Forum disturbances

Thank you for doing that! I have considered putting up a post seeking advice, but I hesitated, knowing that one of the people you mentioned there would probably say something rude or hateful. I have also mentioned this forum to many people, but warned them that there are people who post nasty rude things. I know your job in this area is difficult, but I am so glad you are there!


It certainly came across as criticism. I am also an empath and I have been avoiding commenting because the nasty comments are very difficult to tolerate.Apparently the 3 being sanctioned have been warned and didn’t get it or didn’t care.


I was astounded to see “snark” in a thread about how people were suspended for many things, including “snarking”.- most inappropriate.
Glad to learn about the Flag feature and that it’s monitored.
Abram, my thanks to you for the moderation work.


I don’t see a thumbs down.


It’s a flag. Click the flag and a box pops up so you can explain why you’re flagging the post.


You have tough job. I think it is a real balancing act. The last individual suspended has spent literally weeks or months helping the folks in the DIY section. I would probably not be a DIYer without his help. His DIY School -V.2.0 is now offline. That being said there was no reason for him to insert himself in this thread the way he did. As I said, you have a tough job!


Perhaps the forum needs a chat room, or an off topic section. That some people on here become friendly with one another seems like a feature to me, not a bug.


@jay_man2 Thank you.

@chrisb thank you for your reply

Another (sports) forum I’m on has this.

It’s called the ‘Banjo Lounge’ - Kudos if you get the Burt Reynolds reference.

It takes the ‘heat/overflow/off-topic conversation’ away from cluttering the main page.

For persistent offenders, there’s a sub-forum called the ‘Sin Bin’: you get limited to posting there during any bans.


@pvc helped and keeps helping many, many of us on this forum. IMHO this is a suspension detrimental to the community. Especially since in this case I do not think pvc was the one triggering things (in fact, I agree with pvc in that exchange…). I know that this individual was suspended in the past, but I also remember that many of pvc helpful posts were taken down at the time.

As for the other three, I would also give them a second chance. I do recognize that the forum seems more focused and helpful without all the off-topic banter or snarkiness. Just don’t think they are trolls per se, and they deserve an opportunity to do better.


Yeah, he is not up to good if he basically takes DIY software offline, if he really cared about his little project and the people behinds it, he wouldve kept it online…


Agreed @e1405, thank you for posting :smile: I cannot see what @pvc has done to warrant a suspension on this thread… Well perhaps I can, although this is purely speculation on my part, his DIY school might not go down well with some of the manufacturers, and when you put your head above the parapet, you are there to be shot at, perhaps like an itch you cannot scratch, a constant irritation? As always, YMMV…. Cheers Kev :wink:


It doesn’t matter in the scheme of things, everything is available, there isn’t anything in the school that’s not freely available from most forum members right here and now, in reality the little “DIY project” is everyone on this forum.


Still takes someone to do the work to put it all together, and having done scientific reports, I appreciate just how much effort it does involve, and in keeping it all up to date.
I am very grateful to pvc for his work, it has saved me a lot of time and effort to figure out these things by myself. As to taking his DIY software offline, maybe he will feel better in a couple of days and reconsider. We are all only human.


The DIY school may well be tied to his avatar and hence not available if he isn’t. We are way off topic here so I started a thread in the DIY section. Cheers


Same thing he did years ago. He likes to be prickly which leads to discipline. Then he takes his ball and runs home. My previous post on the subject. DIY - How to get started with self-programming - #29 by Dusty

I’d say he’s been better lately. But apparently his drama has caused the moderators to have to spend a lot of time on him yet again. The forums will do just fine without him for a couple weeks, and forever if need be.


Several times I have posted something and deleted it 5 min later, because I relisted it was redundant, off topic, or personal !
And it would probably just encourage a negative or angry response from the previous poster.

As I did earlier in this thread :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

In the future I will wait 5 min. and think about my post, before pressing the Reply button, so I don’t have to go back and edit or delete it.


Thank you for that. If all of us were privy to the amount of “know it allness” that they possess we wouldn’t need a hearing aid forum.

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