Experiencing intermittent hearing loss!

Hi everyone. I’m a new here and hoping someone can answer my question.
I’ve been experiencing hearing loss in my left ear for some time now. It’s not a constant hearing loss which is what puzzles me.The only way that I can explain it or compare it to is it’s like a blown speaker in a stereo system. I’m involved with the music at my church and it usually occurs when we hit certain frequencies/notes. This past Sunday it was particularly bad to the point that I actually had to stop momentarily from participating. Bad when you can’t stand your own singing lol! There’s no pain just the my hearing being “staticky “ for lack of a better word. Has anyone ever experienced this.

Frankly, you need to see a doctor since there are several things that can cause hearing loss.

If you are set to self diagnose, I suggest you use one or more of the AI programs such as Copilot, Gemini, ChatGPT and so on.

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Indeed. We can’t diagnose you properly on forum.

FIHD (Broken Speaker Sound in Ear)


Dysacusis is a [hearing impairment characterized by difficulty in processing details of [sound] due to distortion in [frequency or intensity rather than primarily a loss of the ability to perceive sound.

Don’t waste time at a primary care doc… go to an ENT.

I saw 3 ENT’s and 3 Audiologists before I found an Otolaryngologist (ENT) that understood my problem.

I have distortion in my left ear. Broken speaker.
The audiologist and ENTs I’ve seen are clueless.
I know that there is nothing that can be done. You just have to try to adapt to it.
It can be hard. Especially getting use to your own distorted voice.

Thanks for the reply’s everyone. It’s something I’ve had to live with for quite a while and will probably continue to. I was just wondering if anyone on this forum was experiencing the same thing and they did about it.