Costco Kirkland Signature 9.0 (Product Information)

Yes - that’s exactly the procedure I followed - Step 1, 2 & 3 all look good, the blinking blue lights come on, just nothing happens after that. I cleared the existing Bluetooth phone pairing on the aids as well, just in case that was blocking it, but made no difference. I tried a few times, but will try again just to make sure…Thinking about it, if the remote did take up the 1 Bluetooth slot, then the phone cannot be used without forgetting the pairing to the remote. Such a shame the remote doesn’t work like the ones for the Brio 3/Belong aids - a faultless solution…

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I hoped it was like the TV connector. Not taking a space.
I suspect it is part of the Phonak Marvel 2.0 firmware update.

Does Costco sell the Phonak PilotOne II remote? My Costco said they did not see it on the options list.
Also does it have to be programmed by Costco to work with the KS9"s?

Is the Kirkland 9.0 essentially a Phonak Marvel 90 non-rechargeable? It appears to have the same number of channels, features, etc.

I don’t remember Costco selling the PilotOne2.
The only additional device for the KS9 aids is the TV Connector, as far as I know.

The KS9 aids are very similar to the Audeo M90 aids less a few features, like Roger, PartnerMic, 2 Bluetooth pairings, tinnitus masking and probably a couple more things I am not remembering.

Thanks, I had to have my KS7’s repaired and they gave me a pair of KS9’s to use while mine were being repaired. It would be nice to have the remote but I think I could live without it. The KS9’s seemed like quite an upgrade from my KS7’s.

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I just upgraded my Rexton 42s with KS9s and they are spectacular! Much more clarity and sharpness, plus I can now pair them with my Android phone and the TV connector I bought for an extra $99. It’s great to have phone calls come right into my HAs and the TV sound in my HAs is in stereo and also great. So I was able to discard my old RA hookup with headphones for TV listening. And no more need for subtitles.


Yes, the KS8’s are also quite an upgrade from the KS7’s. Same brand but a newer generation of technology in the KS8’s. The upgrade if any from the KS8 to KS9 is harder to see. The advantage is more of a price reduction, and android capability. It will be interesting to see what Costco pulls out of the hat for the KS10’s. Not sure their pattern of $100 per generation price reduction along with an upgrade in technology is sustainable… But, who knows. They obviously offer manufacturers an opportunity to sell a huge number of aids, and there is still a juicy markup in the pricing.


I was quite impressed with the KS9’s over my KS7’s. Thinking very seriously about upgrading soon.

If no physical remote is available, I am wondering whether I could put the “Remote” app on a very inexpensive Android watch. Has anyone tried that or thought about it? Maybe that would be equally distracting but maybe not.

How many manual programs do you have? I have one extra, plus the TV streamer when it’s on. I’ve managed to remember the beep codes, so I just cycle through them with the buttons on the aids themselves.

Bob, can you elaborate on this a bit. How do you tell from the beeps which program you are in without having to pull out your cell phone to start up and study the “Remote” app?

Each of the manual presets has a unique tone. So, first one beeps once. Second twice. Third, three times. TV connector has its own beep. To cycle through them, just hold the top button on the hearing aid down for a long press, until you hear the beep code. Memorize the order they are in and you are good to go.


And they’re in the same order as they are when you look at them in the myPhonak app. It’s a piece of cake! :nerd_face:


Thank you, uburoibob and TraderGary for those tips! That is very helpful in my efforts to wean myself as much as possible away from having to rely on the phone app.
Also, since the little Phonak physical remote apparently won’t work with the KS9s, I wonder whether I could install the HA’s Android version of the app to a low-end WearOS wristwatch. Up until now, I was never interested in one of those, but maybe it would serve as a small physical remote? Hmm?

On another topic, my custom molds from CostCo seemed to fit fine when I got them around Thanksgiving, but with the colder weather now the canal lock on my left mold seems to want to pop partway out of the canal after I insert them snugly, resulting in occasional feedback. My right mold, including the canal lock, still stays in place. I wonder what Costco or Phonak’s position will be on no-charge replacement, since I said they worked fine after they moved me back from P to M receivers. If necessary, it will be worth it to me to pay the $40 to get the left one re-made.

You just need to ask.
I suspect they will fix you right up.

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Yes, I also believe that they should take care of you. Molds come with a 3-year warranty too. I received mine a few weeks ago. The audi specified canal guards but they came without. He said not to worry as they would remake them if either fail to stay in place while still in warranty. Mine stay tight so far. I live in Canada. It dropped to -17C this morning (Oops, +1F).
BTW, why did you switch back to M-receivers? Do they work better?

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Either she didn’t tell Phonak I had just been switched up to Ps or they decided Ms would be more suitable for me. She tried squeezing the (larger outside diameter) Ps into their newly made (smaller inside diameter) SlimTips but too much stuck out which resulted in high-pitched feedback every time I got within a foot of any large object and so she put the Ms back in and re-set my KS9s to accommodate. One of the experienced members here on the forum looked at my chart and my understanding is that he felt I would do well with the Ms at their upper limits and could always be switched back to the Ps when and if my hearing further deteriorated, and he posted charts to support that reasoning. So far that has proved to be correct and I can hear and understand my sig/other’s high-pitched soft female voice as well with the Ms as I did with the Ps.

The M receivers should fit your loss just fine not that the P receivers wouldn’t work as well. They are very similar in gain (5 dB difference) but the P is a larger receiver physically.

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