DYI Oticon

I own an xceed model and want to do little adjustments by myself. The question is if l log into my aids with the pc can l save my hearing aids setting that l have on it now and make little adjustments then save it. Would it be save as different name.

Hi there, yes and yes you can do this very easy, you just need to make up 2 seperate client’s, one to save your Audiologist settings and one for your DIY projects, you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device.

Thanks for the info. If l log into a different name save it as it is. What happens if l want to go to my old settings?

You mean your original audiology settings, well that’s in the first client you made up, so you just connect to that client and then save as usual and now your back to the original settings, you can bounce between the two clients all day long or even any others you decide to make up, easy no problem.

Thanks for your input and information.

Another quick question.what is fuller sound or more bass mean on the software.

Lower (Bass) frequency so brightness would be higher frequencies, are you adjusting in the fine tuning /sound control, or something else, but anyways it’s usually under say 1000Hz and under.


Fuller Sound on Oticon means it lowers the highs by 6dB.

I was just looking at General program and l see different options. What do they mean.

Different fitting formulas.

I’m using DSE on my Xceed.

Thanks for all the help. Just want to make sure l have my facts and information. Also how do you turn up one side of the aids volume up to even with the other side. Also if you make 1 change in the programs does it affect others program?

This should be dependent on your audogram, so when programming genie will give each side the appropriate gain, if you want a bit more you use the fine tuning screen and uncheck/unlink the HAs and you can do each side independently.

No each program can be done independently, but I’m not sure if this a default setting for genie? @Zebras

As long as you unlink the programs, each one can be adjusted independently.

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Few more questions. What this do this options do? I find when l am in grocery store or restaurants back around sound very loud and don’t hear speech as well. What are different options.

How exit the session without saving.

I think that’s just “exit” it’s top left side of genie “file” click that to get a drop down menu, but I’m not sure why you’d want to do that, because you can always go back to your previous setting using the arrows, again at the top left side.

You could try changing the directional mics to “Full directional” in your screenshot you have everything set to Max, try middle settings.
Have you got the “speech in noise” program set up.

Thank everyone for input. I finally did some adjustments. Work still need to be done. When it music program if l turn some soft sounds does it improve gulitar and keyboards sound. Also are women voices soft sounds.

You’ll need to experiment yourself here to know if it’s how you like your guitar to sound.

Well in most cases, but not my mother in law ; )

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Perfect I noticed when l watch movies my subwoofer and sound are flat. Could this be the Transient Noise Management off or do l need to,set it to high.