Do I still need a REM without going to appointment?

I recently have my older Ambio 77 back because I was not getting on with the Smart hearing aids. The audiology clinic is only open in the mornings and I was either working or it is too far for me to travel. So they said I can send my other ones back and write in a letter explaining what I want them to do, so I explained to please issue my older hearing aids and to put exact same settings on them that I had before they gave me different ones. I have them now and seem OK but the volume on one side is not equal to the other. I am wondering whether I should have went and got the REM done? Or does it not matter?

If they followed NHS procedures they will have reloaded your old settings which had REM included.
Perhaps your hearing has changed?

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One side has always been less than the other. The audiologist always has to increase the volume on one side to match the other, but this was done so that is why I am wondering why my left ear is less. Maybe my hearing has changed, then… had a hearing test done a few months ago which showed no changes.

Not sure if there is an app for your aids to increase the volume, looks like you’ll have to go to the clinic.

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I have an app on my phone so I can adjust the volume, just annoying I have to keep doing it every time I turn them on. Thanks for your replies :relaxed:

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Mine are set so the volume of each aid can be controlled individually without using the app.

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Have you saved a favourite profile with the volume change?

You’ll still need to pick it when you first turn the aid on but it saves you having to move the slider everytime so it’s faster.

In regards to the aid volume not being equal, could it be possible the hospital loaded the wrong session information on it?

Are you having any whistling issues?

Did you get given the smart versions originally?
I’m interested to know what you didn’t get on with as the Smart version is far superior to the regular Ambio aid.

In my 15 years of NHS HAs, I’ve never had REM done. In my penultimate appointment (2023), it was offered, but it wouldn’t connect, so he gave up and upped the overall volume, which did nothing for speech recognition.