DIY School - (v2.0)

can someone please provide me with the link to download the Oticon Genie 2 software for fitting my Oticon more 1

Welcome to the forum, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well, check out the user guide and don’t forget to check the DIY school,lots of information there.

Can someone please provide me with the link to download the Phonak Target software for my Phonak Audeo device?

Greatly appreciated, I’m new in the scene, unfortunately with progressive hearing loss, so I want to be able to test myself.

I understand tha tI also need the Noahlink Wireless device. When googling it from my country the cheapest option to buy it would be AliExpress… Can I trust that?!

Hi there, sure but don’t forget to read up on the DIY school, you can check out the target user guide as well.

I have used Aliexpress seller FORSOUND with good results.


Could I get a copy of phonak target?

Gotcha - you can pay it forward. :slight_smile:

hi could i get a copy of phonak target please

Welcome to the forum sure but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects, what models are you using.
Check out the target user guide as well, you can also find more information from the DIY school.

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PVC, I have spent hours trying to download and install ProFit and the Patient Base for Genesis. I have read your information DIY School several times to no avail. Any information anyone can provide to help me with this problem will be greatly appreciated.

Okay, where are you getting stuck, which step (from → 01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software)?
You will need to install two parts;

  1. Install Starkey Pro Fit and/or Starkey Inspire (first before PatientBase)
  2. Install Starkey Patient Database
  3. Important: You must run PatientBase, not the fitting software.
    The first time you run PatientBase from the desktop-shortcut or from the Start menu, you will be asked to assign an easily remembered username and password of your choice. Remember these or get locked out!

I’m getting stuck on 1. I am thinking that the .txt file when changed to a .bat file will install Pro Fit. I must need to go some place else to download and install Pro Fit. Where should I go?

It’s the normal hidden software procedure like Phonak Target and others.

I re-wrote the Starkey Section in (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) to make it more clear. Read your PM/Private Messages.

Thank you so much PVC. I have down loaded the files you sent me. I will try to install them tomorrow. Thanks again…Bill

I have re-written the DIY School PDF file (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) section (Starkey Pro Fit & Inspire) to describe 3-Steps for installing;

  1. Starkey Inspire
  2. Starkey Patient Database
  3. Starkey Pro Fit

Please re-read it. Sorry about the old version being incomplete and confusing. The new version should make more sense.

Does anyone have a link to * Widex Compass GPS 4.4

Hi there, sure what modles are you using, as there’s different programming devices to use.
Check out the DIY school as well, lots more information available.

This will depend what Phonak Audeo you have, whether a Noahlink Wireless will work or not.

PVC I think I have the fitting and patient base installed for Genesis (ProFit). You don’t have to apologize for anything. The amount of work you done to setup DIY School is greatly appreciated very helpful. Thanks for all your help.


Can someone please provide me with the link to download the Phonak Target software for my Phonak Audeo (Marvel / Paradise) device?

Many thanks