Code to program NHS Oticon Engage?

There are users on Google Play that have left comments that they can do all these wonderful streaming things with Samsung phones with OTICON ON and Engage P’s.
My Audi said that there will be an update to Oticon ON next March that will fix this.
March? it’s November? I think she was winding me up.
I really don’t want to lay out for a new phone right now…

I keep asking everyone I meet if their phone is Android 13 so I can try it.
So far I havent found anyone yet!
Tempted to go into a phone shop and try, pretending to buy…

Oticon Engage are MFi - made for iPhone so they can only stream calls and music from an iPhone.
You can get either get a ConnectClip to connect to and Android phone or get a 2nd hand iPhone.
Check with your NHS audiologist if they have a ConnectClip you can try.

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Hi Rob and Zebra
This is really annoying!
Maybe I’ll buy an old IPhone then for the time being.
What’s the minimum spec Iphone that will work properly with these Engage P’s?

Hello everyone. can anyone share the key code for oticon engage P with me ?
thank you

The Engage new instrument code is


thank you very much. I was going to install it, but I lost my chance to win a cheap enggage because I thought too long. hopefully there will be more. :grin:

Hi @rob.s
I can’t send you a pm but do you still have a link to the software for an Oticon Engage at all?

Are you looking for a link to the program, or the code to access the HAs once the program is installed?


Hi. Where type this code in genie2?
Help me

This is the code to add a new instrument which is all I did to get the NHS provided Engage working. It’s NOT the password (which seems to be purely a number) I didn’t need to enter a password. Hope that helps.

Hi. I would love to have a copy of NHS genie software for engage. Thanks alot


Plz Can u help me ?

I m looking for :

  • The Code of Oticon Spirit II D .
  • The Code of Oticon Spirit Zest C SP .

to program them by using Genie and Hipro .

M Satoot

Thanks for this - incredibly helpful link.

I’m trying to work out if I can get rechargeable batteries (and a charger) for my Oticon Engage BTEs. I’m blown away by the improvement over my old HAs. And I work in audio!

They’re the new BT LE Audio spec. Which is very exciting - lots to read up on and mull over here.

I’m waiting for a small 3.5mm minijack transmitter to come out - (hopefully) to add to recording devices’ headphone out socket so I can do away with my headphones when field recording. That would be my holy grail.

So are the ones I’ve just been given, Oticon Engage BTEs ‘that’ old?
i.e., best to avoid the rechargeable retrofit?

And… I’m guessing that the Genie 2 software is PC only? No joy for the mac users?

Correct on the pc situation. There are some who use simulation to run these but I’d be hesitant to be doing these operations to your expensive HAs in that kind of configuration.

Can’t speak to the value of your HAs. Comes down more to what works for an individual. Unless it breaks and you can’t get parts etc., if it works for you…


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Thanks @Zebras

Do you have any experience of the latest models?

Rob.S I have just joined and would like to PM you re the link but I can’t see how to do it. could you PM me, please and I may hen be able to reply ? Mike