Costco Canada KS9 & Brio 4 - Roger?

BTW… anyone know the approximate USD new retail price of the Roger Select IN? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

It can vary tremendously. I’ve seen from as low as $1100 to $2000 or so. Buying a non iN Select and 2 Roger X receivers NEW is likely a minimum of $1600. Used you could likely get under $1000.

Select does work OK as a TV connector - I don’t use it that way but I did test it out and it was OK. I’m pretty sure all the Roger stuff - that has a charging base - pen & clip-on mic- works the same way and they all can double as a TV connector. I paid $1250 for the Select IN but have seen it for less. Beware of used ones, they might not still have the receivers.

Hi all, I’m reviving this thread because it’s only very recently that I was able to travel and see my father in person to finally get his HA’s set up with the Select In microphone. I found a new one on eBay purporting to have both licenses/receivers. This was last December. It sat in the box until now. My father has the Kirkland Brio 4 ITE model HAs… which are Phonak Direct capable. BUT… I cannot get them to pair with the Select In. I’m wondering if I bought a “too good to be true” deal, and in fact the licenses had already been taken from it?

When I press the tiny little install button with the tool provided, the little LED on the bottom flashes Green 2 times… which according to the instructions means there are 2 receivers. However, I’m wondering if I’m interpreting this incorrectly… a s in it mean the 2 receivers have already been transferred … rather than 2 AVAILABLE to be transferred? See attached … from the datasheet that was in the box… a short press of the install button shows one of 3 situations, and my Select In blinks green 2x… the top option:

Is it the Phonak Brio 4 ITE 10 battery? I believe that is not wireless so the Roger won’t work?

Just researched on Google. I think the Brio 4 aids needs a firmware update before RogerDirect will work from looking at threads on this forum.

Hmmm, they were purchased a few months after that date, so I would think they would already have the latest firmware. Also, my Dad already lost one, which has been replaced so it would be even newer. He does use Bluetooth with his mobile, and the myPhonak app, so if that is indicative of the latest firmware then these should be good to go.

I would be pretty surprised if an ITE were Roger iN compatible. I’ve been mistaken before, but if indeed you have Brio 4 ITE (and not BTE) I’d confirm that they indeed are Roger compatible.

Hi, definitely ITE… and I’m 99% sure they are the Brio 4 I-312 model (need to ask my Dad)… which is supposed to have everything.

Agreed if it’s Brio 4 I-312 it should work. Confirming that they have up to date firmware is decent idea. I agree with your interpretation of the 2 green lights to mean the receivers really were included.

Don’t the licenses have to be transferred to the aids?

Exactly :wink: But that is what appears to not be working… but it could be I’m doing something wrong. Not sure what though.

@WestEndBob has successfully set up his KS9 aids with Roger iN.
Maybe he can chime in on this thread.

Fingers crossed. My Dad is travelling out to see me next week, so I’m hopeful we can get this sorted out.

Have you got your Dad’s hearing aids with you? You’ll need to have your Dad’s HAs next to the Select to transfer the licenses.

I’m just confused when you say your Dad is travelling to see you next week which makes me think you haven’t got the HAs with you.


Lol, I can see why that would be confusing :-). No, I do not have his HAs with me. Last week I travelled to see him, attempted to pair the Select and failed. I’m back home now, trying to figure it out on this forum in prep for him coming to visit me next week. So then I can try pairing again…


Is your Dad able to send a picture of a pack of his hearing aid batteries so you can confirm if they are the ITE aids that’ll work with the Select iN?

Size 10 batteries means they won’t work.
Size 312 batteries means they will work.

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Will do, they aren’t home at the moment. But hopefully later today they can take a photo.

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Yup… 312’s

That’s good news that it’s the 312’s.

You probably are already aware but are you trying to transfer the licenses one at a time, so have 1 x HA already turned off so it can only find 1 x HA at a time?

I installed the licenses from the Roger X cubes, which is a different process than using an iN device I’m afraid, so I can’t offer any direct advice. I do know there is a Phonak pdf with precise instructions on how to transfer from an iN device. If you don’t have that, I can dig around and see if I can find it for you. Good luck with it, as it really is great using Roger with the KS9/Brio4 aids.

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