Gain Level in APD & APDC

Does someone have an understanding of how GAIN LEVEL works in Adaptive Phonak Digital and Adaptive Phonak Digital Contrast?

At 80% are the HAs meeing 80% of Target Gain, 100% HAs output matching Target Gain and 110% HAs exceed Target Gain by 10%? I am guessing this by adjusting the sliding button and observing the curves at various gain levels.

Is there a rule of thumb when selecting GAIN LEVEL? I’ve been wearing HAs for 5 years, typically like to have things a bit louder.

Due to poor word recognition scores, I am going to try Adaptive Phonak Digital Contrast. After recalculation, I noticed gain level for APDC defaults at 80%. I am going to set GAIN LEVEL at 110% before adjusting GAIN & MPO


Yeah so it’s going to be quite different gains compared to what your used to, APDC is used to “balance” audibility and loudness, supposed to be quite similar to NAL 2 with slow compression, why not just leave it at 80% to begin with and check your speech comprehension, making things “louder” doesn’t always help things become clearer or give clarity, I’d go up in 10% to test each level, instead of jumping straight in to a 110% setting and then having to adjust the gain curve and MPO in fine tuning.
Check out this video it’s not in detail but there’s a few on the web just google “Phonak digital contrast 2.0”


As I understand it, changing the gain level is also to be understood in connection with new users.
New users often find the prescribed volume too high and uncomfortable. Their brain has to get used to it first.
This is why Target initially sets the gain level to 80%, which is then automatically and gradually increased to 100%. (If the corresponding check box is activated).
However, you can also leave the gain level fixed if you like it that way.

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