Costco Philips HearLink 9050 fitted using the new Act (Audible Contrast Threshold) Software

It looks like many people are now using the new 9050’s. Brian, a Costco Hearing Specialist, states on his videos that the 9050’s can be fitted the new Audible Contrast Threshold test - also known as ACT, ACT is a revolutionary diagnostic test, that measures a persons real-world ability to hear in noise, and predicts their ability to understand and isolate speech from background noise. It scores from -4 to 16 with 16 worst. Brian does some of the best hearing aid videos that I have seen. Plus, as a Costco hearing employee, he also wears hearing aids.

I called the two Costcos near me an neither if them are using this test to fit the 9050’s and they have no idea if or when they will get it. I currently have KS10 hearing aids and really struggle with background noise. I went for several adjustments and was told that they can not fix this.

Some reviews of the 9050’s and the Jabea Enhance Pro 20’s have said they have seen pretty drastic improvments with back noise.

I am wondering how important it is to get the 9050’s fitted with the ACT test results and how many of the new users of them had this test done. Thanks–

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Interesting. I have an appointment in 2 weeks time at Costco to be tested for the 9050’s, so will make enquiries. I have the KS10’s and also struggle with backgound noise. As they are new, the audiologist has not fitted many of the Philips so far, so as good as she is, I don’t know if she will be familiar ACT.

ACT tests require more modern audiometers that are compatible with them, and also a license to operate it. Audiometers are not cheap so the less modern non-ACT-compatible ones cannot just readily be replaced on a dime just so that the ACT test can be added to the mix.


Good info Valusiano. Thanks–

If thats the case I’m guessing that none of the Costcos can perform the ACT test. It sounds like a pretty important test for those of us that have issues hearing in noisy situations. It might reduce the number of customers returning to Costco for adjustments. I had my KS10’s adjusted at lease a half dozen times for this problem, without success, until Costco gave up and told me that I will never be able to hear with noise.

I wouldn’t think to much into this test, it’s not like your going to magically hear in noisy environments, so your not missing much.

Barry - Please let me know in this thread how it goes for you. I am really really interested on your switch from KS10’s to the 9050’s. Thanks–


I use the VA for my hearing aids, and was fitted with the Oticon Intent (similar to the 9050).
The VA follows best practices with REM, and trained audiologists testing and fitting HAs.
None of the audis’ at the Long Beach, CA clinic (one of the largest) has even heard of the ACT Test!
You’ll never see it used at Costco imho.
Not sure if Philips fitting software has the new patient questionnaire but Oticon has it, and answering questions about your hearing supposedly gets you in the ballpark.
The VA doesn’t even use that tool, because they rely on testing, REM, and patient feedback for best results.

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I’ve been wearing 9050s for a week now. I had previously worn 9040s and KS10s. I returned the 9040s for the 9050s and seem to be hearing substantially better in noisy situations. I was out to dinner in a noisy restaurant and could follow the conversation at our table. I am asking people to repeat themselves less. I still struggle with soft voices, and during my follow-up next week, I will ask if there is an adjustment. Voices also sound more natural to me.

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After I returned my 9040s, I had to wait several weeks for the 9050s to come in. During that time, I wore my KS10s. The only benefit to the KS10s is that it is much easier to swap back and forth between Bluetooth devices. I can switch back and forth between my iPad and iPhone streaming to the 9050s without any issues. But if I want to you the Hearing link phone app, I have to go into the Bluetooth settings on the iPad first and manually disconnect my hearing aids. If my iPad is not nearby, I have to power cycle my phone. The 9050s provide better hearing in noisy situations, sound more natural, and have a much longer battery life than with the KS10s.


great info DrBob. Thank you for responding. A little disappointing about the Bluetooth. I currently use my KS10’s with my laptop, phone, and TV. Have a Samsung TV that is about a year old and they connected right to it. When using them with my laptop and I get a text on my phone the laptop sound stops and then restarts over and over until I refresh. A minor inconvienence. Thanks again

My Fort Myers store did not have the equipment to do the ACT test. So, I asked them to ask the higher ups to see if they could do, it and they told me they would email me when they could do the test. I suspect I’ll be waiting a long time, but if enough people ask to have the ACT test perhaps Costco will get it.

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Does the 9050 have the tapping feature like the KS10 that answers the phone and/or pauses music streaming? I just bought the Rexton Reach but Í have to use the app for streaming.

You don’t actually need the App to stream, what phone do you have, LE Audio is needed for hands free, you need to be sure that your phone has this latest feature, plus has your Reach got the latest firmware for LE Audio.


There is a tap twice to answer the phone. I haven’t tried using it to control streaming. But I will check.


Thanks for the quick reply Bob.
My phone is an iPhone 13. I can tap the right button to answer and hang up the phone but I have to go to the streaming app to pause and restart streaming.
If the 9050 has a tap or even button feature for controlling streaming I’m well within my 180 day return period on the Reach

I had the KS10 and now have the 9040. I have an iPhone and and iPad. The KS10 was much less reliable than the 9040 for switching when streaming. The 9040 senses which Apple device is nearest the hearing aids and connects to it automatically when there is need for streaming. I much prefer the way that the 9040 connects.

Thanks for the info. Can you control the streaming from the ha with a tap or push button? I don’t like having to dg out my phone every time I want to pause a podcast or music.


I’m glad to hear it works better for you than it did for me. One of my problems was getting them to disconnect from my iPad so that I could use the phone app. Oddly enough they would stream from the phone but I couldn’t use the app, even if my iPad was miles away. My only solution was to restart my phone.


Dan, not to the best of my knowledge. My main use of streaming through the HAs is for watching videos, so I automatically have the device right in front of me.