feel huge compared to the S1 and I might end up having to return them. The main problem I am having is my hair rubbing on them drives me crazy! I have very short hair, think m8litary short and never had this problem with the S1.
I have an adjustment scheduled for 11/16 at the VA. Is this to be expected withe the More’s and if so what other aids might be more appropriate for my loss. Thanks.
The Audi can adjust and eliminate the hair rubbing sounds - drove me nuts also - my experience.
I found the OPN1 to More1 a huge size adjustment, but I got used to. I wore Epochs for years, and they are much larger, so I knew I would be able to wear them, but yep, the More rechargeables feel huge.
Could it be that the larger aids are not seated properly behind your ears and are instead being forced into you hair. I don’t know anything about your particular aids or where the microphone are located. This is more if a common problem you hear about from people with longer hair and bte aids
Thanks for the feedback. I am going to take both my S1’s and Mores to the appt. I am wearing only the S1’s right now 7ntil I can get the adjustments needed. Plus I want to see if they can add the loud crowd noise program to the S1’s also.
What makes the More 1 so much larger. Is it the rechargeable feature? If so maybe I can just go with the T model if needed.
The T model using disposable 312 battery and the rechargeable model for the More looks almost the same as seen in the first screenshot below. It doesn’t look like they will come out with a disposable 312 battery version without the T coil anytime soon, if they even will. They’d probably have to get rid of the Tcoil as well if there’s any chance to slim it down. But it may be because the additional electronic circuitries already make the More beefy, so they might as well add the Tcoil to it because getting rid of the Tcoil may not necessarily make it any smaller.
The OPN S R model and the OPN S T model looks almost the same in the second screenshot, with the OPN S disposable 312 battery model looks a slight bit thinner.
I have More 1 rechargeables. My hair is military short at the ears right after a haircut. I don’t find them to be large at all (compared to my previous Phonak Brio’s, which are ~1/8" shorter but ~1/8" fatter). There is a loud crackling noise if they are rubbed against which so far I’ve attributed to either the high gain or insufficient feedback suppression. Doesn’t really bother me though. I am going to check this with my Audi, but if the source cannot be reduced, I expect that different HA’s won’t be any different.
All other things being equal dealing with “hair noise” at point farthest upstream would be best. So …
Perhaps hair could be undercut/layered in such a way to reduce it hitting HAs. Perhaps there is hair spray that could keep it from creating as much mechanical noise in hitting HAs.
Suggestion of others to see whether different length ear wire would position the body of HAs in better place where hair hits mics less. I believe the company some members have suggested is Ear Gear (online) which makes a removable sleeve for HAs - perhaps if hair hits HAs with such a sleeve on that the “hair noise” might be reduced. Personally I have no exp. with such sleeves.
While audi/fitter might be able to tweak HAs to reduce the “hair noise” this’d reduce sounds in frequencies for speech that might be important to you, so tradeoffs.
Our brains/some brains and for certain sounds that were once very annoying might in time habituate to them and they are then tolerable. I have new HAs (KS10 - no exp with brand you are using) and my first time with frequency lowering. For first 5 days the mechanical sound of my keyboard was so annoying that I turned down the volume on HAs by 8db; but each day I could increase the volume, and now have reframed the key board sound to be my own soft percussion instrument and actually find it rather reassuring. While brain is the farthest downstream in the audio chain, it is the ultimate “decider” so should also be listed perhaps as # zero in my list.
Be careful with hair spray around hearing aids. Just because one person doesn’t think the aids wear high doesn’t mean they don’t to another. A person with a narrow space between the head and ear is going to have more problems wearing larger aids
@Edma: I’m being repetitive here, however, my own personal experiences have demonstrated to me that one size - longer or shorter - receiver wire length makes a big difference in
How comfortable the body of the HA feels behind the ear;
The ability if the HA body to shift/change position behind the ear.
As I’ve already said in a previous post: I perceive this as a mechanical problem, so that’s where I’d expect to find a solution. (And I don’t mean hair sprays when I say “mechanical” - there’s always a residue …).
I have medium length hair and have no issues with hair rubbing on my More 1s. I also haven’t noticed a size difference from the Alta Pros that I had prior to the the rechargeable More 1s. They are slightly larger, but not so much so as to make them uncomfortable; they don’t get in the way of my glasses or masks. In fact, I hardly notice them at all when I am wearing them, which is the point. I just hear a lot better!
Your audi will be able to add the equivalent Noise program.
The rechargeables are slightly larger, but as @SpudGunner stated, the probable culprit is the receiver wires.
It can really be fun with glasses and a mask!
The only HA that might be an option is Signia. They make a very slim aid, but as an Oticon user, it’ll be a real process to adapt to the sound of another brand.
Oticon has that unique sound signature that, if you are currently wearing them, others don’t sound quite as natural.
You’ll get the hair rubbing corrected, I’m sure.
Or just go skin head, or hippie long!
Consider getting nylon ear jacket covers for the hearing aids that insulates against the hair and also against the natural elements such as water or wind.
I wear phonak bte aids. Add glasses and a face mask and I start to look like an airplane heading down the runway. And which of the 3 do you think starts rising up on my ears. I admit my ears are fairly close to my head
Wanted to provide follow up on this. Had my VA appt on 11/16. My audi replaced my right receiver wire and turned them down a notch. No hair feedback problems since. I am going back on 1/4 to pick up new mini molds she ordered. The ones I have tend to hurt my right ear after awhile. Will probably have her turn them back up a notch since it seems like sound is just not as crisp as it was before I had her turn them down.