Costco Kirkland Signature 7.0 (Product Information)

If i am right in believing the KS7 is basically the Trax 42 re branded and the Cala 8 is the Resound Linx2 re branded? ( to compete with the lost trade as costco KS7 is not a resound device) then i have comparisons between the trax 42 (KS7) and the Resound ALera (KS5) and Linx1 (KS6) and the Linx2, for anyone that would like the report.

Regards Ian

(all be it with

I’m curious about this, and I’m guessing other people are, too. I’d encourage you to post it. Thank you!

I agree - very much interested.

I’m ordering the KS7s today, so I assume I’ll get an appointment for an initial fitting. (I’ve already had the audiology exam etc.)

Does anybody have information about the KS7s re available features, etc.?

People here seem to be saying they’re a slightly downgraded version of the Signia Pure Primax 7px. I checked these out in Connexx. Wow; what a lot of programs, features, bells, whistles! I’m hoping to have some idea about this so I can talk with the audi/HAD at Costco when she sets them up.

So, does anybody know more exactly about the KS7? Or can I just rely on what I’ve found out from Connexx and the spec sheet?

Thanks in advance, and I’ll get back with whatever I find out as the process unfolds.

I have been away from this forum for a few weeks, and find this thread very interesting, to put it mildly.

I’m wearing my first HAs, Rexton Trax 42s from Costco about a month ago. I strongly suspect they’ll be going back, and my next trial with be the KS 7.0s. I’m a little miffed the Costco fitter (and Costco by extension) for never having hinted about the timing of my purchase relative to this model change. I presume they won’t be surprised by a surge in returns. It must be built into their pricing schemes.

Question - does anyone have insight into whether another model will use #13 batteries? I’m getting just over 2 weeks on a set of #13 batteries, so it’s not a big issue if the 312s need more frequent changing. I can buy a lot of batteries for $900.


Yes well I ordered them and they said they haven’t fitted any yet. But they’re pretty much the same as the Trax 42s, they said, so they don’t think it will be a big mystery.

I’m sorry they have the 312 batteries, but on the other hand I’ve never found changing batteries all that onerous. 5 to 7 days, they said, but if the KS7s are based on a new chip then maybe those predictions aren’t so reliable. I get them in two weeks so I’ll find out.

As for getting a bunch of returns I wonder if that’s so. I’d be surprised if they have a lot of customers who are going to know the KS7s are the same, or even maybe better. And those customers have already rejected, or been steered away from, the Kirkland Signature brand.

And you know just in passing they are so unbelievably nice, and so very chill, at the Costco clinic.

They would 't have known.

On the Signature 7 portal, they have videos showing placing a magnet on your phone handset to activate XPhone when you place the handset to your ear? I would think this is for phones that are not BT enabled? The video shows the battery on an iPhone which is BT, so a little confused? Surely you don’t need a magnet on your phone if it’s BT?

I’d’ be interested in your comparisons. I was just fitted with Cala 8’s

Let me apology in advance 1 week at trying to absorb as much info as possible. Is Costco Kirkland 7.0 a new issue if not what date was it put into service? Is it a quad core/ Not sure what Premium TruCore performance means will it work well for 250hz-15db… 500-20… 1k-40… 2k 56… 3k-50… 4k-60r L80db… 6k-70r L85… 8k-80r L90
wrs 96@ 65r- 96@65 L I do have tinnitus thanks for any help

Please don’t double post, mdtx2.

Hello. I purchased my first pair of hearing aids, Rexton XM42, three weeks ago. I’m catching up on the new Kirkland 7.0’s with interest. I’ve been comparing the spec sheets for the 7.0s ( with the Signia Pure primax (Signia - WSAUD -) and it seems that they are identical in most, if not all, respects.
Does anyone have a pointer to the Rexton 42 data sheet? I’m curious if the hardware is identical across all the sub-brands.

Does anyone have a pointer to the Rexton 42 data sheet? I’m curious if the hardware is identical across all the sub-brands.

This is where I got the Trax 42 data sheet.


I’m curious what you mean by this question. (And curious about the answer, too!)

So how close is the KS 7 to the Trax 42? The data sheets are pretty much identical, except the KS7 has a “TruCore Platform,” while the Trax 42 has “QuadCore Platform.” The KS 7 has these magical features, too, while the Trax 42 does not: Voice Ranger, Reverb Reducer, XPhone, and Music Enhancer. (Which all sound like good things!)

The KS7 is an improved version of the Trax 42. It’s the first product based on Rexton’s new technology platform TruCore (also known as 6c). Trax 42 runs on the older QuadCore (4c) platform.

Does anyone know whether the Directional iLock and Mic-Pattern Adjustment features are any better on the Signature 7 than they are on the Trax 42? The Trax 42 only work very well for me in noisy environments when I use the Smart Connect, with the microphone span set to the narrowest possible setting, in the Smart Connect app. This exact setting, according to my Costco fitter and his Rexton rep, is not available directly as a setting or program in the aids - only through the app. This means that I not only have to wear the Smart Connect, but also keep resetting the span, as the aids drop that setting any time they detect a change in the nearby noise.

This is so frustrating - I know the aids can do just what I want, but only in a way that’s really not very convenient to use.

If the Signature 7 lets me get this setting without using the Smart Connect, I’d seriously consider getting a pair, even though my current Trax 42s are under a year old. But looking at the manual online, they look identical to the Trax.

If anyone knows about this, please do let us know. Thanks.

Your Costco fitter can program the rocker switch on your Trax 42 to control the microphone pattern. This will allow you to adjust the focus without using the Smart Connect app. But the mic-pattern feature is designed as a temporary override of the automatic program and will drop out after a period of time. Switch to the Noise/Party program if you need to stay in directional mode for longer.

I’m just beginning my journey into the land of hearing aids. Test drove some KS7’s at the local Costco the other day. Wow. Amazed at what I’ve been missing.
The other day I tried out the Resounds Cala 8’s, liked them as well, and better yet-- built in BT. That fits my lifestyle much better. Too bad the KS6’s are no longer available. I would have snapped them up right away.

I’ve been doing my due diligence research (this forum has invaluable in that regard).
Today came across an ad from They are offering Resound LiNX2 9’s for $2,195. That is $400 less than Costco.
They do not appear to be an internet only operation either, as there are two offices in my town.

Has anyone heard of this company or had experience with them?

I like the folks at Costco, and appreciate Costco’s efforts to make hearing aids affordable. And want to get the best value for my money.

My Costco fitter told me the only reason the Cala 8 is more expensive than the KS 7 is because Resound lost the contract for the KS 6 replacement, so not giving Costco as good a deal. Makes sense when you think about the Trax 42 were selling for much more than the KS 7 which is basically the same thing. I have the KS 6 about 90 days into my 180 day trial. I went into check out the KS 7, but the lack of BT support without and intermediary device was a non-starter for me. I stream phone calls all day long and not going to keep up and charge another device.

By the time my KS 6 need to be replaced, BT will be in all the devices.