DIY Oticon Xceed 1 and CROS: How to Open Up the MPO?

@tenkan - I finally found some tweaks that have alleviated the background noise issue almost 100%.

Is there a way to boost the Connect Clip beyond the settings in the program so that it sounds louder and clearer? As of now, it is still a little too soft and muffled-sounding. I mean beyond the settings on the fitting screen where it shows (softer/fuller/etc.). I already have it on max where I need it and it’s still too soft and muffled sounding.

Only those in the fitting screen as far as I know, I mean you can use the phones volume when connected right, but I guess that’s not want your asking, I have to say that I no longer use Oticon products ( my last was OPN S ) I’m sure others can offer the some more details on this.

Glad you’ve managed to make your HA sound much better.

Any questions, do ask and I’ll try and help.

@Zebras - Is there a way to get the ConnectClip to sound similar? Currently, it still sounds quite muffled and a little too quiet, and I’m on max settings in the fitting screen. So, I need to push the settings beyond that.

Only by adjusting P1 as that what it goes by plus what the Fitting Screen gives you.

This is where you adjust thesettings for the CClip:


Hi flashb,

That’s what I mean. I am at maximum. How can I adjust volume/loudness/muffleness/clarity beyond these? I also have power bass on high.

Are you aware that you’ve got your microphone of your hearing aids when using connect clip, set to really loud.

Do you find background noise through your hearing aids over powers the sound coming from the connect clip?

Most people have it here :arrow_down:



This isn’t an MPO function. The preposition of the question is wrong.

MPO - Maximum Power Output, doesn’t govern the basic amount of gain coming through.

If your mother’s voice is quieter than your soundings (a negative SNR), you aren’t going to pick it up whatever you’ve got the aid set to. Just like if I’m listening to music (at 80dB) in one room and someone shouts from another room (at 75dB), I’m not hearing them unless they happen to hit gaps in the music.

In the additional question: making the aid more linear - the result is going to have the opposite effect to the question above. Linearity applies proportionately more gain to louder signals than quieter ones, so in effect, for an equivalent average loudness/comfort level, quieter sounds (like your mother’s voice at distance) will receive LESS gain and be less audible.

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If I’m understanding the situation correctly, something like a baby monitor might work well.

That’s what I do.

I don’t use a baby monitor as such but I’ve changed the signal so it sets off the dummy sign so I know who it is.

When I’m staying at my Mums house, she can press the door bell that isn’t on the front door but in her room and it sets off the dummy sign on my pager.

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@Zebras - Thank you! I thought that might have been it but wasn’t entirely sure. Thanks again for the second set of eyes on this one. It’s working quite well now.

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I shouldn’t have to be reduced to using a baby monitor just to hear somebody in another room. My analogues never had this issue 20 years ago. Even my digital linear Phonaks didn’t have this issue when I had my Q50 NAIDA + CROS set to linear.


If it’s like the phone set up that I have as I don’t have a Connect Clip, the top line gives an extra +9dB and the middle line that you’ve just changed, is -12dB on the part that I marked.

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Interesting information. Thank you for your help on this, @Zebras!! Much appreciated.

I see @Zebras got you sorted, so I’ll just say you definitely had everything cranked way to high, and that was causing the distortion.
From your previous post, I mistakenly thought you were adjusting the Sound Control sliders in the Fine Tuning screen.
Anyway, glad it’s better, and as @mdb suggested, a baby monitor would be ideal.
I had a panasonic cordless phone with 2 handsets, and used them as an intercom when my late wife was alive for that purpose.

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Are you aware that selecting fuller, just reduces the highs by 6dB? Might be why it’s muffled?!


You rock, @Zebras!! That has resolved the muffleness issue with the ConnectClip on my TV.

Thank you for all your help!

The fuller designation is really quite the misnomer. I did not mouse-over the tabs long enough to see the further detail of that setting when I worked with them the first time around.

Thanks again!!

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Further updates: To resolve other sound issues, I have had to move some of the audio frequencies up by a few dB. This helped to improve clarity and loudness of speech while also preserving background noise and also protecting my hearing in the process.

I am so happy with the sound of my hearing aids now on both the ConnectClip and normal use that I don’t need further adjustments for a long while.

Thank you all for all your help, especially @Zebras and @tenkan!!


EDIT: Nope. The first time was some sort of fluke. After subsequent times, my TV went to its usual setting and deactivated the AMPLIFY mode on ConnectClip. Looks like I need a new, updated TV (perhaps an Amazon FireTV) that has the option for increasing volume on bluetooth audio. I got this TV in 2019 when I didn’t even have bluetooth streaming on my hearing aids yet.

Sigh. Oh, well.

Thank you all, especially @Zebras and @tenkan for all your help and DIY information.