Dear Phonak, your Lumity battery isn't good enough

Kelly blue doesn’t think its ridiculous

So this is now a thread on electric cars? OKaaaaaaay…

6+ years ago I was T-boned at an intersection in my electric car by a red light runner. The impact was sufficient to dislodge both of my Phonak RIC aids and send them to the floor of the car. And my hearing was made a little worse, too.

Ah, got it back to hearing aids…


What we really need to know is if the accident was caused by rechargeable or disposable batteries.


i am on trial period with Phonak Life L90 (rechargeable): I WONT BE CHOOSING IT.
The battery life is absolutely crap (short), drains faster than I can drink a beer :slight_smile: :smiley:


Get creative. With the Starkey turbo charger you can easily extend your HAs a few hours while you relieve yourself (sitting in the restroom). This is a normal daily function that most of us don’t really need to hear. When I have a packed day and will be extending it well into the evening, this works. (Starkey Evolv 2400 HAs)

I am interested in your thoughts on the Genesis HAs. I don’t have streaming issues with the Evolv, so was surprised to see issues with the Genesis. Other than the BT issue, how did they perform?

IME, I had many times that replaceable batteries died mid day, mid discussion, etc. With rechargeables, you can see the state of charge and adjust/plan accordingly.

This question is for those who fret over power outages and rechargeables. How long is your power typically out? My Starkey case holds 3 extra charges, so 3+ days of juice is available. In my situation, the charger stays plugged in so, if the power goes out, it is fully charged.

Three days of juice gives me plenty of time to plan a way to charge the case, probably in the car. The reality is in most cases, power outages don’t last 3+ days. This concern seems like a red herring folks like to toss out…


Maybe forever, you never know. :smiley:

I know not everyone likes a scary movie, but this was a good one that also explored . . .uhh. . . the power of hearing aid feedback in a post apocalypic world with scary monsters.

Seems on target for this thread. :nerd_face:

My Phonak Virto’s P90-312 run 5 days on a 312 battery. I always replace the batteries after 4 days, so I add extra margin. In this way I never had a problem with died batteries in critical discussions.



I don’t think most of us share your statement above.
2 vords for you: Situation Awareness
You don’t want to be found frozen with your pants/skirt down, not being aware of what going on around you…

Do you work for the big five or do you have some sort of a grudge against people who wants to keep the choice of HA with disposable batteries?

For sure, I don’t mind rechargeable HA, each to their own, but, I am against removing HA with disposable batteries from the market.

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Nope, I am an independent financial consultant. I was simply providing some insight to another poster as to where time may be found. If I am in an office environment where I can secure my HAs, I may avail myself of the time noted to charge them. If I am not in a controlled environment, this option is off the table. The post had nothing to do with the rechargeable v replacement battery discussion.


And here we were again with folks that have a moderate to severe loss trying to convince those of us with a profound loss that rechargables are just a matter of ‘being creative’ :roll_eyes: I have no need to be creative or spend a half hour unable to hear with my conventional batteries and I like it that way but more power to you if rechargeables work for you!


The get creative response was to a user who was trying to get more out of rechargeable. Had nothing to do with the rechargeable/replaceable discussion. As I have stated in other threads, I see the case for replaceable battery aids. I’m not trying to convince anybody which way to go.

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Yeah @Baltazard, not even an average of a post a year, so I wouldn’t hold my breath on you getting a reply? It would indeed be interesting to hear it from Phonak’s perspective or indeed any of the major hearing aid manufacturers, I am almost certain, they are within this forum, under various guises perhaps, but it is likely they frequently pay us a visit, to see how we plebiscites, are voting with our cash :grin: Cheers Kev :wink:

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@kevels55 At least we got one from Phonak, now we need to find the others, the quest is on.

On the bright side, discussions like these will bring them from the abyss to the surface, and we know now they are reading this forum, so hopefully they will take people’s concerns into consideration when designing and thinking about their products, products WE the end user will be either approving (buying), or rejecting (not buying).

It is absolutely critical to have a healthy discussion and show to the big five & co, what consumers are worried about and their feedback, so they can take it into account in tweaking their HA or/and make sure their new products fit most users needs.

I think maybe it has something to do with risk and reputation or NDA, that’s why they keep their involvement in forums to close to zero, I could be wrong.


Gonna have to disagree. I’ve never had that happen to me with disposables. Ever. And I’ve been using them for 40 years.

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Even 18 hours every day isn’t enough.

He was 12 min of read time on the forum. I’m hoping for better but my expectations are tempered.

I remember working for a company releasing product a while ago. We had to be VERY careful about what we said. And customers’ ideas we brought to product managers got put on a pile and the marketing folks held more sway, I fear.



I am almost certain @Baltazard, there will be active members of this forum, whom are direct employees of the major manufacturers, under the guise of hearing aid users, stirring the pot of their respective company wares… If you think about it logically, this forum generates massive sales worldwide, and basically there is little or no transparency in the hearing aid industry, its also extremely secretive, on top of that, its liberal with the truth, in its advertising blurbs… The lack of ethics, leaves a lot to be desired! Sales & Marketing will be on here for sure… There is no real way of checking folks are legitimate hearing aid users, unless you know that person, outwith this forum, and not many folks will know each other personally! New users, probably come on here, totally bewildered, seeking out a good Audiologist is an absolute minefield, not to mention, its very costly, picking the wrong A.uD or wrong hearing aid, is easily done, rectifying those mistakes, is time consuming, and it can be heavy on your pocket… I believe this forum, is a total godsend to new prospective hearing aid users, good information is a powerful tool, if it is used wisely, there is a wealth of good, bad and indifferent information on here, sorting out the wheat from the chaff is perhaps another matter entirely! In truth, I know absolutely nothing on NDA’s, apart from what I have read, most providers probably have to sign one, or they might decline to sell them aids? Anyway that’s my 2 cents worth :upside_down_face: Apologies for waffling on… Cheers Kev :wink: