Costco to get Jabra Enhance Pro 20

The Enhance Pro app for my Jabra Pro 20s does not seem to use too much battery on my S23 which is using Bluetooth LE audio, usually ~ .5%. It did use 2.4% of the battery the day after I got the aids because I messed with it constantly (see photo). I did have to turn off sound for the notifications - was getting frequent connecting and reconnecting. I am trying to avoid resetting all Bluetooth connections, but I might have to. I also have a Garmin watch that likes to stay connected all of the time.

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I am using EP 20s that I just got about 2 weeks ago with my Pixel 6. The sound goes to both ears but it is not entirely hands-free. I have to initiate the call normally but Iā€™m experimenting with having Google Assistant doing that. I donā€™t have to be holding the phone, however. BT connection is a problem. Iā€™ve lost connection twice now where I placed a call and the other person could hear me but I couldnā€™t hear them. I initiated another thread on this elsewhere on the forum. The solution seems to be turning BT off, and then on again.


Doing searches online it doesnā€™t seem like the Pixel 6ā€™s strongpoint was Bluetooth. I suspect a newer phone would do better. If you do get a new phone, Iā€™d make sure it was LE Audio compatible (I donā€™t think the Pixel 6 is)

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Do the Costco Jabra enhance pro20 come with a relcoil option.

If you read the post a few above yours from Alan Friend, it says that only the model that uses replaceable size 13 batteries has a telecoil, and it is bigger than the rechargeable version.

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I have Pixel 4a and itā€™s running Android 14. Try going to your BlueTooth phone settings, disconnect the HA, then wait and connect again. Looks like BlueTooth on phone does not appear to persist the connection to the HA over days. So perhaps on your phone disconnect then connect your HA will restore the full functionality?

Iā€™ve been using the new Jabra Pro 20ā€™s for a week now, but I also kept my 10ā€™s to see which I would like better. I knew I was going to have to make a difficult choice when the rep told me the 20ā€™s (battery version) were fatter due to the the larger battery. Sure enough, I donā€™t like the size, but the bluetooth connection is quite a bit better. The 20s seem to handle some sounds a bit better than the 10ā€™s, but that is not playing into my decision. I also donā€™t care about the telecoil feature on the 20s.

At first I was using the LE connection on my Sasumg Flip 5, but it was a disaster. Any time I made a call, the people on the other end could only hear what sounded like clicking. They couldnā€™t hear me at all. So I turned that off and things are running fine.

Iā€™m still in my return window. Iā€™m going to keep trying to get used to the size of the 20s and will likely return my 10ā€™s. Having the good bluetooth connection will probably win out over wearing bulky hearing aids. I do hope that future Jabra battery versions will get smaller though.

Telecoil style aids give longer battery life. For me, thatā€™s worth the added bulk. But I have a different brand and theyā€™re rechargeables, so this may not applyā€¦ I never use telecoil per se.

I have the Jabra EP 20ā€™s, and a Samsung Galaxy A54 that has Android 14, Bluetooth 5.3 and LE Audio, but it does not stream audio correctly for phone calls nor music, the voice is all garbled. But I have successfully streamed audio with my iPad and my wifeā€™s Galaxy S24+. So one canā€™t say that just because a phone has LE Audio is will properly stream audio.

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Interesting. Wonder if it is a bug in the update with the A54.

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What update? The A54 has not been updated to UI 6.1.

At least on the S23 the capability came with 6.0. Perhaps that version has a problem on the A54? Hard to say. If you know someone with an S23 or 24, you could find out.

On my second pair of HA in 3 1/2 years. Costco Resound Jabra enhance pro 20.
Old one where Preza. Also Costco. The hear in nose is so much better! Also I had the fitter change the settings so I could narrow the band manually or set it to auto
Watch app.
My old watch app for resound Preza had one level for volume, and you could pick what program. The enhance Pro app shows volume levels for each ear and program for each ear. I was able to set one program to here ā€œin noiseā€ and the other one to ā€œall aroundā€. Do think itā€™s actually doing that? Anybody else with that app see the same thing? It seems odd they would do that especially when I canā€™t do that on the phone. I like them overall maybe because I went from open to closed dome.

Well after I set the aids to different programs on my Apple Watch my phone app showed this screens.

I canā€™t figure out how to do this on the phone but Iā€™m Not sure why I would want to do it.

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It should not be doing that. On my Android Iā€™ve only had that happen to Bluetooth and one of the program modes, in which case stopping is starting Bluetooth would have fixed it. But this is not your case. Have you tried stopping and starting the app again. Or maybe even rebooting the machine?

Yes itā€™s odd. I just checked it again and the phone screen shows it splitting into two when you tap the different programs on the watch. Then the phone will switch back to the last program tapped on the watch. The watch still shows the split but the phone no longer shows it that way. I guess I could test it by putting only one ear piece in and checking the programs. Canā€™t really tell when both aids are on.

It looks like the watch says you can do it and the phone app says you canā€™t but recognizes it. At least for a short time.
So whoā€™s in control? :thinking:

ā€œSo whoā€™s in control ā€œ
I did some testing and found that the watch will Bluetooth to the HA with the phone app off. Then when I open the phone app it shows the split and I can adjust both volume separately ( on the phone) Then if I change the program on the phone it will take over with the watch only doing volume. If both watch and phone app is open then changing programs on the watch even if they are different it will set both to the last one tap (base on tones in both ear telling me which program Iā€™m in) but will show different programs running. Definitely something wrong with this app. But I am curious if anyone else has the same experience.

I started wearing hearing aids in Feb 2024, starting with the Jabra Enhance Pro 20. Iā€™m now on my third pair. It seems that they have been regularly failing every few weeks, first one side, then the other. The failure mode seems to be one or more of the microphones (there are two on the body, and one in the ear) start to go out and eventually fail completely. Jabra replaces the unit with a new one without comment.

Has anyone else been experiencing failures of the units? Iā€™m guessing that since this is a new model Jabra is having startup problems with quality control.and such. When the hearing aids work they are great. I would love to hear from Jabra directly to see what they are doing to resolve this problem and whether it is worth persisting until they fix it. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to contact them directly, and dealing with Costco adds an extra layer of bureaucracy between me and the manufacturer.

I have had Jabra 20s since late February and have brought them in twice for what seems to be problems with the right aidā€™s microphones (I do not have the microphones in ears). Both times Costco sent them in and each time they came back working Ok. Second time the aids were replaced. I am concerned about long term reliability, but I do generally like the hearing aids.

I bought my Jabra EP 20s about the same time and I have the M&RIE Receivers too. I have been fortunate and have not had any issues thus far except for having to get a receiver wire replaced onceā€¦ They replace both as a precaution. It was probably due to the way I pull the tight power domes out of my ears. I have a hard time pulling just on the receivers themselves so I tug on the wires. I too really enjoy mine and Iā€™m very happy with the sound. I use mine with Android and have good stability with the default ASHA protocol.