GN Hearing introduces ReSound ONE

This was my favourite bit of prose of the day.

I’m sorry. I don’t know the answers to these questions.

On this one, I think there is an answer. If you want the microphone in the ear, there is only the MM receiver option, which probably doubles as LP and MP.

Datasheet for in-the-ear mic variety of ReSound One: from ReSound Pro website

There is also a different ReSound One option that comes with LP, MP, HP, and UP receivers as STANDARD RECEIVERS. So I bet for that one, it’s just the three mics on the HA body, not the third mic on the receiver in the ear canal, facing out.

Datasheet for ReSound One with Standard Receivers: from ReSound Pro website

She showed a variety of about 8 colors for the shell - nothing very wild but some variety, not just gray.
See page 8 of the following.

Thanks for clarifying. Who do I see about raising the limit?


Hm, you sure?

I understood that it’s 2 mics on the body and only with the special receiver you get the third mic on the canal entrance.

Until manufacturers give red, blue, green, violet and such they don’t offer colors IMO, only shades of grey and brown :joy:

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OK, checking in sw I must say I’m not impressed with ability to change things, coming from phonak’s target.

They put that MM receiver as a special directionality, but, compared to phonak which has auto program switching based on environment, and in each program you can set up all parameters, including mic directionality, for resound it looks like only environment dependent stuff that works automatically is noise cancelling, if I understood correctly.

So unless you put manual program, you can’t for example have calm situation with omni mic, and then loud situation with MM.

I expected to see MM as an additional stuff, not as ‘either - or’. Plus it’s not clear what HAs mic contribute when you choose MM mic.

I guess this lack of setup features and no automatic programs like phonak has them is probably coming from ‘let your brain work, we’ll send almost everything in’ for resound vs phonak’s ‘we’ll work so that you don’t have to’.

Since I definitely like how phonak works for me, and my brain has a lot of difficulty already, I’ll stick with phonak for this shopping, plus that way I’ll avoid my fitter go crazy if I’d come with another big request and ask to order full set of gadgets from another manufacturer now :smiley:

Plus ability to connect to the computer without needing anything else is definitely a nice feature :smiley:
BTW I think resound + multimic + new (refurbished s10) phone + tv connector would cost me somewhat less than phonak + roger select + tv connector :rofl:

I think both resound and phonak brought interesting stuff to the table with this new releases and it will definitely be interesting to watch how tech develops for the next generation.

I haven’t studied Smart Fit software recently. But a remark Dr. Christensen made in her talks yesterday, something about “we don’t want the HA just doing thngs automatically and switching programs on you without your knowledge and consent” - if I got it right, seems to indicate that Phonak and ReSound have a major difference in the user interface, Phonak with Autosense. ReSound gives you a lot of manual control in the Smart 3D app but you can only have 4 basic programs (they can be of your choice, working with your HCP) and then you can have some number of Favorites off those 4 basic programs and the Favorites can be activated by GPS location. Within a program, volume and directionality, wind and noise suppression can automatically change depending upon overall environmental loudness, loudness of noise and its directionality, speech and its directionality, and degree of windiness. But a ReSound HA never says to itself, “I hear music. Time to switch to the Music program.” You have to do that manually in the Smart 3D app.

ReSound extended the same functionality philosophy to its new “ultrafocus” microphone beam directionality for extremely difficult speech-in-noise situations. The presenter said that the user would have to activate that by tapping a button on an HA or by going to the Smart 3D app. I guess they didn’t want a situation where suddenly for some reason the user can only hear stuff well that’s directly in front of them without the user in total control.

So it will be interesting to see where all the different HA OEM’s go. I was wondering if the Marvel and the Paradise are going to be so successful that other HA OEM’s are in “Jump the Shark” mode trying to grab the user’s attention - “Hey! I’m here, too. Look at what I can do!”

Edit_Update: In looking over the fitting software options for the Quattro, there is an automatic focusing directionality mode for use with the Quattro for the Restaurant program but not employed with any of the other basic programs like All-Around, Outdoors, or Music. In the Smart 3D app, the user can switch out of the default automatic sensing and focusing mode and adjust the focus straight ahead between narrow and wide and places in-between.

I think that you must be right, which sounds stupid on ReSound’s part. I checked out the models on the datasheet. They’re both the same for the two higher end versions of ReSound One, the 961, 962 and the 761, 762. But for models equipped with a standard receiver instead of the M&RIE one, there’s also an additional even lower spec HA body to use with standard receivers but apparently not the ReSound One MM receiver (561, 562), lacking functionality needed to employ MM receiver??

Strange, too, that even the highest spec body (961, 962), if used with a standard receiver, will lose some important directionality function as shown by the spec sheet area that I circled in red in attached pix below (the Environmental Optimizer I is no longer available with either type of receiver, standard of MM-replaced by EO II instead).

It would seem to be a far better move just to put 3 mics on a different body if someone just wants to use a standard receiver, especially to get HP and UP receiver power without increasing risk of feedback as much as would happen with an MM M&RIE receiver type.

I noted an important difference in programming, though, between the Quattro and the ReSound One with medium power receivers on both. The Quattro uses Binaural Directionality III in the most commonly used All-Around program mode. The ReSound One has two new programming modes for use of the MM (M&RIE) receiver. “All-Access Directionality” for the All-Around program mode and the Ultra Focus program with only the fixed directionality available. And since I don’t have a ReSound One and haven’t checked the One literature in depth, I haven’t found out whether one can add more than 4 programs to the Smart 3D app menu.

I haven’t installed the app since I assumed it won’t work without the HAs, but it’s nice that people have control over it.

I like what phonak did with autosense, so far I haven’t encountered problem with it. I did put it on faster reaction, and started speech in very loud noise for lower nose volumes since I liked narrow directionality better for situations so far.

But without looking at programming sw for both i wouldn’t understand how they really work. So I think promo materials aren’t good enough.

Very interesting to me as I just ordered a set of Resound Enzo Q’s from the VA the day before yesterday. I think my new hearing aids have many similar features to the Resound One but due to my profound loss, I need a more powerful aid using the 13 battery. Hope they live up to the improved capabilities they are claiming. I currently am using the Enzo’s that are 4 years old and still remember how good they were when I first got them.

Check this document Tmic vs stereo zoom

Tmic is the mic that sits at the opening of the ear canal for CI users. They compared that to phonak stereo zoom feature. Found out that HA mics provide better results than Tmic. Research was founded by AB, CI manufacturer from sonova.

I think the article might be an interesting read on the topic of ‘what can we expect from the mic in the canal opening’. Especially in terms of terms.

I should think the situation would be like folks anticipating the release of Nvidia’s new graphics cards, where someone remarked “until I get my hands on a shipping version, I won’t put too much credence in any of the claims.” So the best thing would be a head-to-head comparison of actual production versions of any HA mics that one wanted to compare, rather than extrapolating. But since I don’t plan to getting new HA’s any time soon, as with the paper, the matter is literally of academic concern to me right now. I reported on what I heard from ReSound’s talk because I accidentally signed up for it in showing someone else how to register for an Audiology Online course (!) and I attended, feeling guilty about signing up just to drop out, and thought those interested in the ReSound device might be interested in what I heard. But thanks for the reference. It’s thoughtful of you! I will be paying attention to what other folks write here about their experiences with the Paradise, the ReSound One, etc., over the next few years.

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I am currently testing the Resound Quattro and so far I think it’s a big improvement over my old hearing aids. Previously I had Phonak and then Widex, always top of the line at the time of purchase. With the Resound, I feel like I can understand speech better, which is always my biggest issue. Also the sound is natural and I love customizing with the app. I am trying to decide between the Quattro or the new Resound One. Has anyone tried the new One and what do you think? I have a significant hearing loss, especially in the high tones. I would love to hear any advice you may have. Thank you!

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It does seem like you have some pretty serious hearing loss at high frequencies. What does the HCP that you’re trialing the Quattro’s with have to say about the suitability of the ReSound One with only the MM receiver with the mic on it if you don’t want to go with a standard receiver, which takes away a few features??

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My take is that most fitting formulas dont’t try to do a lot with severe to profound high frequency losses and fitters/audiologists seem even less concerned. Some frequency lowering could help. I think medium receivers would be fine. (I’m using medium receivers in my KS9s and they’re fine) I’m sure plenty on the forum will disagree with me though.


The first thing which pops into my head when I see this new aid is the reliability factor. That exposed mic inside the ear canal gives me the heebie jeebies!

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It will be interesting to see if the ear canal mic really improves one’s hearing and if semi-exposed mic holds up over time. Obviously insertion and removal day in day out, month in month out, will quickly tell if ear receiver can hold up over time. Throw in ear perspiration, general dust/pollen and possible ear wax (probably limited) and you might find more minuses than positives. But I like the fact that Resound is throwing something new on the market, versus the standard bells and whistles that everyone copy cats.


Thank you Jim. I will look into it:)

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To update this post a bit, I have to confess much of my previous experience streaming was using an almost 9-year-old Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone as my “iPod” podcast player while carrying my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 purely as my general purpose smartphone and my HA control via the Smart 3D app.

How clever, I thought! I can control my listening experience thru my HA’s via my Note 8 (treble, bass, wind and noise suppression, external mics vs streaming focus only), without leaving the podcast player view on my “iPod” old phone (which I don’t care terribly if I accidentally drop on an asphalt road while fiddling with podcast playing controls as I walk).

Well, lesson learned. Today I couldn’t get the podcast I wanted to listen to downloaded into the old podcast player app versions on the 2011 Galaxy Nexus. So I used the Note 8 directly with more modern version of the same player apps.

I think much of the “deterioration” in streaming quality I was experiencing before is that I had two devices (the Note 8 and the Galaxy Nexus phones) both connected to my HA’s through the Phone Clip+ BT streamer that’s necessary with older Android phones. So whenever I did anything on my Note 8, switched into or out of the Smart 3D app, the Note 8 probably seized more “cpu” time from the Phone Clip+, causing a hiccup in streaming. Similarly, while walking, if the Note 8 did something on its own that caused more command of PC+ processing, that may well have caused the occasional “bleerps” I’d hear in streaming quality of stuff coming from the old Galaxy Nexus phone.

Streaming directly from my Note 8 and going into and out of the Smart 3D app a number of times on a 2.5 mile 40-minute walk this AM, I had no streaming interruptions or spontaneous micro-“bleerp” interruptions of streaming. Everything was uninterrupted and crystal-clear.

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I find it absolutely mind boggling how much confusion over the exterior microphone placement there continues to be on this forum on the Resound ONE devices. It’s not in your dang ear canal. It’s on the end of the receiver, facing the outside. It literally shows it in the pictures in the user manual, which are available on the Resound professional site now here: Hearing aids ReSound - ONE (see Resound ONE User Guide RIE page 10 on the upper right section under User Guides). The exterior microphone, again, EXTERIOR, not in your ear canal, is no more exposed to environments of your ear than the microphones on the aid body behind your head. In fact, it’s probably more protected from sweat since it’s free floating and not touching your hair.

The data sheet shows fitting a loss of 80dB up to 3000 Hz dropping to 100 dB by 6000 Hz with the M&RIE receiver with the external mic.

The earmold guide says you cannot use encased (where the receiver is built into the earmold) or hollow cavity molds (hard open fit just a thin shell) with the M&RIE receivers that have the external microphone.


Hopefully, that still means ReSound One’s still work when the receiver is inserted into a semi-hard silicone mold made by ReSound, such as I have for my Quattro’s. The following is ~a direct quote from Dr. Laurel Christensen, the Chief Audiology Officer of ReSound in response to a question that I asked her by messaging in the Audiology Online presentation she made live on September 8th. She didn’t say, though, what sort of molds she meant - I just presumed it must be the “standard” silicone ones where it’s easy to insert and remove the receivers and the HA is not custom-built into a mold when the device is first manufactured.

The mold guide you cite is not super-easy to interpret but my take is all the styles on the righthand side of the page are options for the M&RIE receiver as that type of receiver is listed next to the mold options and it’s not specifically excluded n the text for each mold option as it is on the left hand side of the page (p.2, righthand side of link on earmolds). Should imagine the style mold that I am currently wearing is the “CANAL” at the top of the righthand column.

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