Going to try earmolds

I wouldn’t give up Anita… It takes all kinds to makeup this forum. Take me for instance, a jack of all trades, and master of none! I am an expert in nothing, but I know a little about most aspects of hearing loss, hearing aids, and assistive listening devices, I occasionally DIY, and self program my aids, in the departments where I am lacking, I glean that information from the expert’s on here… I ask, or sometimes I read for hours, on this site or others. The gift of understanding is a wonderful asset, we can comprehend the problem, then hopefully rectify and get a result :grin: It is never too late to learn…” Pele” the renowned and world famous soccer player, said in his autobiography; “I came to this world knowing nothing, I will go out of it, still learning…” There is always some way of improving your overall well-being, tis the same with hearing loss, learning is the Key… Cheers Kev :wink:


There were a lot of people trying to help. But no one can help if they’re given the wrong information. Everyone here was trying to be as helpful as possible and still are but a lot of information that you provided was either misleading or wrong. There’s nothing wrong with not being as knowledgeable as some people on this forum. All you have to do is tell us so. Everyone here wants to share their experiences with you and try to help you through the process. But misinformation only muddies the waters and leads people to go off track. We’re here to help. I think that’s obvious. But you implied you were an experienced wearer and so that’s what everyone assumed. Leaving the forum is certainly your prerogative but I think it’s a mistake. There’s a wealth of information here. Try to remember one thing. Hearing aids don’t fix anything. They help. But there’s always a compromise. Your audioligist
says you don’t have a profound loss but then gets you molds that aren’t vented. I wish you the best in your endeavors but I’m sorry to see you leave the forum.


Could you please tell me what wrong or misinformation I provided on here? I have never pretended to know what I do not know. There is also misinformation on this site. For instance someone said that molds do not provide 8000 Hz and someone else said they do. How does someone like me discern fact from fiction? Must I read something three times and if 2 agree then they are right?

When I lived in Florida I went to an Audiologist and an ENT and neither helped me at all. I trusted their expertise and never asked the correct questions. I guess it’s my fault because I never realized that hearing loss was so complicated until I found this Site.

BTW immediately after awakening this a.m. I had a L Earache for 10 minutes. Never had such since I was a kid.

I am a little despondent right now to say the least which is not my usual self. So I will just sit and relax with another cup of coffee.

If I am wrong about 8k freqs, I apologize.


I said I wished you all the best. I don’t have any desire to fight with you or upset you. And i have no intention of rehashing this entire thread. I regret we couldn’t have been more help. It’s just a forum of strangers. Don’t let it get to you


@anihan: We can’t go back and find evidence that has disappeared, Anita. And, as for the factual discrepancies that may exist in the Forum: we’re a community of fellow sufferers who strive to help one another by sharing experiences and the best of our knowledge.

We don’t vet out Members’ knowledge or credentials before we let them post advice.


All any of use do is give our own experiences. And seeing everyone has their own hearing loss issues, environmental issues and even their own hearing basis, I wouldn’t say anyone is giving wrong or bad advice. We are all individuals with many years of experience. I have been wearing aids for 18+ years and some on here have been wearing aids 40 or more years.
We all have to do our own research, and learn to weed out what doesn’t fit our own needs.


Hi aniha, let me mention up-front that I have only skimmed this thread, focussing mostly on your posts.

It seems to me that people got a bit hung up on you referring to your hearing aid as a BTE. However, you are not wrong to have called it a BTE, nor was your clinician. BTE just stands for behind the ear, which your hearing aids certainly are. While people often now think of a BTE as only a power hearing aid that connects to an earmold via a plastic tube, rather than a smaller hearing aid that connects to an earmold or dome via a wire, the industry has not always make this separation. On this forum, hearing aids with a wire, like yours, are often referred to as RICs (receiver in the canal), although you may also see RITE or RIE. But again, your clinician was not incorrect to call it a BTE.

For many people, a dome doesn’t fit perfectly in their ear and/or may not provide appropriate venting. The consequences of this are that they may not receive appropriate prescriptive gain at high frequencies, low frequencies, or both. Because a mold will often resolve this, molds will commonly, but not always, improve sound quality. If a dome happened to fit well in your ear, a mold may not make much difference.

Your hearing loss does not appear to require a UP receiver. You may find a mold made up with a HP receiver more discrete and comfortable.

Hearing aids need to be re-verified with real-ear measures to confirm that they are meeting prescriptive targets when you move from domes to molds. Because we don’t know whether your hearing aids are programmed optimally, or what your maximum word recognition is during testing, it is hard to say whether you are at a limit of what your hearing aids can do for you, or whether you should see someone for a second opinion. Your hearing loss as posted does not appear to be terribly severe, but if your speech clarity is very low, even at loud volumes, you may indeed be a cochlear implant candidate. What hearing difficulties are you having?


@Neville : I think you’ve done those of us who have been trying to help Anita a disservice by only skimming. There are other issues other than the BTE one that have proven problematic, and you have missed them.

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Seems some places in the world seem really relaxed with giving people cochlear implant’s. Where I live, the OP hearing loss wouldn’t even get her an evaluation to see how things are as it’s way too good.

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I agree with Neville. Don’t skim. It helps no one

[@hass5744: Have you got anything mixed up here, hass?]

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Thank you Neville for your post and interest in my case. Oh I just stumbled on something quite extra ordinary. I have had my TV on most of the day today but if I have a phone call I mute it or if I am doing other work like reading this for an app on my iPad. Anyway what I noticed when I put the sound on the TV it was way too loud at the volume number I always keep it at for instance just for clarification I listen to volume 14. Put the sound back on and it was still too loud so I turned it down to 12 and it was still perfect. Keep it on the same channel and program for the best test.

I must give this new discovery more time to see if it is actually doing what I think it is. The brain.

When folks have said that I need to let my brain learn these new molds I didn’t understand because I used the same volume # with my Domes. So obviously there is a slight difference in there that I personally can’t calculate. The only thing I can grasp is that my brain is hearing better with the molds than with the domes. I will keep them if only for two notches better.

They are Resound aids & Molds. Have been happy with the aids now for 2 1/2 years. Molds 1 week.


@anihan : I’m sorry, Anita - I am not quite grasping what you’re trying to explain here.

[Edit: I reread the post, and it is crystal clear to me now … and yes, this is brain plasticity at work … it should improve further, too!]


She’s now finding the ear moulds slightly better by having to turn down her TV a bit.

I guess the longer she wears them, the more they could be better? I don’t know?


@Zebras: Thanks, Zebes … I just wasn’t catching her drift.

[Must be a WimminSpeak©️ thing …]

[Edit : I reread the post, and it is crystal clear to me now … and yes, this is brain plasticity at work … it should improve further, too!]

You can have only a moderately-severe loss with nearly 0% word recognition. It’s not common with presbycusis–ususally there is something else involved. But in that case, we wouldn’t base implant candidacy on just thresholds. It is clearly not the case for anihan, though, if she is able to understand TV without subtitles.


Excellent. I hope things continue to get better

Keep in mind that it has been noted that the op has gone back and edited a lot of her comments where forum members have questioned what she has said, or her knowledge regarding hearing aids. To the point where many of the comments made by members no longer make sense. The op has single handedly destroyed this thread


@hass5744: I have reread the thread and I concur with your observations. IMO, nobody learns from that kind of shenanigan, and the value of this Forum is thereby diminished.

The loss of participation such as @anihan’s is no loss at all.