My intent here is to summarize the approach that I use. YMMV.
After over a decade of self-programming my various Phonak HAs and hundreds of adjustments using Phonak’s Target software, I have found, in the end, the following approach works best for me. Wish I had known this when I first started. So, I’m offering my approach here for others who might be wondering where to start. I am assuming, if you are here, that you have Target software and a Noahlink Wireless (or another brand equivalent). I am also assuming you are attempting to program your HAs yourself and already know that a competent audiologist who can perform REM adjustments can most likely get the best outcome for your hearing loss. Finally, the approach I am suggesting you try here is one that I notice several other experienced and longtime DIYers are using as well. Try it, as a starting point, and fiddle if you must from there. I fiddled first, for years, and arrived here. So, I hope this approach works for you and saves you some time.
How to self-program
Acoustic Parameters
Dome choice makes a difference. Each change/experiment of dome type and size requires repeating AudiogramDirect and Feedback & real ear test. The recommended receiver and dome from the Target software (designated by the “Target” symbol) worked the best for me.
Use “AudiogramDirect” and “Feedback & real ear test” to measure your hearing loss. By all means start with an actual hearing test audiogram but I find that using AudiogramDirect gives different (and much better) results. One small adjustment up or down (5 dbs) makes a perceptible difference.
I also attempt to fine tune my results with “Overtuning” (found on the “Feedback & real ear test” screen in Target software) and can find the point where higher dBs are crisp but not artificial. Adjusting this is an iterative process based on trial and error.
Global tuning
I recommend beginners use the following:
Adaptive Phonak Digital 2.0
Gain Level 100%.
Occlusion Compensation “Off”.
Compression “Prescribed compression”
SoundRecover2 “selected/On”
Fine tuning
Use Target’s default settings for everything. SoundRecover 2.0 certainly has a significant effect but I found, for me, the default settings work best. Same with all the other possible adjustments Target provides. I’ve probably tried hundreds of settings now over the years but have settled on only changing the items described in Fitting - Steps 1) and 2) above, as the drivers of my DIY fine tuning. I play classical guitar and use that along with the Music program to determine the ideal settings as a DIYer.
For those experienced, I try to adjust other hearing aids, that is the Phonak Audeo paradises that I bought as extras to these.
In fine tuning, I would like to reduce the sound of background noise or music, for example I am watching Star Trek DS9, the voice is a bit quieter and the background music or noise is louder. What are the frequencies?and Is it soft, medium or loud?
Don’t connect your hearing aids and just open software and press on various buttons to see what is available and you’ll learn the software quicker. Change buttons and see what it does to the gain. That way you also learn more quickly.
OK with a bit or searching I discovered that rather confusingly it’s renamed for the KS-10’s as ‘High Frequency Protect+’ but AFAIK to all intents and purpose is the same thing. (on the ‘Fine Tunings’ screen)
Thanks everyone for the help. Now I’ve got a problem I don’t know how to solve - the gain on the mic for bluetooth has somehow got switched to minimum so I am inaudible on Zoom and phonecalls!
I didn’t see it mentioned (and if it was I apologize for reading too fast) … the phone will have a separate volume setting for BT connections … have you tried looking there?
Hi all,
I’ve just purchased a Pilotone II remote but apparently it needs to be programmed !
When I connect the remote to the laptop the Target software recognises it and provides only one option - Home button long press=AutoSense OS.
I’ve tried pairing it to my HA’s (Naida V90) but no go. Just wondering if the remote is defective ? Anyone have any thougths ?
Thanks for the info, I’ll have to wait for the iCube II to arrive and give it a try.
I am a bit confused though as the PilotOne II instructions indicate that programming can be carried out via the USB port on the remote but this only allows me to turn on/off the AutoSense OS.