Connexx 8 "fatal error"

I’m trying to get a new Connexxlink set up. I have the software installed, and the Connexxlink device appears to communicate with the Bluetooth OK.

When I try to “detect hearing instruments”, the Connexxlink display goes blank for several seconds, than the program freezes, and displays “Application Error An exception has occurred. The application is shutting down. Please contact the hotline for support.” The program then closes completely.

Just discovered, this happens only with the left aid, Using just the right one, the program detects the aid, and appears to work. When the left one is included, or tried separately, I get the above fatal error. Another odd thing, is that the program seems to think the left and right are switched!

Anyone using Connexxlink have any words of wisdom?

Setup of the Connexx program was a bit confusing. I am using a CD from Signia, Connexx 8.2.7. The setup program did not install an icon on the desktop (Win 10), so I am guessing that the correct executable is ShsFit.exe, as this seems to launch the Connexx software. Again, any insight would be appreciated!

I would normally recommend that you start off with Connexx8.2.10/SiFit8.2.10 and then use Update Manager to bring it current. The installation creates icons in the Start Menu, not the Desktop. Or, you could try using Update Manager to bring your 8.2.7 version current.

Clickable links in next 2 lines:> Self-Programming-Help, Fitting-Software
My Wife’s Audiogram, w/AudeoQ- My Audiogram, w/Alta, Agil, Epoq, AudeoYes, Live, Chili

I think I may have identified my problem. The right aid may be “locked”.

I see in Connexx ( there is a check box available under “User Preferences/Workflow” titled “Password Protection” which says “Use standard password for hearing instrument protection (up to 6 digits allowed (0-9)).”

Has anyone else had this issue?

It doesn’t seem likely that a password protection feature would cause the fitting software to have a blank display for several seconds, then freeze, then display "Application Error An exception has occurred. The application is shutting down”.

I think if you detect the right hearing aid/HA and the software thinks it is switched that means it was last programmed as the left HA.

Are you using Connexx 8.2.7 from a CD from Signia? Or, Connexx ( from a download? Or did you use both? Either way you should get current updates using Update Manager.

You should say what model hearing aids/HAs? What is the historyof the HAs? Previously working? Bought from ebay?

Thanks for the help!!

The software is Connexx 8.2.7 installed from a Signia CD, then updated using the update manager to

HA’s are Signia Pure 7px purchased from and programmed by local Audiologist, about 2 weeks ago.

Connexxlink was purchased from The Hearing Club, in a sealed box from Siemens.

I agree that this seems an ungraceful way for the software to respond to password protection, but at the moment that seems like a fair guess. I will find out for sure when I visit my Audiologist again.

The left aid is recognized with no issues. The right aid causes the software to return the error message, and then shut down. I think the software gets stuck waiting for a valid response, but doesn’t ever get one because of the password issue.

Both aids are working normally, with no issues.

My intent is to let the audiologist do most of the setup and fine tuning, but then do any final tweaking and future changes myself. I am quite comfortable with both the hardware and software aspects of HA’s, and have no problem with the inevitable learning curve!

Some audiologists will be friendly with self-adjusters and even give you advice. Did your audiologist use Connexxlink or a Hi-Pro to program these?

Hi-Pro I believe.

I dunno? Connexx is up-to-date. The software should just say no response from HA, not fatal error. Also, why would your Audi lock one hearing aid and not the other. It doesn’t make sense. Bring your Connexxlink with you at you next Audi visit, just in case.

Yikes $500 for a Connexxlink!! Oh well, to each his own.

Hmmmmm, your hearing aid is real close (10 inches or less distance) from your Connexxlink, right? Also note that while Connexx is exchanging data with the hearing aids via ConnexxLink, the display is turned off.

If we can’t find an answer maybe you can say to your Audi that you believe one of your hearing aids is defective in that if fails to communicate wirelessly to your Connexxlink. If your Audi proves that it is not defective then your Audi’s proof-process should provide an answer to your problem.

I agree, it seems likely I am dealing with one aid that is putting out gibberish that confuses the software. I’m tempted to set the lock on the good one, to find out how the system responds. but not quite brave enough to do that… at least not yet! A bad device seems more likely.

I definitely will go over this with my Audi. As you say, we’ll either establish it’s bad or figure out why not and get it to work. Self programmability is on of the must have features. No connect, no sale.

Thanks again for your thoughts!

I definitely will go over this with my Audi. As you say, we’ll either establish it’s bad or figure out why not and get it to work. Self programmability is on of the must have features. No connect, no sale.

Silly… or he could say you broke it you bought it.

So, if he uses his equip and has no problem you want him to spend time troubling your problem?

Yep, exactly, that’s what we want. Why? Because we can.

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Well if he wants to spend the $$$ and time go for it…

But, expecting his AuD to spend time bailing him out?

What’s wrong with that? You expect ppl should just sit quietly and pay Mega-$$$ for new hearing aids without push-back? I don’t think so.

If when he takes his aids to the AuD and if the AuD has no problem connecting with his equip then the problem isn’t the AuDs.
If the AuD has the same problem then it is on AuD.

Expecting the AuD to connect questionable equip to his system and/or trouble shoot the users Connexx/equip problem is way out line…

He simply need to know if the hearing aid in question can connect wirelessly to a connexxlink wireless programming system. Any Connexxlink.

Try reducing the distance between Connexxlink and the HAs. Put the Connexxlink down on your desk, not around your neck. Take the HA out of your ear and place it right next to the ConnexxLink (about one inch away). Retry the wireless communications.

Good suggestion, I have been doing that, and tried several different configurations. The issue is very consistent, right aid only. Left works exactly as it should.

The more I experiment, the more it looks like a bad signal coming from the right aid. I believe it is communicating, but not correctly, and the Connexxlink and software can’t make sense of it, so they give the fatal error message and shut down.

An interesting sidelight is that the serial number of the apparently defective aid is about 1/2 that of the good one. Possibly a return, recycled since it will program just fine with cables, but not with Connexxlink.

Thanks very much for your inputs, all positive. (Don’t bother feeding the trolls, they thrive on it!)

I don’t mind Doc Jake’s comments. In fact I appreciate his different perspective.

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Yes, I’ll try to be open minded!

Still playing around; I think the Connexxlink may be working more consistently since I’ve moved it away from my PC and wireless router etc.

I’ve found that when only the right aid is placed in the Connexxlink antenna loop, and the left aid is moved several feet away, the software does recognize the right aid, but returns an error message, shown below, and will not go any farther. The only choice is to cancel without connecting.

The error message displayed says
“A right receiver is connected to the left hearing instrument. To continue, replace the receiver or connect the hearing instrument to the right programmer.”

For whatever reason, the software is identifying the right aid as a left one with the wrong (right hand) receiver attached. Are there left and right HA bodies? I would have expected the bodies to be identical, being differentiated by which receiver is attached. Apparently not so? They appear outwardly identical, but apparently the software thinks it’s wrong. I can see that this would be an issue with wireless, but with a wired connection, the hardware senses which cable the device connected to.

At least this is one step beyond the “Fatal Error”.:confused: