Dealing with phone support

Well after trying to deal with telephone support service for an issue with a major appliance, asking the agent to slow her rate of speech, and was told I can’t and won’t because we are told to speak this way, I demands to talk to the manager and after an attempt to get me to give up and hang up the manager came on. I asked why the company refuses to be understanding with the ones of us with hearing disability and was bluntly told he didn’t have time for this excuse. I demanded phone numbers and names, starting with the phone tech, his and the CEO of the company. he asked why I said because I am going to contact the disability agency and my lawyer and see just how far I can but your company in the grave. He liked to crapped his shorts. I was actually given the numbers and names, and forwarded to another service tech that got me taken care of by way of emails, and text messages. And given 4 apologies from the CEO and that manager’s director. I was mad and I made it known. I did phone support for years and the way they were before my threats was uncalled for.
In short don’t let anyone bully you, stand up for your rights. I do my best to be civil but sometimes that doesn’t work, I was civil with the poor person on the phone, I can’t say the same with the manager that didn’t sound like he was as old as the young lady on the phone. The email from the director was interesting as was the one from the CEO. My canned response to both of them was the same the company needs to educate its employees on customer support skills.


Good for you.

But also, I feel sorry for the first kid. “We were told to speak this way”–fast? To make sure they are getting through so many calls in an hour? Sounds like a crap job.


When I did phone support I was told to take all the time needed, my ratings were on closed cases, and satisfaction surveys. I have spent days on calls, and remember on call that I was on the phone with one person for 40 straight hours. It was about getting the job done, not about hurrying and getting a customer made.

If anyone does believe my 40 hour call below is an explanation
When I did IT support I had many calls that would go 12, 15, 20, 36, and that one for over 40 hours. Me and the other person would take bathroom breaks and grab snacks. On the extreme calls my co works would get food from the lunchroom for me. Also as a Navy technician doing last minute Presidential trips I was use to going as much as 72 hours without sleep, to get things ready for the President. It is all what you get use to doing.


@cvkemp: Thanks for explaining that, Chuck. Personally, as a Canadian, I sometimes have trouble getting my head around the godlike status of POTUS, and the lengths gone to to protect and serve him…


To be honest back when I served the President I served it was my pleasure to go as far as I could to serve him. Nowadays I wouldn’t even advise anyone to go in the military. I know some people will not agree and that is okay.


@cvkemp: I understand what you’re saying. But to me, the more important issue is how your persistence probably changed the outlook of some of that company’s employees in a way that will directly benefit a HoH caller, tomorrow.